rise of empire total war

Chapter 354 The Death of Sipes

Chapter 354 The Death of Sipes
"Damn, this group of damned fellows! They should be thrown into the boiling oil pan and suffered!"

King Sipple, who was on the wall, looked at the enemy army outside the city and uttered such a curse.

The soldiers beside the king heard his curse, and their faces showed worried expressions, as if they were pessimistic about the future fate.They looked at their king, then at themselves and their comrades-in-arms around them, and compared with the large number of enemy troops outside the city, the expressions on their faces became even more frustrated.

There are too many enemy troops outside the city, and it will be a matter of time before the city is captured.

King Sipple quickly sensed the strangeness in the air. He looked at the demoralized soldiers and opened his mouth to say something encouraging, but he still didn't know what to say.

Why doesn't he understand the current situation?

The current situation is that the enemy army is approaching the city and surrounded them in groups. There is a shortage of food in the city, people are in panic, and they may be captured at any time.But he is helpless, the enemy is outnumbered, the enemy is strong and we are weak, he can only be trapped in the city, waiting for the day when the city is broken.

Things will become where they are today, and it starts with the border dispute a year ago. There are many countries on the Osa Peninsula, but the territories of each country are very small. Basically, a city and a few villages can form a country What's more, a small town can stand on its own as a country, but the premise is that those in power can embrace the thigh of a powerful country, so as to avoid the disaster of destroying the country.

Therefore, the leaders of various countries attach great importance to the territory. Even the competition between villages for cultivated land will escalate into a war between countries. The Kingdom of Sipus under the leadership of King Sipur and the city-state of Puluo which is under siege outside are because A very ordinary dispute over farmland turned into a war.King Sippur originally swore that he could crush the Plo City State army on the opposite side, but he did not expect that the other side would shamelessly call for allies, so the war changed from one vs. one to one vs. three, and he was defeated naturally.

"I don't know where Phyllis is now, I hope he can find strong reinforcements for the kingdom." King Sipple thought to himself, his eyes swept over the imposing enemy army outside the city again, sighed, with Several guards walked down the wall and returned to the palace.

It is said to be a royal palace, but it is not entirely true, because compared to the royal palaces of the neighboring countries on the Vadasia Peninsula, it is like a big stone house in a rural village. Although it is solid, it is very inconspicuous.This is also a common situation among countries on the Osa Peninsula. Except for those relatively powerful countries that can rely on maritime trade to obtain wealth, the rest of the countries can only barely support themselves, or make a little money from inland trade, and there is no extra money at all. Wasted on enlarging the royal palace - even for the leaders of monarchies and tyranny, let alone the leaders of republics.

The streets of Sipes City are full of depression, and there are no civilians to be seen. Dirty garbage can be seen everywhere on the roads. The sewage drains on both sides of the road have been blocked for a long time because no one has cleaned them. The sewage even overflowed the drains. It was everywhere, and there was a thick stench in the air.

"Perhaps in a few days, my capital will be captured by the evil Proletarian coalition forces, I may be executed, my country will be divided up by the coalition forces, or an idiot who talks about freedom and equality will become the new ruler. "King Sipple thought so, and his idea was not groundless. Before that, he had heard many similar cases. After being defeated by those city-states that shouted so-called democracy, the rulers of the defeated country were either Executed in public, or exiled, his country is either divided up by the victors, or the monarchy is abolished, and a new parliament replaces the former king and becomes the new ruling class.

Back at the palace, Sipple looked at the almost bare palace with a helpless look on his face.Before the war broke out, the furnishings in the palace were still very luxurious, but since the defeat, in order to fill up the military supplies or compensate the families of the war dead, he was forced to sell all the utensils in the palace. The money was used to hire a group of mercenaries who happened to pass by in an attempt to give it a go, but even so, the battle failed. The mercenaries he hired at a high price defected to the enemy at the last moment of the battle, and the The sword swung at the soldiers of the Kingdom of Sipes.

Thinking of those betrayed mercenaries, Sipple's teeth itch with anger. He still can't forget the face of the mercenary captain. When he got the money, he was still smiling, and vowed to help Sipple fight the enemy. But when the wind on the battlefield was against them, the mercenary would turn against him without hesitation, causing his army to be defeated. He swore to the Sun God that if that mercenary captain stood in front of him now, he would He will definitely draw out his sword and chop the opponent into several pieces.

At this moment, his military consul ran over quickly, with a trace of panic on his face. Seeing this, Sipple scolded dissatisfiedly: "Kurban, what made you lose like a lowly serf?" calm?"

As soon as Sipple finished speaking, Kurban ran up to him and said in a panic, "Wang, Wang, the food left in our warehouse is only enough for us to last for another four days!"

"What?" Sipple only felt his eyes go dark, and he almost fainted. He only had four days' rations left. By God of the Sun, he couldn't hold on until Phyllis came back with reinforcements!
"My king, are you alright?" Seeing Sipple's body swaying, Kurban hurried forward to help him, but Sipple pushed him away. The king gasped heavily, roared, and then He stumbled into his study and closed the door. After a while, there was a harsh sound of smashing things inside.

Kurban and the surrounding guards glanced at each other, looked at the study room that was making noise, thought for a while, and decided not to bother the king, they didn't want to be executed by Sipple in a rage.

A few hours later, the sky gradually turned dark, and Sipple finally came out of the study. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was messy. Looking inside the study, it was already a mess, with various scrolls scattered all over the floor. The cabinet was also overturned and fell apart, and sawdust was mixed in the scrolls. It would definitely take a lot of effort to clean it up—but when the city was about to be breached, no one would think about cleaning it up, and every servant was there Think about how to escape, so as not to die in this palace with Sipple.

Sipple didn't know what the servants were thinking. He ate a very simple dinner, took the guards out and inspected the city wall, and then returned to the palace, ready to sleep.

 Originally, I wanted to skip n years and write a new plot, but after thinking about it, the pace might be too fast, so I opened a new volume and wrote overseas plots
(End of this chapter)

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