rise of empire total war

Chapter 369 Conquering Tarossos

Chapter 369 Conquering Tarossos
"Retreat! Retreat!"

"We failed! The Winsters are too powerful, we are no match for them!"


On the streets of Tarossos City near the city gate, soldiers fleeing in panic can be seen everywhere. They screamed loudly while running away, and behind them, on the tall city wall, there was already a warm wave. The black-and-yellow double-headed eagle flag of the Kingdom of Sturt, and groups of heavily armed soldiers are also quickly passing through the wide-open city gate.

It all started an hour ago, when teams of heavily armored soldiers jumped off the city wall along the suspension bridge of the siege tower and fought fiercely with the defenders, everything was moving in a direction that was unfavorable to the defenders develop.The freedmen and slaves belonging to the light infantry were the opponents of the elite Germanic veterans. They were beaten to pieces after just one encounter, and the defense line collapsed in an instant. Even the heavy infantry composed of citizen soldiers could not save the battle.

The tragedy happened. The members thought that the light infantry composed of freemen and slaves could rely on the city wall to resist for a while, but they didn't expect this group of waste to be so vulnerable that they were almost crushed and beaten.They hurriedly led the citizen soldiers to the top, but they put their lives in together.

When several members of the leading army were killed by the spears of the Winsters, the defense line on the city wall collapsed in an instant. If the enemy's battles are all supported by the prestige of the congressmen, then when their pillars fall, the fear that has been suppressed in their hearts will burst out in an instant, and they will no longer have the courage to fight the enemy.

As a result, the city wall fell, and the city gate was unavoidable after the city wall fell. The Winster Expeditionary Army who captured these two places could drive straight in and enter the city of Tarossos without any obstacles. However, this does not mean that the defenders of Tarossos Giving up resistance, they intend to rely on the temporary barriers built with various building materials on the street to engage in brutal street fighting with the enemy!

Under the mobilization of the parliament, almost all the people in the city joined in the defense battle. Whether it was the old people with gray hair or the teenagers who had not yet reached the age of military service, they all took up weapons, climbed onto the roofs of their own houses, and Entering Winster invaders hurled javelins or stones.

All of a sudden, the various companies along the street were attacked from all directions. Some of them were caught off guard and killed by javelins falling from the sky, or were directly hit on the head by heavy stones, and fainted on the spot. The soldiers thought Wanted to fight back, but was angrily found that the enemy was actually civilians standing on the roof or haunting the dark alleys. They didn't want to fight after a successful blow, and retreated directly, leaving the Winsters alone. back view.

As a result, the advancing speed of the army became extremely slow. Soldiers not only had to guard against possible defenders, but also beware of javelins and stones flying around.

This situation was unexpected by Charles. While he was still in the camp outside the city, he was very angry when he heard the news reported by the officers. He immediately ordered the long-range infantry to attack with him. Any Tarossian in sight can be shot.

"Anyone who can act with God's eyes will be killed!" He said in a cold tone.

"After the city is broken, massacre the city for ten days, as an example to others!" He ordered again.



Charles's order quickly spread throughout the army, and the soldiers who were originally demoralized by being immersed in the vast ocean of the People's War were immediately encouraged. They geared up and waited for the supporting crossbowmen, one company plus one. The company's formation continued to advance, and with the support of archers, as soon as those Talososians who appeared on the roof showed up, whether they were old men with pale faces or seemingly harmless women, they were all shot dead mercilessly.

Perhaps frightened by the ruthless killing of the Winsters, the civilians of Tarossos quickly disappeared. Except for a few people who were still relying on the complicated alleys to harass the Winster army, only the guards remained. The army is still resisting.However, how could those simple temporary obstacles resist the advance of Winster's army? They only used a few earthen grenades to blow up the obstacles, and then the soldiers swarmed in, defeating the defenders behind in one fell swoop.

The street fighting continued until the evening of the same day. The Winsters did not know how many defenders they defeated and how many soldiers of Tarossos they killed before they finally surrounded the seat of the parliament in the center of Tarossos City. In this huge building, more than a hundred soldiers were still stationed in a desperate struggle. Apart from the guards directly under the parliament, among them were citizen soldiers with a high sense of honor.Under the leadership of the old old councilor, they formed a tight phalanx of spears at the only entrance, no matter how large the number of enemies surrounding this place was, they would not waver.

Looking at the dark enemies outside, the old councilor, Arthur Kirkland, sighed. Although it was inconvenient for him to change into armor due to physical problems, and he was still wearing the white robe he wore during the meeting, his body still exuded majesty. He straightened up, stretched out his skinny hand, pointed at the enemy outside, and said to the soldiers in front of him: "Citizens of Tarossos, we have reached the last moment, except for this building behind us, the whole The whole city has fallen to the enemy. Our wife and children are about to become slaves to the Winsters, and our city is about to become a Winster colony. I don't want to see this happen, but I can't help it. So I decided to live and die with this city, even death on the battlefield is better than a humiliating death in a cage.

Citizens of Tarossos, real warriors do not need thousands of words to inspire. As the speaker of the city-state parliament, I implore you to join me in fighting for the city-state that is about to perish. "

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

The soldiers roared angrily, those who can retreat here are warriors who are determined to live and die with the city-state, even if the old speaker doesn't explain, they will fight to the end!

Although he can't understand the language of the Osa Peninsula, Charles can still hear their determination from the shouts of the soldiers. The Danish commander sighed slightly, feeling sorry for these warriors, and then said: "Let's attack, Let them die with honor as soldiers."

As soon as he finished speaking, the elite heavy-armored soldiers under his command launched a strong attack on the House, and the remaining defenders resisted stubbornly relying on the not-so-large gate, blocking any future intruders from the gate, preventing them from entering the sacred House, but As time went by, more and more soldiers fell. Even if they displayed more courage and strength than their own, they still could not defeat the overwhelmingly superior Winsters...

 i cracked

(End of this chapter)

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