rise of empire total war

Chapter 423 Reinforcements Arrive

Chapter 423 Reinforcements Arrive
"You are welcome. With your assistance, I believe that our army will be able to defeat the Acarnanians as soon as possible and end this war."

"Respected Lord Earl, it is a great honor to fight alongside you. We heard about your deeds when we were still in the training ground. You are the most outstanding general in the kingdom."

The flattery of the three legion commanders made Charles very happy. He laughed, patted each commander on the shoulder respectively, then turned sideways, pointed to the stronghold behind him, and introduced: "This is Amatli The Asian stronghold is also the frontline stronghold of our army. As long as this stronghold is still in the hands of our army, it can always threaten the enemy."

"This stronghold has stored a large amount of food and grass, but it only lacks supplies of gunpowder. Therefore, the privates of the Third Army can only temporarily put down their muskets and replace them with weapons and equipment left by the Acarnanians. Fortunately, you are here They arrived in time and brought us sufficient supplies of ammunition.”

Listening to Charles' introduction, one of the commanders said: "We only heard that the front line is not good, but we didn't expect it to be so bad. Fortunately, we are here, Lord Earl, please rest assured that we will let Ah The Kananians paid a terrible price."

They are very confident, because they are the most qualified commanders selected by the system, and the army under their command is also a new type of army with strong combat effectiveness in the army of the Kingdom of Winster.Although some of the commanders are natives of this world, his command ability is not inferior to others, and the same is true of his loyalty to Richard.Looking at the whole army, this young nobleman named Matthias Horn is the highest among the natives in the army.

"I'm glad you are full of confidence." Charles said with a smile on his face, "Then let's plan the next march. Before you arrive, I have already prepared. Now the Acarnanians The navy and army are defeated and morale is low, and it is a good time for us to attack aggressively."

With that said, Charles led them to the headquarters in the stronghold. In the headquarters of the stronghold, Charles asked someone to spread out a large map with various marks made in ink.He pointed to a point on the map and said, "This is the Amatlia stronghold we are in."

After saying that, his finger slid across the surface of the map, pointing to the Elia stronghold in the southeast of the Amatlia stronghold. The area around the Elia stronghold was heavily circled with red ink, and several other commanders watched He was a little puzzled by his actions, and before they could ask, Charles explained: "According to the report from the scouts, the retreating Acarnanian Alliance army is stationed at this stronghold, and their number is around [-]." Left and right, but most of them are light infantry with light armor or even no armor. In addition to this army, they also have varying numbers of soldiers stationed in various strongholds and towns."

"Although I don't know if the Acarnanians have any reinforcements rushing towards Elia, as long as we capture Elia first, we will be able to grasp the situation on the battlefield. Gentlemen, I believe you can see clearly, To the south of Elia is the population center of the Acarnanian Alliance, and from here, it is less than a week away from their capital, Patri Dawa."

Speaking of this, without Charles continuing to speak, the three commanders understood what he meant, and one of the generals named Rudolf Furba took his words and said: "If our attack speed is too fast, We will be able to conquer Patridava before the arrival of reinforcements from the other three participating city-states, and as long as we control the capital of the Acarnanians, the war will be over."

"That's right." Charles nodded appreciatively.Picking up a pencil (this is a small object invented by Richard) from the table, starting from the stronghold of Amatlia, he drew three marching routes, and the three commanders rushed forward to check.While drawing, Charles said: "In order to successfully take the stronghold of Elia, there will be two legions besieging Elia. Although the Acarnanians can temporarily hinder our offensive with their strong city walls, but Under the bombardment of the new artillery, no matter how strong the city wall is, it will only be broken like paper. To ensure the smooth battle of the Elia stronghold, I will personally lead the headquarters to participate. Who among you volunteers to accompany me? Eat this hard bone?"

As he spoke, he looked up at the three commanders. The latter three looked at each other and were silent for a few seconds. Mathias Horn, a Nord nobleman, volunteered and said, "My lord, I am willing to cooperate." You besieged the stronghold of Elia."

"You?" Charles didn't expect that the commander who was originally from the aboriginal people agreed. He was slightly taken aback, then chuckled, and said, "Okay, General Horne, it's an honor to fight with you."

Then, he turned his attention to the map again, and drew a black line with a pencil in his hand, "To the east of the Amatlia stronghold is a member country of the Acarnanian Alliance. According to the report from the scouts, this is called There is a medium-sized copper mine in the city-state of Brygia, um...General Domenico Valentino." He named the remaining general, "You will command the Fourth Army to capture This is the place.”

"As you order, my lord count."

Nodding, Charles looked at the last person and motioned for him to come closer. Then he drew a black line on the map and said: "General Rudolf Vrba, your duty is to march south and capture the city-state of Osismia. , Then advance along the coast, cooperate with the First Fleet, and fight all the way to Patri Dawa."

"What, what?"

Rudolf Vulba, who was awarded such an important task, was shocked and didn't recover all of a sudden. Seeing him like this, Charles smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, you are not fighting alone. General Sigurd's navy will be at sea. Cover you, and I believe that when you hit Patri Dawa, our army will join you soon."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Rudolph to answer, his face suddenly became serious, and he said: "Gentlemen, this will be the first time you command a battle alone. Please keep the following two points in mind."

Speaking of this, he deliberately paused for a while, and the three new commanders all looked at him seriously and listened carefully to his words.

"First, although each regiment in your army has the ability to fight alone, please try not to divide your troops. Our enemies are not barbarians without wisdom. They are more cunning than you think. Once you divide your troops, it is very likely All were broken.

Second, don't rush too fast, and always pay attention to your supply lines. Compared with the old-style army, you rely more on supplies from the rear. Without ammunition, the muskets equipped by the privates are like a useless fire stick. "

"Understood, Lord Earl." The three promised.

(End of this chapter)

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