Chapter 364


Amidst the exciting sound of musical instruments, the heavily armed Winster soldiers walked into the city gate of Cartonita in an orderly manner with their heads held high and their chests held high.On both sides of the street, there are expressionless citizens. Although they are forced to gather together to welcome the so-called "Master King", they still have 1 dissatisfaction in their hearts, but they dare not show it with actual actions. At most, they can only express it with words. Expressions describe the emotions in the heart.

However, the Winster soldiers don't care about their feelings. These soldiers who captured almost all of the Catonita army only care about what they can get. The expedition to the Osa Peninsula is not only their mission, but also allows them to make a lot of money That's why they have such great fighting spirit.

However, they were a little dissatisfied with the disposal of the nearly [-] Catonita soldiers they captured. According to the past tradition, the prisoners of war would be sold to slave traders, and most of the ransom would be handed over to the royal family, and the rest would be distributed to the army. Every soldier in the army, although everyone can get a lot of money, but they are already very satisfied.

But now, I don’t know which bastard came up with the idea. These prisoners of war will not be sold as slaves, but will be released unconditionally and handed over to the Catonita city-state council that has surrendered-all the council needs to do is to re-equip this army Army, as auxiliaries to the Winster Expedition against their erstwhile allies.

Of course, it is impossible for the commander of this auxiliary army to be commanded by the generals of the Catonitas themselves. All the ten generals who originally commanded were driven home. The new commander will be Prince Felice, perhaps out of monitoring him. For this reason, Charles also sent two Winston officers as his deputies, in order to prevent Prince Felice from making blind decisions and sabotaging major events.

In addition to the complete takeover of the army, the Cattonita people's parliament was also affected. A few members who originally advocated resistance were confessed. As a result, Winster soldiers who were not democratic and free at all came to check the water meter. Several members of the family were They were all dragged to the street and paraded, and all their property was confiscated.The vacancies of these MPs who turned into homeless beggars overnight were quickly filled by new people. As a parliament dominated by Winsters, the new MPs are also people who are pro-Winster Kingdom.

There is a good saying that the most controllable country in the world is this kind of parliamentary country. When a certain force controls more than half of the members, then this force can easily influence national policies and further control Entire country.This is what Charles thought and did. Either through coercion or inducement, he took control of most of the parliament step by step.

On the sixth day after the fall of the city-state of Katonita, the coalition forces of the city-states of Puro and Tharossus arrived late, built a line of defense behind the border, and sent envoys to negotiate with the commander of the Winsters. The attack speed is beyond their imagination.The fact that the Kingdom of Lyctus lasted for only half a day can be explained by being caught off guard by a surprise attack, and the fall of the city-state of Catonita can also be explained by a tactical mistake. Neither of these can explain the strength of the Winsters, but the difference in numbers between the two armies Putting it there, it is better to avoid war as much as possible.

However, their negotiating intentions were directly rejected. With great strength, Charles didn't even bother to negotiate with the enemy, and he had no right to negotiate peace with the enemy without King Richard's instruction.Therefore, Charles not only rejected the request for negotiation from the Pro-Prussian coalition forces, but also directly submitted the decisive battle letter, and the opponent will fight in the Katonita Plain about two days later to determine the outcome.

Regarding the decisive battle letter submitted by the Winsters, the camp of the general city-state coalition army quickly became a quarrel. The ten generals sent by the two city-states each had their own ideas. In a decisive battle to the death, some advocated not being able to avoid the battle, relying on the built defense line to resist the enemy's attack, but the latter's forces were obviously at a disadvantage, because in the eyes of these radical generals, the cowardly behavior of not being able to avoid the battle was a loss of dignity and glory.

Although according to the current strength ratio, avoiding the battle is the most correct way, but how could these proud generals compromise? They quarreled loudly, and they were all blushing. Through the most traditional voting method, the coalition forces will go to the Katonita Plain to fight the enemy in two days.

As soon as the voting results came out, the generals of the main battle faction cheered one after another. They high-fived each other and insulted those cowards in their eyes with laughter. The ending is very bad, and there is a high chance of failure.


Two days later, nearly [-] soldiers from the general city-state coalition set out, left the temporary fortress, and marched west.Katonita Plain is the general term for the vast plain west of Katonita City. It is densely populated and dotted with a large number of villages. Caravans often appear on the paved road, but now because of the war, the civilians in the village There are also caravans that have fled into Katonita City, leaving only a large number of empty villages without people.

The battlefield is spread out in the open space between villages.

Considering that his side is the "host", Charles led the army to set up a formation on the pre-selected battlefield early on. Under his deployment, the most elite heavy armored soldiers in the army were deployed on the left flank. The heavy infantry with round shields and spears is the place where the combat pressure is the greatest; the second is the spear sergeant deployed in the central army, and the combat pressure here is not small; the last is the auxiliary army commanded by Prince Phyllis. The task is only to stick to the enemy's heavy infantry phalanx with the Chinese army, and when the imperial knights who act as hammers go around the enemy's back, they can cooperate with the heavy cavalry to smash the enemy's phalanx in one fell swoop.

In addition, Charles has another good thing that he is ready to give the Prussian Allied Forces a try, and that is the firearms battalion accompanying the army. The artillery, advanced smoothbore guns and soil grenades equipped with the firearms battalion have not been used on the battlefield on a large scale (previously It is basically only in the siege battle that you can make achievements), especially the earthy grenade and the gunpowder arrow equipped with the archer, which have not seen blood since they were invented.Therefore, one of the purposes of Charles's expedition across the sea is to let gunpowder weapons be used on the battlefield and see their effects.

The generals and soldiers of the Prussian coalition did not know what they were about to face. They were slowly entering the battlefield, forming tight square formations one after another on the open plains. In front are light infantry composed of free people and poor people. They are equipped with small wooden bucklers and javelins. They have only one task, and that is to throw all the javelins in their hands at the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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