rise of empire total war

Chapter 374 Good News

Chapter 374 Good News
"In the name of the Supreme Council of the general city-state, we declare that we surrender to you..."

After the assassination of the chief speaker Edel Valencia, the parliament of the general city-state finally had no obstacles. They saw the situation clearly and knew that it was impossible to maintain independence, so they finally made up their minds to go on an expedition to Winster outside the city. After surrendering, they not only offered a cup of soil and a bowl of water as a tribute of surrender, but also brought the corpses of the dead old King Sipple and Edel Valencia to Wen Sturt people.

Then, the vanguard of the Winster Expeditionary Army marched into the city of Pros, took over the defense of the city, and confiscated the weapons and equipment of the defenders.After they entered the city, the big crater created by the previous big explosion was watched by the crowd. The soldiers pointed at the devastated ruins and lamented the tragedy of the comrades who died under the tunnel.

After being stationed in the city, the post-war repair work of the city was also carried out under the auspices of Charles. He first ordered the army to dismantle the walls and camps outside the city, and at the same time repair many collapsed walls. Although there are no enemies now, But an intact city wall can stabilize the mood of the common people.

Oh, I forgot to mention, because the general city-state voluntarily opened the city and surrendered, so there was no reason for Winster's army to plunder the civilians after entering the city, so they could only hold back their eagerness to move, and gave up on those wealthy citizens. looting.

On the other side, although Prince Phyllis was deeply saddened after receiving his father's body, he still followed Charles's advice and took the Cartonita auxiliary army under his command to take over Sipus City. After the people surrendered to the Winston Expedition, they have been barely stable under the jurisdiction of Parliament.After Prince Phyllis arrived in the city, he was warmly welcomed by the residents of the city. Although these residents who missed King Sippur could not wait for the return of the old king, they welcomed his heir and the old king. Sad news of death.

So, the citizens of Sips City cried bitterly. They were immersed in the grief of losing the king, and at the same time they pushed Prince Phyllis to the throne. Prince Si inherited the throne and restored the country's monarchy system. After he became king, he did not immediately dissolve the illegal parliament in people's eyes. Instead, he followed the example of the countries of the Vadasia Peninsula and reformed the parliament to become a cabinet to assist him in managing the country. .

On the third day after Felice succeeded to the throne, the order from Pro City was sent to Sipus City. After consideration by Charles and others, it was no longer necessary for the Cartonita Auxiliary Army to continue to exist, so each of them received After receiving a modest severance payment, they were able to return home on their own. Considering that the road was not peaceful, the soldiers mostly stayed in groups, which in the eyes of some businessmen was even more dangerous than the thieves blocking the road.

The only way for these Catonita soldiers to return to their hometown is in the territory of the destroyed city-state of Tarossos. They have all personally participated in the massacre of the city, and they are full of guilt for the dead former allies. Therefore, under this background, many Katonita soldiers The Tonita soldiers settled down after walking to the ruins of the city of Tarossos. They were going to clean up the ruins here with their own hands and rebuild the city of Tarossos as atonement.

However, no matter how many people stayed and settled, the new city of Tarossos would never be able to return to its former prosperity.


Half a month later, the news of the complete victory of the military operation on the Osa Peninsula came back to Nord City, the capital of the Kingdom of Winster, and the residents of the whole city celebrated it. Although the Kingdom's army has repeatedly won foreign wars, But they all fought against the countries on the Vadasia Peninsula, and this time the victory was against the countries on the Osa Peninsula across the sea, so the meaning is quite different.

On the night when the good news came back, celebration banquets of various sizes were held in the streets and alleys of Nord City. The royal family personally funded the purchase of a large amount of food and wine and distributed them to the citizens of Nord. In the Ippolito Palace, a grand banquet was also held, and a large number of nobles were invited to participate, regardless of their rank, whether they were Germanic nobles or Winster nobles, they all gathered at the banquet. Stimulated by the beauty, every guest is immersed in it.

The large-scale celebration in Nord City also attracted foreign students in Nord College. They listened to various news circulating in the college, and were dragged out of the college gate by local students to blend into the crowd. At this moment, they were not only horrified In the powerful force of the Winster Kingdom, I was also surprised by the cohesion of the Nords - you must know that in their homeland, no matter how great the victory is, they will not show it unless it is related to the interests of the people. What a joy.

In the next few days, the good news spread quickly across the Winster Kingdom as if it had wings, and also flew to the surrounding countries. After two years, the countries once again felt the strength of the Winster Kingdom, and were amazed. While the Winsters have the ability to cross the sea and fight on expeditions, they have once again feared the Winsters. Again, although this is a war against the Osa Peninsula, who can guarantee the end of the war? After that, wouldn't the Winsters be their new target of war?
Although this reason sounds rascal and has a taste of persecution paranoia, it has a broad market. Many kings and lords believe in it and are always ready to go to war. However, most of them They are still maintaining trade relations with the Winsters. In other words, while they readily receive the wealth from the Winster Kingdom, they maintain a vigilant and hostile attitude towards the Winster Kingdom. It is extremely contradictory.

Not to mention the attitude of other countries towards the Kingdom of Winster, his attention turned back to Ippolito Palace. While receiving the good news from the Osa Peninsula, Richard also received a personal letter from Charles. In the letter, this A loyal commander of the expeditionary force gave a truthful report on the performance of the firearms battalion in this war.

In his letter, Charles highly praised the [-] artillery pieces attached to the army. In his opinion, artillery can not only destroy city walls, destroy enemy fortifications, but also kill and injure enemy troops (of course, this is not within the scope of the early artillery. inside), it can also damage the morale of the enemy and win the war with the least cost.However, at the same time, he also pointed out the shortcomings of the artillery. Not to mention the heavy and clumsy artillery itself, its shooting accuracy is also very low. Usually, only two or three shells can hit the target in a salvo of ten artillery, and the rest of the shells just disappear. , or shot elsewhere.

In addition to artillery, gunpowder arrows and soil grenades have also received good reviews. Charles said bluntly that if the use of these two gunpowder weapons can be continued in the army, the combat effectiveness of the army will be greatly improved.And if the musket can be further improved to increase its range and accuracy, it can also become a very good auxiliary weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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