rise of empire total war

Chapter 41 The decisive battle in Xinlan Plain (2)

Chapter 41 The decisive battle in Xinlan Plain (2)

Throughout the history of human warfare, infantry has always been the main force in combat, and battles between infantry have been particularly brutal.

On the Plain of Xinlan, the decisive battle between the Kingdom of Ravana and the Kingdom of Ramirez is still going on. The Ramirez infantry phalanx, which was fragmented due to the charge of the Ravana cavalry, has faced the most severe test. The fierce offensive of the Nain infantry was almost irresistible. They chanted the slogan of long live the king, and slashed and killed the enemies blocking in front of them.The Ramires had already been overwhelmed by the cavalry, and they retreated screaming after only resisting for a while.

This wave of retreat did not stop until they engaged the standing army of the Ramirez royal family on the third line of defense.On the third line of defense is the elite royal standing army and foot noble knights, not to mention the former, the latter is dressed in exquisite chain mail and holds a giant two-handed sword. The rain of blood suddenly forced the Ravana to retreat.

At the same time, the Ramirez cavalry charged against the Lavana cavalry. Although they were inferior in number and combat effectiveness, in order to contain the enemy, they still launched the attack without fear!
"Charge! For the king!"

The charge of the Ramirez people successfully attracted the attention of Commander Bandak. The conceited military chief pointed his sword at the enemy and roared loudly: "Let us teach the Ramirez people what real cavalry is!"

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"


Bandac gave an order, and the [-] cavalry who had rested for a while turned around and charged against the Ramirez cavalry.Within a not-so-far distance, the horses on both sides got faster and faster, the lances held tightly in their hands gradually leveled off, and they collided head-on after a few breaths!
The next moment, countless lances and spears were broken in the fierce collision. The knights who were pierced by the spears fell off their horses and let out heart-rending screams.

Immediately afterwards, the knights on both sides abandoned their broken lances and spears, pulled out their sabers from their waists, and attacked the enemy.In hand-to-hand combat, the Nordic tomahawk cavalry are like a fish in water. They swing the terrifying tomahawk and roar at the enemy. Zijia.

This does not mean that the Nordic cavalry will directly attack the enemy's torso. They are more inclined to chop the enemy's right arm holding a sword. Compared with the torso with perfect armor protection, the human arm is undoubtedly more fragile!

Therefore, wherever the Nordic tomahawk cavalry went, the attacked Ramirez fell off their horses screaming and clutching their severed arms!

After a brief melee, the cavalry commanders of both sides ordered the knights under their command to withdraw from the battle group, distance themselves, and prepare for the second charge.

Looking at all this, King Harlaus, who was far behind, held up his whip and pointed at the cavalry on both sides who were at a distance, and said to Richard: "Our cavalry is far stronger than the enemy. This is a great victory for the entire battle. A small premise. Richard, when you run the army independently in the future, you must make good use of the superior cavalry.”

"What if the enemy's cavalry is stronger than our army, just like the situation that the Ramirez people are facing?" Richard couldn't help asking.

"If I were the king of the Ramirez people, I would definitely not fight the enemy on the plains when the cavalry is weak. On the wide plains, the combat effectiveness of the cavalry will be brought into full play." King Haraus sneered. He said, and then added: "They should be glad that they only encountered enemies who were also from the Wadasia Peninsula, and not the bone-chilling people in the far north who came and went like the wind. Otherwise, it would not be as simple as a charge of eight hundred cavalry."

Richard had heard about the bone-bones mentioned by King Harlaus. It was said that the bone-bones were brave and warlike nomads. They were all soldiers and possessed a large number of cavalry. Sufficient supplies for the winter.

However, King Harolds still didn't say how to deal with it. Driven by curiosity, Richard asked: "But the battle is inevitable. How should we deal with such a dangerous situation?"

"Only let your loyal and reliable infantry bear it hard, just like the Ramirez people, order the spearmen to form a tight spear formation to intercept the enemy cavalry with their lives, don't be reluctant, in order to win the battle, These are trivial."

To say is to say nothing.The corner of Richard's mouth twitched slightly. He didn't understand this truth. In the game, if the enemy's cavalry was strong, he always relied on loyal infantry to block the enemy's charge, and then mobilized nearby troops to take advantage of the enemy's cavalry being attacked. Stick to surround it.

However, the troops used to block the cavalry charge usually suffered heavy losses, even the dismounted feudal knights who were heavy infantry could not avoid it - in Medieval 2, where the power of the cavalry charge is comparable to that of tanks, these are normal operations.

A game is a game after all, and in reality, it is impossible for a phalanx composed of heavy cavalry to charge head-on and walk feudal knights to break out of the aura of destruction.

And these are not things that Richard needs to worry about now. His current enemies are at best pirates roaming the seas, and all he cares about now is to gain enough benefits in this war.

Thinking of this, Richard turned his attention to the infantry battlefield that was still fighting, and he asked King Halaus: "Your Majesty, please allow me to take my knight guards to attack the Ramirez's flank." , maybe I can end this battle directly."

"You?" King Harlaus was obviously stunned. He looked at Richard and the early general guards behind him who did not join the battle. Let you go on an adventure."

"You may not look at the small number of my Knight Guards, but they are all the most elite warriors. It is by relying on them to charge against the Moorish pirates that I can win the final victory!"

"Okay, you go." King Harlaus finally agreed to Richard's request, although in Richard's view, he had no intention of refusing from the beginning.

After getting permission, Richard didn't say much nonsense and ran directly towards the flank of the battlefield with his early general guards.The Danish troops he brought had all been put into battle. The Nordic tomahawk cavalry was fighting fiercely with the enemy cavalry under the command of Bundak, and the infantry was fighting bloody battles with the Ramirez infantry.

Almost all the soldiers under his command are on the field. Why do Richard and his general guard stand by?
(End of this chapter)

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