rise of empire total war

Chapter 372 Methane Explosion

Chapter 372 Methane Explosion
Another section of the city wall collapsed and was shrouded in smoke and dust, making it difficult to see the situation inside, and it also made people's hearts full of uneasiness as if they were covered by dark clouds.

This is already the fifth section of the collapsed city wall. Under the continuous bombardment of Winster's army, even the strongest marble city wall will shake. On the surface of the city wall, a deep crater was left on it, and cracks also appeared around the crater. Although those small cracks are inconspicuous, once they become large-scale, they can make the solid city wall become A pile of fragile ruins.

When the smoke and dust dissipated and it was determined that there was no danger, intense repair work was carried out like a routine. Many slaves in naked clothes were forced to carry various building materials and hold tools to build a new "city wall" on the ruins of the city wall. This kind of "small city wall" actually doesn't have much effect, it can barely block the enemy for a while, which can be said to be better than nothing.

In the past, the Wensters would not continue shelling after the city wall collapsed, so the generals could safely and boldly carry out operations, but today, the situation is different. The shelling of the Winster army outside the city is still continuing, and the black shells It poured over the heads of the generals, turned those poor slaves on their backs, and a cannonball carried powerful power across the heads of the slaves, and directly cut the heads of a few unlucky slaves. The scarlet blood was like a fountain It sprayed out more than two meters high, and then it seemed to be pouring rain, dyeing everything around it a dazzling bright red.

After a round of shelling, the entire construction site was in chaos immediately. The soldiers in charge of supervision retreated in horror, and had no time to care about the slaves who were as humble as ants in their eyes. They dared not flee back to the city, because they wanted to continue living as slaves. Only by escaping outside the city would they have a chance to regain their freedom—but the Winster Wall surrounding the city of Pros cut them off. Escape was possible, for no matter which direction they fled, they were met only by the deadly and precise arrows of the Winster archers.

The deafening sound of the cannon echoed over the land, covering up the sound from the ground, and the vibration brought by the shell when it hit the building also echoed with the movement of the ground, almost blending into one.Under the ground less than a few meters away from the ground, the Winster soldiers desperately brandished their shovels and dug a straight tunnel. The muffled gunfire above their heads made them equally uneasy. Many people were also imagining And if the shell just hit the top of their heads, would it make a big hole and bury them all.

Of course, this kind of fantasy is purely unfounded, because the top of their heads is a thick layer of paved avenue, even if the shell just hits their heads, it will only make a crater on the paved avenue, and cannot cause damage to the soldiers below. Any impact - other than violent shaking.

Speaking of which, this uncharacteristically continuous shelling is also to cover the soldiers who dug the tunnel under the city of Pross. In order to prevent the defenders from noticing the movement coming from the ground, Charles had to use this method, using the sound of artillery shelling and The violent vibrations caused by hitting the target are used to cover the sound of the soldiers working underground. The continuous sound of the cannon can cover the sound of shovel waving and the coughing of the soldiers from time to time—although these sounds penetrate several meters of soil Layer, the sound is already very subtle when it reaches the ground.

I don't know how long it took to dig. When the shovels in the hands of the soldiers dug up a hard unknown object, and there was a clang sound of metal collision, a smile appeared on the corners of the soldiers' mouths. The hard object, several times in a row, then the hard object collapsed with a bang, and the smoke and dust rose up with this sound, covering the soldiers, making them cough violently.

After a while, they rushed out of the smoke and dust, and stepped into a puddle of smelly water. The leading soldier squinted his eyes, smelling the stench in the air, and couldn't help frowning. Then he spoke: "Light it up!" , so dark we couldn't see anything."

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers following him took out two flints from his arms. He clicked and clicked, trying to light the torch with the flint. However, when the sparks lit up and the torch was lit, they only felt a rush of The powerful force tore their bodies to shreds, and their minds fell into an abyss—in the tunnel behind them, the soldiers who came to change shifts heard a deafening explosion coming from the tunnel in front of them, and before they could react Coming over, a strong shock wave came towards them along the tunnel with raging flames. In just a few seconds, this group of soldiers was engulfed by the flames.

The soldiers near the entrance of the tunnel did not notice the tragedy that happened inside. Some of them had a sudden impulse and looked into the tunnel. He only saw a wave of fire flying towards him. Just as he was about to scream, the fire The waves spurted out from the tunnel, scorching his upper body in an instant, and the surrounding soldiers were also overturned by the strong air waves. Immediately afterwards, it seemed that they could not bear the strong pressure inside, and the tunnel collapsed, knocking all the soldiers inside. Everything is completely buried.

The biogas explosion in the sewer not only affected the Winster camp, but the shockingly powerful explosion also blew a large hole in the ground at the top of the explosion point, and all the surrounding buildings were blown up to the sky. Hundreds of thousands of people died in this indiscriminate disaster.

That's right, it's a disaster.If the soldiers who were the first to enter the sewers had received modern chemical education and had some common sense, they would not have lit torches in the sewers filled with methane gas. When the flames came into contact with the methane gas in the air, an unprecedented catastrophe would have occurred. Explosion, this kind of explosion cannot be matched even if the existing gunpowder of the expeditionary force is concentrated and detonated.

Coincidentally, such a violent explosion was actually attributed to the Winsters by the frightened generals. In their eyes, the only thing that could cause such a terrifying explosion was the enemies outside the city who could summon "witchcraft" , there is no one else.If Charles knew, he would be wronged, because even he didn't know how the explosion was caused, not to mention, because of this damn explosion, he lost 59 German veterans. There has been no such thing since the Sa Peninsula.

However, there are still good effects. This sudden explosion also shattered the determination of most members of the parliament to continue to resist. They listened to the reports of the people below, and many people even saw the blown to pieces with their own eyes. They all feared that they would suffer the same fate—so they finally decided to unite and hold an emergency meeting to demand a peace with Winster's army.

(End of this chapter)

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