rise of empire total war

Chapter 348 Capturing Teglar

Chapter 348 Capturing Teglar
When the news of Catherine's burning to death spread to the Marafa Territory, it caused an uproar. The commoners and nobles of the Meganis Kingdom panicked, as if Catherine's death would be their end.

At this moment of panic, Prince Tragel stepped forward, ascended the throne in Malafa City, succeeded him as the new king, and then ratified Catherine as the saint of the kingdom in the name of the king, calling on the rest of the people to follow the saint. Women's footsteps, bravely resist the Winster invaders.

However, his operation did not cause much repercussions. Katrin's fate of being burned alive scared many people. There's no need to put your own life in order to maintain the rule of the superior.

Therefore, during the time when the news of Catherine's burning was sent back to Malafa to the time when Winster's army marched northward, only a few people signed up at the conscription office set up by Tragel, and went to the Winster First Army Corps. When they entered the Marafa Territory, there were less than [-] recruits to assist the remnant Royal Guards in defending Malafa City.

On February 1117, 2 in the mainland calendar, the soldiers of the First Legion approached the city, and immediately set up artillery, aiming at the not-so-high city wall of Malafa City for continuous bombardment. Amid the deafening shelling, the city wall of Malafa trembled violently. The cracks on the top became bigger and bigger, and finally collapsed, burying the soldiers above.

Amid the deafening roar, the civilians in Malafa City could not help hiding in their homes and shivering, praying for the protection of the gods, but their prayers did not have much effect. Some shells still crossed the city wall and fell into the urban area, penetrating the outer walls of the houses. , leading to the collapse of the building, some lucky civilians were directly crushed by the shells and died straight away, those civilians who were lucky enough not to be hit by the shells were simply crushed in the ruins.

Listening to the rounds of loud noises, the new King Teglar in the inner city looked solemn and his face was ashen. Every shell that fell from the shelling seemed to land on his heart, beating his heart, making him feel ashamed. His face became paler, and so did the nobles around him. They seemed to be able to predict their own fate after the city was broken. They were likely to be caught in the same way, directly arrested and grilled in public on the charge of heretics.

"Your Majesty, we, let's surrender, maybe we can avoid death..." a nobleman whispered, his pupils were full of fear, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"No, I refuse to surrender." Teglar shook his head and refused, "My father died at the hands of the damn Winsters, so how could I surrender them?"

"However, once the city wall is breached, we will all die!" the nobleman raised his voice and said, arousing the attention of other noblemen, and everyone turned their attention to him and Teglar, very uneasy.

"Genes, you are a nobleman of the kingdom! Enjoy all the privileges. Now that the kingdom is at the point of life and death, how can you just think about surrendering?" Teglar said angrily, showing no mercy to the other party. The nobleman was reprimanded for a while, his face turned from red to blue, and he couldn't help retorting: "Your Majesty, I can't accept a meaningless death. Now that the defeat is over, the demise of the kingdom is already a certainty, why should it be meaningless?" to resist?"

"You!" Teglar was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while, and he knew very well that the nobles in front of him were telling the truth, but he was not willing to surrender, and thus handed over the kingdom that should belong to him to Wen Si Special people!
While they were talking, they heard a passionate bugle sound outside the city, followed by a murderous battle cry, their bodies froze instantly, how could they not know what this bugle signified, That was clearly the prelude to the Winstons' attack!

Sure enough, a few minutes later, there was a fierce shout of killing from the city wall, but the shout of killing only lasted for less than 5 minutes before disappearing. Teglar was startled, and ran out of the hall and climbed up the inner city wall. Looking out from the cold wall stacks, he was shocked to the core. He saw that the outer city was full of troops holding high the yellow double-headed eagle flags on a black background. They shouted loudly and marched inward along the street. , the defenders along the way were all submerged in the black ocean, not even a single wave appeared.

"Damn! Why, why is the outer city so easily breached?" Teglar roared, and the nobles who followed him lowered their heads when they heard such a question, and they didn't dare to speak, and they didn't have an answer. The outer city was assembled Two-thirds of the defenders' strength, although these two-thirds of the troops are not many, but they are also the largest army they can squeeze out.

"Where is my Marshal? Where is David? Where is he?" Teglar asked again.

Someone answered him at this moment, a young nobleman said in a low voice: "David Miliz commanded the battle on the city wall, and now...he may be dead now..."


The scene suddenly quieted down, except for the shouts of killing and battle roars in the distance, there was the whirring of flags as the cold wind blew through them.
At this moment, the commander of the imperial guards in the inner city stumbled over, knelt down in front of Teglar, and shouted in a trembling voice, "Your Majesty, soldiers, the soldiers have mutinied!"


"They, they killed the officer, opened the city gate, and surrendered to Winster's army!"

"No!" Teglar screamed, but rolled the whites of his eyes, and passed out directly. As soon as he fell, the surroundings instantly became chaotic. As the Winster army got closer, someone who took the lead screamed strangely and ran towards the stairwell. The nobles quickly followed, and a group of people quickly escaped, leaving Teglar alone on the city wall.

Therefore, when Winster's army entered the inner city with its gates wide open without a single soldier, they were surprised to find King Teglar lying on the city wall and still in a coma, although the soldiers did not know the new king. The successor king, but from his gorgeous attire, it can be preliminarily inferred that his status is not low, so he happily tied up the king and carried him to Richard.

Richard didn't know him either, but he casually asked a captured Miganis soldier, and the latter recognized King Teglar at a glance, and immediately reported his identity to Richard, Richard Hearing this, he waved his hand and locked Teglar into a room in the inner castle before he woke up.

When Tegral woke up, he was horrified to find that he had become a prisoner. No matter how hard he banged on the door, no one responded.

 Announce the group ~ 867277209 was ridiculed by a newcomer that there are too few people in the group, I am so sad QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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