Chapter 331

"Damn! Damn! This is a great shame!"

On a quiet country road, a group of defeated soldiers were walking in the middle with low morale. Each of them was in a very embarrassed state. Some of them were not even equipped with armor, and only wore warmer robes to follow the team.

They did not carry a banner, which, to be precise, had fallen into the hands of the enemy at Fort Miggelen, and their glory was lost along with the banner.

Mixed in the team, as the commander-in-chief, Landauer was ashamed, and there was almost no clean place on his body. If he hadn't picked up the saber on the table immediately after waking up from his sleep, he might be unarmed now state.

He will never forget what happened that night, it was the most dangerous time in his life, even if he was about to be assassinated in the former siege camp of Tus City, it was not so dangerous.

Time goes back to Fort Miglen two days ago.

After the fiasco at Lake Roni, Randall led the rout all the way to the south and retreated back to Fort Meggeren. They were going to stick to this city with high walls, but they forgot that it was once the capital of the Kingdom of Meganis. Here The people of the country still have deep feelings for the motherland.

Thus, the tragedy happened.

On the evening of December 1116, 12 in the continental calendar, everything was no different from usual. After the rout soldiers who withdrew into the city merged with a brigade stationed here, they also patrolled the city wall and the barracks in small groups according to the duty schedule. However, they did not include the street in the scope of patrol, because the scale of Fort Miggelen is so huge that even the slightest ripple will not appear when more than 20 soldiers are invested in it.

In the darkness that the soldiers of Winster did not see, there was an undercurrent surging. The news of the victory at Lake Ronni (for the Mijanese people) had already reached Fort Miglen through various channels, making these people unwilling to accept the rule of foreigners. The civilians were so excited that they gathered together in a place where the Winsters could not see and discussed the ulterior secrets.Gradually, a spontaneous organization was formed to oppose the Winster invaders, and many residents of Fort Miglen joined it, staring at the Winster soldiers with eager eyes.

The latter didn't know about this, and some of them might have been keenly aware of the hostility shown by the Miganis civilians, but they didn't take it to heart, thinking it was just hostility to foreign invaders.

A riot that swept across the city broke out on the night of the 20th. The residents of Fort Miggelen took out their ancestral weapons and shields from their homes, or just picked up a wooden stick or inferior farm implements at random. Heading towards the barracks built near the city gate, a patrol team just about to return to the barracks found this group of menacing thugs from a distance, and ran into the barracks in fright, closed the gate tightly, and rang the warning bell Suddenly, the piercing bell rang over the entire city, waking up the soldiers and Randall who were still asleep, turned over in a panic, picked up the weapon at the side and rushed out.

When they ran to the wall of the barracks and looked outside, they were horrified to find that the open space outside the barracks was already surrounded by dense mobs. They cursed loudly, held up their weapons, and demonstrated to the soldiers inside the barracks.The soldiers on the fence hurriedly dug out the stock of javelins from the warehouse in the barracks, moved the boxes of javelins to the fence, and shot at the mobs as soon as they took the initiative to attack.

Randall knew very well that it is best not to provoke the thugs outside now. There are many people on the other side, and there are only a few centurions on his side. More soldiers are still patrolling the city wall. There was a turning point—however, this idea was quickly dismissed by him. Even if the patrols outside did not have a lot of soldiers, it would not help to rush back for reinforcements. On the contrary, they might be overwhelmed by massive mobs.

While he was thinking in his heart, he only heard a cheer from the thugs outside, and his eyes were immediately attracted to him. Seeing this, he was so frightened that his body became alert. The city wall is coming!
"Damn it, shoot! Shoot! Stop them!" Randall yelled quickly, and the soldiers on the city wall raised their javelins one after another, aimed at the running mob, and threw them with all their strength.The javelin with its own armor-piercing effect directly tore through the thug's unarmored body after hitting the target, nailing him firmly to the ground. The screams and the wounds on his body shocked the surrounding thugs. Looking in horror at the javelins that continued to fly towards the wall, they threw the ladder in their hands on the ground, turned around and fled back.

Seeing that the enemy was scared away so easily, Randall and the soldiers on the fence were relieved. What they feared most was the mob rushing forward with javelins without fear of death, but the thugs who surrounded the barracks were obviously that kind of comparison The existence of fear of death.

However, they didn't relax for a long time, and they were shocked to see the thugs push out the tall door panels. They blocked the door panels in front of them and pushed forward step by step until they picked up the abandoned ladder again. Go down to the fence.

"They, are they tearing down all the doors of the house?" Someone among the soldiers said in astonishment. As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a black shadow flashing in front of him. In the next second, a fist-sized stone was precisely Hitting his eye socket, the soldier was knocked down to the ground with a scream, his face was bleeding profusely, his scream seemed to have activated some kind of mysterious mechanism, and then several screams rang out on the wall.

"It's a stone, they have stone slingers!" A veteran soldier quickly realized that he squatted halfway to avoid the stones flying from outside the wall, and reminded other soldiers at the same time, but dozens of people had already been hit on the head by the stones. Bleeding out, he fell to the ground unconscious.The soldiers hid behind the wall in horror, listening to the crackling of stones on the wall, and the sharp sound of piercing the air flying past their heads.

But at this moment, a soldier ran from the other end of the barracks. He was panting to avoid the falling stones, but he was hit several times in a row, and was soon beaten black and blue. Finally, he ran under the wall, disregarding his body. In pain, he shouted anxiously at Randall: "General, there are no mobs outside the other gate, we can retreat from there!"

"What?" Randall was overjoyed when he heard the words, and asked subconsciously, regardless of whether the soldiers below answered, he quickly shouted to the other soldiers: "Retreat, retreat through another gate!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ladder outside the wall was put on the wall with a bang, and the soldiers quickly lifted up the unconscious comrade-in-arms on the ground, ran down the wall along the stairs, and headed towards Another gate of the barracks ran.

(End of this chapter)

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