rise of empire total war

Chapter 404 stalemate

Chapter 404 stalemate
"A big victory! A big victory! General Sigurd defeated the Acarnanian Alliance Navy in the South Osa Sea!"

"This is an unprecedented victory! Our navy has defeated the mighty Acarnanian Alliance!"


When the news of the Osa sea battle was reported back to Nord City, the whole city suddenly fell into a sea of ​​cheers, and civilians and nobles talking about wars can be seen at all times in the streets and alleys. It is no wonder that they are so excited, because the Kingdom of Winster has always been land The country has always had zero understanding of the navy, and now the navy they built from scratch can defeat the sea power country and win a big victory (although the construction of this navy has nothing to do with them, but they are all from the same country), this It is indeed something to be proud of.

Inside the Palace of Ippolito, Richard looked at the victory report on the table and listened to the cheers outside the palace. The cost of overcoming the sinking of the gunboat sank 63 enemy galley warships, captured 980 warships, more than [-] sailors, and more than a thousand slaves on board.

However, despite the complete victory, Sigurd was still unable to take advantage of the victory to pursue and expand the results. The armed sailors on the remaining warships basically suffered heavy losses, the hull was damaged, and the ammunition was also seriously lacking, so they had to return to Paisikia for repairs.While Sigurd led his troops to reorganize, the Third Army had already landed on the Osa Peninsula, taking over from the First Army that was confronting the Acarnanian Alliance Army. The blood here is bloody, but in the face of ferocious enemies, they still bravely pick up muskets, line up neatly, and shoot at the enemies.

During the fierce battle on the front line, the retired First Legion returned in triumph. They were warmly welcomed by the civilians in Nord City. In order to commend the achievements of the soldiers, Richard personally held a triumphal ceremony for them, and will The trophies they brought back were exchanged for silver marks, and except for the share distributed to the soldiers, the rest were rewarded to the citizens of the whole city.

After the triumph, the soldiers returned home with rich spoils and glory. In addition, Richard also issued a decree to exempt all returning soldiers from taxes for two years. Richard's generosity not only made the soldiers cheer , It also makes the civilians envious. Families with young adults of the right age are looking forward to when Richard will recruit soldiers again. Get ready to enlist.

Richard didn't know all this, he only knew that the successive victories made his prestige so high that neither the local residents of Winster nor the residents of the conquered areas would oppose Richard's rule anymore. , The national cohesion is unprecedentedly high.

However, Richard, who is much loved by the people, is also having a headache at this time. His eldest son Frederick is now two years old, and he can already walk unsteadily, speak some simple sentences, and walk in the palace. , he could often see Frederick trotting staggeringly on the soft carpet, followed by anxious maids, for fear that if he bumped, no matter how small the injury was, the maids who took care of him would be severely punished. penalty.

Richard is also like a new father in the 21st century. He is worried that his precious son will be injured, so whenever he sees this scene, he will severely reprimand the maids who take care of him. Although he also knows in his heart that this is the nature of children, but As a father, he still subconsciously worried.

However, Frederick didn't know what his father was thinking. Whenever he saw his father walking towards him, he would happily run to Richard and hug his calf. Due to his height, he could only He hugged Richard's calf, making Richard dumbfounded, and then bent over and hugged Frederick. Every time he was lifted high by Richard, little Frederick would giggle, sometimes When one couldn't control it, justice was sent to Richard's face, and the water flooded Jinshan.

What can Richard do? This is his heart and soul. When others watched and trembled with fear, he helplessly put down little Frederick, and took a towel from the servant beside him to wipe the blood on his face. Stained with urine, he slapped the little prince's ass threateningly as a punishment.

Usually at this time, little Frederick would run away screaming, and after running for a certain distance, he would make funny faces at Richard, and then continue to run to the other end of the aisle with his wet buttocks on his head.

It can be said that with the presence of Frederick Jr., the originally solemn and solemn Ippolito Palace was a little more angry, whether it was the imperial knights on foot who were cold and repulsive thousands of miles away, or those armed with muskets and wearing new military uniforms. The Guards (Richard's new branch, their uniforms are similar to the grenadiers, but with a white decoration on the cap), have been teased by him, but they can only bear it helplessly. Richard's only son will also be their future king.

Little Frederick has been favored by thousands of people here. Far away in the Niles Manor in Bennett, the capital of the Kingdom of Deira, the treatment of Alfred, who is also Richard's own flesh and blood, is much worse. Although he Like Frederick, he was only two years old, but he was given high hopes by his mother, Diane, and was taught severely by teachers invited from the Osa Peninsula.In Diane's view, although her son was not as good as Stephanie's son, her son must be smarter than Frederick, so that Richard would notice Alfred's existence and strive for better treatment .

Not only that, but she has always instilled such ideas in Alfred. Mother taught him this way, which naturally created Alfred's strong character. Although it is not reflected now, as he grows older, Alfred The flaws in De's character became more and more obvious. He hated his father who lived in the thoughts of his mother and the worship of the people around him, and also hated his half-brother.

The so-called tragedy may be that the seeds were planted very early.


On the other side, at the seat of the Acarnanian Alliance Parliament on the Osa Peninsula, the continuous defeat reports from the front line came like snowflakes, which made the congressmen of all the alliance countries frightened. The fleet led by Rodney suffered heavy losses, and only a small part of them succeeded. After withdrawing, the Winster army broke through the Union Army's defense line and surrounded and wiped out the army commanded by a certain general.They were almost overwhelmed by a flood of bad news, and war-weary thoughts spread in Parliament, and there were fierce quarrels about war and war every day.

Equipped with new-style firearms, the Third Army won consecutive battles. Charles also gradually mastered the correct method of commanding the new army. He ordered the five regiments in the army to fight separately, and they could cooperate with each other to support each other. Advancing, even conquering several fortresses of the Alliance Army, wiped out thousands of enemy troops.

However, due to the rapid advancement of the legion, the connection between the various ministries became more and more sparse, and the Union Army who reacted quickly seized this point and launched a counterattack. In the predicament of fighting each other, although Charles quickly discovered this fatal loophole, he was unable to remedy it for a while.

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(End of this chapter)

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