Chapter 346
On January 1117, 1 in the continental calendar, Fort Meggeren.

Seeing the impenetrable Winster army surrounding here, the remnant soldiers in the city square were ashen-faced, their legs trembling, and the citizens holding weapons were even more terrified. Mobilized in the name of the people, they were willing to defend their homeland and fight against the enemy at the beginning, but now, when they see the enemy that is so black that they can't see at a glance, the passion in their hearts is instantly annihilated, leaving only the most primitive fear.

"It is impossible for us to defeat them!" Someone shouted in despair, "They far outnumber us, and we have only one end!"

"Mother of the Almighty Seven Hundred Gods, please lower your divine power and destroy these evil Winster heretics!"


The prayers of the soldiers and civilians reached Katrin's ears, making the girl who claimed to be the envoy sent by the Mother of the Seven Hundred Gods very anxious. She knew very well that only by arousing their fighting spirit could they continue to resist Wen Even if this is a battle that is sure to lose, the Sterren will die anyway, and it is more honorable to die in a bloody battle to the end.

Thinking of this, she walked up to the high platform slowly, looked down at the anxious soldiers and civilians, as well as the soldiers standing behind the barriers facing Winster's soldiers, and said loudly: "Believers of the Mother of the Seven Hundred Gods, Cheer up! I know what you are thinking, but the great gods will not personally participate in the bloodshed in the world, they will only watch us in the sky, and watch the outstanding people among us, and be favored by the gods After death, his soul will be taken into the kingdom of heaven by the envoy himself, enjoy the admiration of future generations, and gain supreme glory!"

"So, muster up your courage, in order to be the one chosen by God, to enjoy the admiration of future generations, and to obtain the supreme glory, let's fight to the end with the Wenster heretics!"

Although Katrin's voice is still a little immature, her words seem to be able to penetrate people's hearts. In this ignorant era, gods represent everything, and her so-called "God Envoy", who is almost famous all over the country, speaks even more It has the power to deceive people's hearts!

Sure enough, her voice fell, and only a few seconds later, someone stood up first, shouting "bloody battle", someone stood up first, and more people stood up, regardless of Wen Si who was eyeing around. The special army shouted loudly, but also to embolden themselves.

Hearing the shouts of the Miganis, Richard showed a disdainful sneer. He waved his hand and signaled Sandro behind him to come over. The latter hurriedly leaned over and said, "Your Majesty Caesar, please give me an order."

"Turn our artillery over, give him a hard shot, and see if these stupid pariahs still have the heart to shout bloody battles there!" Richard said viciously, like a villain in a novel, but He didn't realize that after giving the order, he turned his attention to the Miganis general on the high platform. He had heard a little about that man's deeds, and he could think of using the ice lake to defeat Randall's army. The talent is already remarkable.

But Richard didn't know that the person who really made the plan had already died on the street. After the experienced former commander of the Holy Kuyawi Empire Legion beheaded three heavily armored soldiers, he was shot by the spears of the surrounding soldiers. It pierced into the body, and then was erected together, and died painfully in mid-air.

After more than ten minutes, a heavy siege cannon was carried to the front line by more than a dozen strong men. After the rapid deployment, the artillery quickly loaded the cannon. Soon after the cannon was loaded, Richard got off his horse and personally He took the torch and lit the match, only to hear a soft sound of "Zi", the match was ignited and burned rapidly, after a few seconds, there was only a loud bang, and black shells flew out at high speed, passing through Winster's army. The open space between the formation and the barriers piled up by the citizens of Fort Miggelen, directly penetrated the fragile barriers, and blew up the soldiers behind to pieces. Grind a bloody path.

The power of this shell frightened the soldiers and civilians who were onlookers, and it also blew their accumulated confidence. Like a deflated balloon, it deflated on the spot, and the bloody corpses all over the ground were still splashed out. The blood mist and stumps and broken arms aggressively invaded their visual senses, and the strong smell of blood in the air also overwhelmed their power, and they couldn't help but spit it out.

On the other hand, Richard saw with his own eyes that the artillery fired by His Majesty the King caused such great damage to the enemy. The soldiers couldn't help cheering loudly, and their disdain for the enemy gradually deepened in their hearts.Richard, on the other hand, took a deep breath, shook his head, and sobered up his dazed head, then turned his eyes to the city square, smiled disdainfully, and said loudly to the soldiers around him: "See , this is just a group of rabble and trapped beasts, as long as we launch an attack, we can wipe them out in an instant!"

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

The soldiers raised their weapons and responded to Richard's words with cheers.

"Soldiers, the filth of the world is now concentrated in the square in front of you, attack! Use the swords in your hands to purify them! God will be pleased with your actions!"



The soldiers all lowered their heads and drew the cross devoutly on their chests. When they raised their heads again, they looked at the square with fighting spirit in their eyes. Richard smiled slightly, raised his sword, and pointed at the enemy. Shouted: "Attack, for God! Crush them!"

"Crush the enemy!" roared the soldiers, and then charged towards the shattered obstacles. Their actions seemed to activate a switch. Immediately afterwards, troops from other streets also charged towards the square. Looking down, you can clearly see that a black flood flooded into the wide square with overwhelming momentum. They easily destroyed the simple barriers, engulfed the Miganis soldiers who were trying to resist behind the barriers, and then poured into the square. Engage soldiers and civilians inside!

It is more appropriate to say that it is a battle than a one-sided massacre. Under the double pressure of quantity and quality, the stubborn soldiers and civilians of Miganis fell down like wheat in autumn, and the blood that flowed from them The blood almost stained the entire square, and the Winster soldiers were like ruthless strangulation machines, sending the lives of heretics one after another into hell.

The battle lasted until the end, and only a few knights were still protecting Katrin and continued to fight. They were originally Robert's inner knights, but they were ordered to protect Katrin. Therefore, even in such a desperate situation, they are still faithfully fulfilling their responsibilities , and it was their loyalty that saved them from dying on the spot like the others, but was captured together with Katrin by the swarming Winster soldiers.

 Sure enough, 4K a day is the limit of human beings.
(End of this chapter)

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