rise of empire total war

Chapter 333 Christmas Chapter

Chapter 333 Christmas

"Cheer! People of the Kingdom of Miganis! The glory of the Mother of the Seven Hundred Gods will finally shine on this land again! ——'Holy Maiden' Catherine, she led the people of Miganis to defeat the Winster invasion who, known as the 'Daughters of Malafa'"


"Our army is back! Our army is back!"

Amid bursts of cheers, an army holding the flag of the Kingdom of Miganis slowly passed through the city gate in the welcome of the residents of Fort Migelen. Every soldier in this army held their heads high and enjoyed the It is no exaggeration to say that this moment is the most glorious moment in most of their lives!
At the forefront of this army is a young general riding a white horse. He has a white and beardless face, high cheekbones, heroic brows, and a pair of big eyes that are even more piercing. The woman couldn't help screaming for him.Behind him was an old general who was also riding a war horse. This old general was not angry, his face was expressionless, and the murderous aura on his body made the surrounding civilians hold their breath. Only after he passed by did he dare to gasp gruff.

They are Marshal Catherine and Deputy Marshal Robert appointed by Prince Tragel of Meganis himself. For convenience, the former cut off his long hair and left only a shoulder-length short hair. At the same time, he changed into men's clothes. , heroic.The latter once again put on the armor of the imperial general who accompanied him for half his life. While advising Katrin, he also instilled all the training methods for soldiers when he was a general in the Holy Kuyawi Empire into this newborn army. , Trying to train an army with combat effectiveness in a short period of time--Facts have proved that he succeeded. Although the combat effectiveness of this army is not comparable to that of the Imperial Army, it has still been enhanced.

"People of the Kingdom of Meganis!" At this moment, Katrin, who was surrounded by all the people, suddenly shouted loudly. As her voice fell, the surrounding civilians gradually became quiet, looking forward to the defeated Wen General of the Sturt Army.

"Please rejoice! People of the kingdom! We are back, and we have returned here with the flag of the kingdom, in order to drive the evil Winster invaders out of this land!"

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

"Please rejoice! People of the Kingdom! The Winsters and their evil false gods will not last long, and the glory of the Mother of the Seven Hundred Gods will finally shine on this land again!"


Katrin and her army still regained Fort Miggelen. Although the enemy troops in this city have long been driven away by the residents, only a few remnants are still stubbornly fighting in the complicated alleys. The only belief that supports them to continue to resist is It was the reinforcements sent by the kingdom, but now the reinforcements from the Miganis arrived earlier, which made them desperate. Even so, they still had no choice but to continue to resist, because some mysterious power in their hearts made them unable to ask for help. The enemy surrendered, driving them to the last moment of their lives.

Their number is decreasing every day, every day the corpses of comrades-in-arms are dragged out of the alley, their armor and anything of value are taken away, leaving only a naked corpse thrown randomly on the street for The civilians who came and went spurned it.

"Persevere, God and Our Lady are with us, the kingdom's reinforcements will come soon!" This sentence is the words of encouragement among every surviving soldier, and it is also the slogan they brainwash themselves, even if the commander of the brigade is killed Executed brutally, the company commander died tragically under the siege of the mob, they still did not give up hope.

Outside, the cheers of the Miganis civilians spread to the ears of the Winster soldiers hiding in the shadows from time to time, making these soldiers look gloomy, and unconsciously prayed to the gods in their hearts, while the reinforcements they longed for were still there. Outside the border of the Kingdom of Meganis, march hard on the snow-covered stone pavement.

In December, the Vadasia Peninsula is almost covered in white, the land is vast and white, and the snow that is as deep as an adult's calf is covered on the ground, making every step feel quite strenuous.In order to support the battle of the Kingdom of Meganis, Magnus and his soldiers were forced to give up staying in the camp to keep warm, and instead walked on this cold and windy night, feeling the pain and pain flying on their faces. The coldness of snowflakes falling on the body.

"Quicken up, we're going to spend Christmas in Viken City!" Magnus could only cheer the soldiers up like this. Viken City is the westernmost city in the Kingdom of Meganis, and it's also the closest city to them. According to the current Judging from the current situation, it is obviously impossible to reach Fort Miggelen before Christmas, so they can only settle for the next best thing, stay in Viken City for a few days, overcome the heavy snow before marching towards Fort Miggelen .

The western part of the Kingdom of Meganis was afraid that the Winsters would come back for revenge, so almost no cities dared to return to the embrace of the kingdom. Magnus' troops easily entered Viken City, but once they entered It is easy to feel that the atmosphere is not right, because the civilians walking on the street always look at them with strange eyes, and those eyes not only contain hostility, but also other complex emotions.

In any case, Christmas is coming as scheduled. On December 12th every year, whether it is in Europe on Earth or in a different world, all Christians celebrate the day of the birth of Jesus Christ. Traditional food gingerbread is prepared, and holly and oak are used to decorate the family.On such a holy day, the Winster army also stopped military operations and lifted the military ban, allowing the soldiers to cheer and celebrate in the barracks.

In the mainland of the kingdom, that is, the three regions of Winster, Ravana and Cunha, each city ignited fireworks under the intervention of the government (this kind of fireworks was made in advance to celebrate Christmas, although the number is not large. There are many, but we try to distribute them to every city as much as possible), while the snowflakes are falling, colorful fireworks bloom in mid-air, causing many civilians to walk out of their warm homes and stand on the streets to enjoy this rare beauty.

In the Kingdom of Miganis, Randall, who was expelled from Fort Migren and hid in a farm house, and his defeated soldiers also celebrated Christmas as usual, because the farmer's family didn't have much food. , they ran to the nearby villages ahead of time to steal or rob, and finally a table was filled with food. The soldiers took advantage of this moment to have fun, drank the meager wine in one gulp, and then gathered around The fireplace sang and danced to express the anguish and troubles in my heart these days.

The most tragic ones are those surviving soldiers hiding in Fort Miggelen. They don’t have enough conditions to celebrate. They can only gather together to snuggle up to each other for warmth, sing their hometown tunes in a low voice, wipe their tears secretly, and pray for reinforcements. Get them out soon.

(End of this chapter)

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