Chapter 406 Loss

Looking at the line infantry trotting forward behind him, and the heavily armored sergeants and cavalry sergeants on both sides of the escort, Karen Evans, the commander of the third infantry regiment, shouted loudly that in order to rescue the second infantry regiment who was trapped in a tight siege, he After receiving Charles' order, he immediately abandoned the town that was about to be captured, and turned to lead the army eastward.

"Damn Fatos, after I see you, I must give you a few drinks, you can go there!" Karen cursed secretly, although he was very dissatisfied with Fatos' recklessness, But he still hopes that there will be no surprises for the other party, after all, their relationship during training is the best.

"Speed ​​up! Damn it! Speed ​​up! Our second group of brothers are still waiting for our rescue!"

Karen shouted loudly again. Under his urging, the third regiment sped up. Although the soldiers were dissatisfied, they gritted their teeth and ran to rescue the comrades who were trapped in the siege. Suddenly, dense arrows and javelins flew out from the woods on both sides of the road, and the cavalry sergeants and heavy armored sergeants deployed on both sides fell instantly. One of the arrows just hit the military cap on Karen's head, knocking it over , revealing his curly golden hair.

"Damn! Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The third regiment that was running suddenly became confused. Amidst the officers' stern yelling, a mass of enemies rushed out from the woods. The enemy's third regiment fought hand-to-hand with the line infantry.

For a moment, the shouts of killing soared to the sky. The line infantry who had no time to reload their ammunition were forced to draw their swords and engage in close combat with the enemy. The heavily armored sergeants guarding both sides failed to stop the enemy's charge. They were killed and retreated, unable to form a formation. fight back.

"Damn! Sprent! Where are you?"

During the chaotic battle, Cullen led his guards to the surrounding Union soldiers. At the same time, he shouted loudly to the commander of his cavalry brigade. His shouts were quickly drowned by the noisy shouts of killing, but he was still beaten by Spren. Te heard that the latter, while dodging the cold arrows fired by the enemy archers, rode up to Karen and said in a trembling voice: "Captain, we are surrounded!"

"Damn it, I know!" Karen said angrily. He pointed to the encirclement that had not been completely closed, and shouted, "Take your cavalry, rush out, and explain everything to the legion commander. This is a trap! Damn it! , this is a despicable trap!”

"Yes, Captain, what about you?" Sprent asked worriedly.

"Don't pay attention to me, you rush out, this is an order!"

"Obey!" Sprent yelled, and then led a few cavalrymen towards the encirclement that hadn't been closed yet. When the alliance soldiers saw a group of cavalrymen rushing towards them, they dodged quickly. They didn't want to be killed by the horses. Knocked down stomped.

Watching Sprent rush out, a big stone in Karen's heart finally fell to the ground. He knew what the fate of himself and the regiment would be. Most of the regiment's soldiers were line infantry equipped with muskets. Their melee attack power was It's almost negligible. How can it defeat the large number of melee infantry?

"Fight the enemy bravely! God protects us!" Karen roared loudly, and then led his bodyguards and adjutants to charge into the crowd on horseback. Take the life of an enemy.

With the leader of the regiment commander, the morale of the soldiers was greatly boosted, and they temporarily repelled the enemy's attack. Taking advantage of this time, some companies began to load their muskets with ammunition under the cover of their comrades and fired at the enemy.For a while, piercing gunshots and choking gunpowder smoke reappeared on the battlefield.

However, even if the muskets were finally able to enter the battle, the enemies, who far outnumbered the third regiment, still attacked again despite sporadic gunfire. They blocked their shields in front of themselves, hoping to defend themselves against the projectiles fired by the muskets, but this did not work. It has no effect, because the projectile can still penetrate the shield and hit the human body - even after penetrating the shield, the lead projectile has changed its shape due to the huge force and does not have much power.

Next, the battle continued. The Acarnanian Alliance army, which is good at hand-to-hand combat with cold weapons, wiped out the third regiment that was ambushed by virtue of its combat skills and numerical advantages. The battle lasted until the night of the day. The Sprent team that went out and the few escaped soldiers were all wiped out, and all the muskets and siege guns they equipped fell into the hands of the Union Army.


A few days later, Charles, who commanded the [-]st Infantry Regiment, met Sprent and his men who were in a panic. When he saw Sprent for the first time, deep anxiety swept Charles' heart. He suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and asked Sprent about what happened to him.

Sprent's statement completely shattered Charles' illusions. As he guessed, the Third Infantry Regiment was ambushed and wiped out!
Charles didn't know what words to use to describe his mood, anger, annoyance, worry... All kinds of emotions gathered in his heart in a short period of time, making him almost faint.

"Notify the [-]th Regiment to stop advancing and join us." He gritted his teeth and said every word, and Sprent, who was half kneeling in front of him, could clearly see his hand holding the rein because Excessive force and blue veins burst!
Charles made a very correct decision. His opponent Casciano set up ambushes on every necessary road, waiting for Winster's army to throw themselves into the net. In order to attract them to take the bait, this wise commander Slowing down the attack on the Second Infantry Regiment, he knew very well that as long as this army was still alive, the proud Winsters would never give up on rescuing them!
The [-]st Infantry Regiment, which had stopped marching, quickly built a temporary barracks on the spot. While waiting for the [-]th Regiment to meet, Charles wrote a request for help and asked them to be sent back to Nord City. Although they were reluctant to admit it, they did lose this war up.

However, even though he wrote a letter asking for help, Charles still believed that the defeat of the battle was only due to the small number of soldiers. The destruction of the third regiment was just an accident. enemy.

Not long after the messenger left, the cavalry sent to look for the Fifth Regiment finally returned. They met the dying cavalry of the Fifth Regiment by a creek. Knowing the current situation of the Fifth Regiment from the other party, they hurried back to Charles. report.

After learning that the situation of the Fifth Regiment was equally bad, Charles had no choice but to order the soldiers to stop building the camp and instead go to join the Fifth Regiment. While the army was moving out, he also sent someone to notify the approaching Fourth Regiment.

He could no longer bear the loss of a regiment. Originally, their strength was far lower than that of the alliance army. If they destroyed another regiment, they could only temporarily retreat and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

 Four hundred chapters, Sahua
(End of this chapter)

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