rise of empire total war

Chapter 435 Before the War

Chapter 435 Before the War

"Fortifications! Compact the earthen wall in front of you, this will save your lives!"

On the defensive position of the [-]rd Brigade of the [-]nd Army, soldiers wearing only single clothes held iron tools and struggled to increase the height of the earth wall in front of them or flatten the soil surface. Behind them, several officers took turns patrolling While listening, encourage them with words.

This is the Akas Highland north of Slade City, and it is also the only way for the coalition forces of the Kingdom of Balaria to reach Slade City. Compared with the surrounding flat land, only this highland is the most suitable There is no other reason for the legion to stick to it. It can weaken the power of the coalition cavalry charge.

In order to further compete with the coalition cavalry, the soldiers of the third brigade dug several trenches in front of the position, and each trench deployed a varying number of line infantry equipped with flintlock guns. Suitable for positional warfare, but the commander of the [-]rd Brigade, Richard Noble, chose to deploy it that way.

Richard Noble is the first batch of students graduating from the Nord Royal Military Academy. Having the same name as Richard caused him a lot of confusion in life, but it also inspired him to work harder and made him dare not let this The holy name was shamed by his actions, so he studied hard in the military academy, and finally graduated successfully with No.1 grades, and was appointed as the temporary commander of the first regiment of the third brigade of the second army, after several years He was also promoted to the third brigade commander.

He has been in the army for several years, and he knows the strength of his own army very well. Needless to say, the line infantry has excellent performance in long-range shooting, but the anti-riding ability is still a bit poor. Although it is equipped with a bayonet bayonet, the musket turns into a long Spears, but before the hollow phalanx formed by the anti-cavalry, the infantry still had to be beaten passively when facing the cavalry.

I forgot to say that forming a hollow phalanx is a necessary subject for every company in training. Its purpose is to prevent the enemy cavalry from charging in wartime. The hollow phalanx formed by the line infantry is like a hedgehog. Which one There are dozens of muskets with shining bayonets on them. These bayonets can deter the horses from retreating. At the same time, the soldiers can also shoot at the enemies in all directions. It can be said that if they are in a tight siege, the hollow phalanx is a better choice.


"How long will it take for the Valencia coalition forces to arrive?" Looking at the busy position, Richard Noble asked his adjutant, who immediately replied: "General, if there are no accidents, they should be there soon." Fight with our army in the next day."

"There is still one day, enough." He calculated in his mind, and then nodded with satisfaction, but then he seemed to remember something, and continued to ask: "What about the servant army and the Swachic army arranged on the flanks?" ? How are they doing?"

"Nothing changed, but..."

"But what?"

"The Swachic army is simply a mob. In just a few days, there were dozens of fights in their barracks, and many soldiers sneaked out to steal and rob nearby village chiefs. If This is what the soldiers of our army said, and they were arrested by the gendarmerie long ago and brought to a military court!"

Nobo also heard about this matter, but because it was the army of the Swachitch, it was inconvenient for him to ask. Now hearing what his adjutant said, he could only smile helplessly and said: "Musiru, there is no way around this. There are not many troops who obey military discipline like our army, and this is one of the reasons why our army's combat effectiveness is stronger than theirs."

"Yes." The adjutant nodded in agreement, but he had a new question, he asked: "General, I was thinking, is the Swachizi army reliable? If they retreat without authorization during a war, our army may will be implicated."

"That's a problem." Nobo frowned slightly, with his arms crossed over his chest. The Swachizi soldiers looked very unreliable. If they really retreated without authorization and sold them during the war, his brigade would in trouble.

After thinking about it, he had an idea, and said, "Musiru, just in case, you take the fifth and sixth brigades of the second regiment and deploy behind the Swachizi to perform the task of supervising the battle. They retreat without authorization and can shoot on the spot, if they are defeated, you can lead two large groups to go up.”

"As ordered, General."


A day later, the allied forces of the Kingdom of Balaria arrived, and their vanguard cavalry also began to fight the carbine cavalry belonging to the third brigade. The army fought back and forth, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

"Run! Reload!"

The commander of the cavalry company shouted loudly, and the knights behind him sped up their horses one after another to distance themselves from the chasing nomadic cavalry. Wet.

Although the carbine is more powerful than a bow and arrow, its accuracy is greatly reduced and its reloading speed is longer. This makes the Winster cavalry suffer a lot when they are engaged in battle. The nomadic cavalry has shot more than five times, and their casualties have risen sharply.

"Stop running, turn around and shoot!"

bang bang bang-

"Charge with sword drawn!"


The sudden turning and shooting caught the chasing nomadic cavalry off guard, and several of them were shot down in an instant. Before the smoke from the carbine cleared, the carbine cavalry with drawn sword roared out of the smoke and entered the nomadic cavalry , When the leading cavalry fell off their horses, the nomadic cavalry reacted quickly and drew their sharp sabers to fight, and the two sides immediately fell into hand-to-hand combat.From time to time, people screamed and fell off their horses, and the horses without owners escaped from the battle group. In the end, relying on the superiority of numbers, the carbines killed all the nomadic cavalry.

Compared with the nomads who started riding horses from birth, the Winsters' cavalry has no ranks. They can only rely on equipment and numbers to barely win (however, the number of nomadic cavalry employed by the coalition is actually more , it was only a small group of strikers fighting the Winsters).

The information brought back by his own cavalry made Richard Noble really unhappy. Unlike the first information he received, the Ballaria coalition added many mercenaries to the original [-]-odd army. The terrifying cavalry alone was enough to make the third brigade tremble.

"Get ready to fight. Our army will face severe challenges in this battle." He said in a low tone. Several regiment commanders and brigade commanders in the camp also looked solemn. The first battle facing the army is also an opportunity to report the effectiveness of the military reform to His Majesty the King.

(End of this chapter)

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