rise of empire total war

Chapter 338 Study Chat

Chapter 338 Study Chat
When the sun rose high the next day, Richard woke up from the hangover. When he opened his eyes, he saw a strange ceiling, and a faint fragrance filled his nostrils. He was a little puzzled. , turned sideways to observe this place, but was taken aback by the girl lying next to him. This girl was breathing steadily, with a sweet smile on her mouth, obviously still immersed in a sweet dream.

Richard was confused. Since when was a girl lying next to him, didn't he go back to the Niles house?The attire of this room is not comparable to that of that place. Although there are no luxuries deliberately displayed, it still gives people a sense of luxury.

Suddenly, Richard recalled some vague fragments before going to bed yesterday, it seemed that after he was put down on the bed, someone climbed up, and then untied his clothes with soft hands... Thinking of this, Richard quickly pulled off the quilt on his body, and the body wrapped inside was really naked, not only him, but also the girl beside him.

"I'll go..." Although he didn't know exactly what happened, Richard was still able to vaguely guess what it was. He looked at the girl who was still sleeping and scratched his head. Didn't it mean that the little brother couldn't lift up after being drunk? Let's start, then how did he do things last night...

Richard is so wet that he can't ride his sister... Ah no, he was puzzled, so he gave up thinking, gently lifted the quilt, got out of bed without disturbing the sleeping girl, and dressed himself Putting on his clothes, he walked out of the room with his head still a little dizzy.

Leaving the room, before taking a few steps, Richard was stopped by a servant. The other party first bowed respectfully, and then said: "Your Majesty, my king invites you to his study to have a feast with him." breakfast."

"Breakfast together?" Richard hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and said to the servant, "Lead the way."

Hearing this, the servant led Richard to the study room. Although Richard had lived here for a few days before, he did not keep the topography of Skimpey Palace in mind, so he still needed someone familiar to lead the way, so that he could find the place in a short time. reach the destination within.

A few minutes later, Richard was brought to the door of the study. The servant stopped here at the right time, bent over, and said respectfully: "My king is inside, please come in, breakfast will be served in a while." will deliver."

"Hmm." Richard responded, and after the guards opened the door, he walked in slowly. At this moment, King Hymes was leaning casually on the back of the chair, looking at the scroll in his hand. There was also an unfinished meal on the table in front of him. Richard glanced at it lightly, but there was a piece of fish, some slices of white bread, and a small piece of barbecue. drinks.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Hemis raised his head subconsciously, looked at the person who walked in, and when he saw Richard, he put the scroll in his hand aside, and asked with a smile: "Did you have a good rest yesterday? "

"Not bad." Richard responded, and then sat on a chair in front of the desk at Haymis's signal. He rubbed his still dazed head and asked actively: "The one sleeping next to me? Who is the woman?”

"?" Hymis was stunned for a moment, then remembered, and then a deep smile appeared on his face, and he said, "King Richard, there are many noble girls in Bennett City vying to sleep with you. Last night, that woman was just one of them."

"It was so sudden." Richard said, frowning. "I can't remember exactly what happened last night."

"Don't worry, my dear King Richard." Hemis was still smiling, and he pushed his cup to Richard with a smile, and said, "Come and take a sip, sober?"

"No." Richard waved his hand and refused. Seeing that he didn't drink, Hemis shrugged and drank the wine in the glass, and then said: "The noble girl didn't talk to anyone before that. She has slept with her before, so you are her first man, and you don't have to worry about contracting any strange diseases at all."

Alright, Hemis thought that Richard was worried about being infected with some strange disease—in this world, people already know about venereal diseases, and although nobles still have sex, they always pay attention to this aspect , No one wants to suffer from a strange disease.

Richard also understood what he meant. He opened his mouth and was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. Hemis immediately asked, "Who?"

"Your Majesty, we have brought a meal." The person outside the door replied.

"Bring it in." As soon as he heard that it was breakfast, Hemis let him in. After he finished speaking, the door was pushed open after a few seconds. The servant who had led Richard here just now was holding a quilt cover The covered plate came in, carefully placed the plate on the table, and picked up the top cover, and the food inside appeared in Richard's sight. His breakfast was no different from Hemis's, It was a fish, a few pieces of bread, a piece of barbecue and a glass of wine. The barbecue and fish smelled very good because of the added spices, which made Richard, who had no stock in his stomach, even more hungry, and moved his index finger.

So, he greeted Hemis, and started to eat on his own, while the servant helped Hymis fill the empty wine glass with wine, then walked out slowly, and stood outside waiting for orders .

While Richard was eating, King Hemis leisurely picked up the bread, sandwiched the barbecue between two slices of bread, and said to Richard: "I will send that girl to your house, of course, It's okay if you don't want to accept it, I'll send her home directly."

"No, no need." Richard chewed his food and said, as if he had realized that it was impolite, he swallowed the food in his mouth, took a sip from the wine glass on one side, and then said: "After a few days I will lead the army to leave here tomorrow, and then I will leave the Niles house to her, and I hope you can take care of it for me."

"Don't worry." Hymis gave him a look that I understand from a man, and said, "She will be like a bird in a cage, and she will have no chance to contact other opposite sexes."

"Yeah." Richard nodded, and then changed the topic to the business, saying: "The war against the Principality of Rogelle and the Kingdom of Ausong will soon end, and the only one still resisting is the Miga in the east. The Kingdom of Nice is gone. After the war is over, I hope you can play an exemplary role and formally join the alliance I formed to drive the new rulers of the three countries."

"Please rest assured, I, Haimis Della, keep my word." King Haimis said solemnly in front of him.

 There will be more in a while

(End of this chapter)

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