rise of empire total war

Chapter 390 The Battle of Assos

Chapter 390 The Battle of Assos
"Retreat! Retreat!"

The line of Winster's army became fragmented under the charge of the rebel cavalry, but they still relied on the belief set in their hearts by the system to resist tenaciously, using any weapon in their hands to counterattack the enemy cavalry, and the Nordic swordsmen behind them He also joined the battlefield at the right time, surrounded the rebel cavalry who rushed into the sword and spear militia line, and one cavalry after another was pulled off the horse, and then stabbed into the body by several sharp swords, and was stabbed into a sieve alive.

Seeing that there were more and more enemies around, the commander of the rebel cavalry could only scream and order his men to retreat, but the cavalry trapped in the crowd lost their sharp weapon of mobility, and they were like fish on a chopping board. At the mercy of others, one after another was besieged to death. Although the rebel cavalry finally rushed out, they had suffered heavy losses.

The sacrifices of these cavalry were not in vain. The Sword and Spear Militia Brigade also suffered heavy losses. The casualty rate of many companies was even as high as 50.00%. Before the iron hoof—this was unexpected by Richard. He missed the ability of the enemy cavalry to shoot arrows, so he let the sword and spear militia without shield defense stand at the front, which led to such tragic casualties.

In regret, Richard had to let the sword and spear militiamen of the Chinese army retreat who suffered heavy losses, and at the same time let the Nordic swordsmen replace them, and redeployed before the enemy infantry arrived. Fortunately, the rebel cavalry concentrated their forces to attack the Chinese army, so only A brigade deployed by the Chinese army suffered heavy losses, otherwise Richard would have no choice but to retreat temporarily.

While the Nordic swordsmen and the sword and spear militiamen were rotating, Richard looked at the undispatched cavalry behind him. The only ones in his hands who could turn the tide of the battle were this brigade of mail cavalry and a brigade of imperial knights. If the timing of the battlefield is well grasped, then the victory of this war will completely belong to him, even if so many soldiers have died in battle.

However, the enemy cavalry did not withdraw from the battlefield to make adjustments according to his ideas, but stopped in the distance and rearranged the offensive formation. When Richard saw it, he was furious and ordered his crossbow cavalry to chase out and attack the enemy. The cavalry shot, and the crossbow cavalry who rushed out suddenly caught the rebel cavalry off guard. They retreated quickly and led the crossbow cavalry to the periphery of the battlefield.

At the same time, the enemy infantry had already entered the range of the civilian archers. Following the roar of the officers, these experienced archers calmly drew their bows and drew the arrows, and stretched the bowstring to the full moon, waiting for the officer to give an order. You can shoot.

"Fire arrows!"

As soon as the officer finished speaking, a round of black arrows soared into the air from behind Winster's army formation, flew into the air, drew a beautiful arc in the air, almost covering the sky, and then fell into the advancing army. In the rebel army formation, this round of arrow rain is just ordinary arrows, not gunpowder arrows with gunpowder. In fact, Richard did not carry many gunpowder weapons this time.

Whoosh whoosh—

Black arrows rained down and hit the shields held high by the rebel infantry. These shields of various shapes did not play much role, because in addition to the regular shields, most of them directly removed the door of the house The large shield and the simple wooden shield, the arrows falling from the sky can easily penetrate the wooden shield and shoot the soldiers underneath.After a round of arrow rain, many people fell in the rebel army.

To the surprise of these rebels, the attack of the Winsters was not aimed at the light infantry who rushed to the front without armor and shields-those light infantry composed of women and children suffered almost no losses. They screamed and screamed because of the rain of arrows that covered the sky, but they were all safe and sound. It was not because the Winsters were overwhelmed with sympathy. They let these women and children go. They simply did not want to waste arrows on them.

What's more, they can't create much threat.

"Blow the attack horn and prepare to attack." Seeing a large number of fallen rebels, Richard said to the messenger behind him. The latter was taken aback, but quickly reacted, raised the horn in his hand, and put it side, puffed up his cheeks and blew,

As a melodious horn sounded from behind, the officers on the front line were stunned, and they all turned their heads to look back. While they were looking back, Richard's king's flag also moved forward slowly, and they instantly understood that it was What do you mean, quickly turned your head back, and shouted loudly: "Go forward! Prepare to meet the enemy!"

"Forward! Prepare to meet the enemy!!!"

The officers shouted one after another on the entire front. After their words fell, the soldiers stepped forward together with a loud shout. They looked at the enemy who was also advancing, and their hearts were full of tension before the battle.

"Sir Frank, when the horn blows again, you will lead the heavy cavalry around to charge the enemy's flank, and cooperate with the infantry to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, just like the battles we have experienced together before!" The army marched forward! At the same time, Richard also gave instructions to his trusted lieutenant Frank. This experienced old knight had already understood Richard's tactics. After hearing this, he nodded, patted his chest, and said: "Your Majesty, please feel free to do so." Rest assured, the Empire’s cavalry will not let you down.”

Frank left immediately, and Richard looked at the new lieutenants around him, and said in a deep voice, "I will take the lead in the charge, are you willing to fight with me?"

"Yes, it is my honor to be able to fight with His Majesty." Several lieutenants said together.

"Very good." Richard nodded, he took off the visor on the helmet, then clamped his legs around the horse's belly, held up his sword, and shouted: "Soldiers of the empire, charge with me, for the sake of God and the Holy Mother , for the glory of Germany!"

After saying that, he rushed out on horseback, followed by the general guards behind him, and the infantry in front of him quickly made way for Richard to charge. , They all roared and charged at the enemy, whether it was the most agile Nordic swordsman and a group of sergeants, or the sword and spear militiamen holding two-handed swords and spears, they all followed the pace of the general guard.

The sudden charge of Winster's army surprised the rebels, but Prince Yairo reacted quickly. He also pulled out the sword at his waist and roared: "Warriors of Lasik, for freedom and independence, charge! !”

As soon as he finished speaking, he rode his horse and rushed out. He and a group of nobles also rode horses and brought their personal guards to charge. When they collided head-on, they burst out with earth-shattering power.

 Or because of emotional matters, I really can't write it out, I hope to understand

(End of this chapter)

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