rise of empire total war

Chapter 32 The Second Coming of Ravana

Chapter 32 The Second Coming of Ravana

"Ravana City, I'm here again!"

On the broad stone road from Port Bell to Ravana City, Richard said as he looked at the looming city on the horizon in the distance.

After Richard led his army to land in Port Bell, he did not go to Ravana immediately, but stayed in the city for a few days to inspect his factory.

His textile workshop was not affected by the war, and business is still booming. No wonder, the war broke out in the east of the kingdom, and Bell Port is in the southwestern coastal area. Unless the main force of the kingdom is defeated, the Ramirez people The army will never be able to reach here.

In other words, when the Ramirez people attack Bell Port, the royal capital of Lavana is probably almost over.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Richard and his army had already entered the radiation range of Ravana City. Although civilians on the road could still be seen along the way, there was not much relief on their faces, as if they were rushing anxiously.

"What is going on?" Richard thought doubtfully.

And at this moment, a group of cavalry came running from the direction of Ravana City. After seeing the flag raised by Chad's army, the leading knight breathed a sigh of relief, put down his guard and came to Richard, saying: "Richard Your Highness Chad, you are finally here."

"what happened?"

Richard felt a little uneasy in his heart, as if something bad happened before he came.

"Just three days ago, the Ramirez people broke into Fort Cochrane, Earl Vic and all the defenders died in battle..."

Richard didn't listen to what the knight said behind him. He looked shocked and couldn't imagine how the Ramirez's attack speed was so fast.

He has some knowledge of the map of the Ravana Kingdom. The Earl of Cork, where Fort Cochrane is located, is located on the border between the Ravana Kingdom and the Ramirez Kingdom, and is the first line of defense for the latter.The capital, Cochraneburg, was built on a small hill, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack. It belonged to an existence that would not easily fall unless the commander was stupid.

However, such a castle lasted for less than a month, no, it didn't survive even half a month.

When did the Ramirez people become so good at fighting?

Perhaps seeing Richard's doubts, the knight made an invitation gesture to signal him to follow him to the city of Ravana, and explained: "Although we haven't got the complete battle report, the refugees fleeing nearby have witnessed what happened at that time. scene..."

"It was dusk, and there seemed to be civil turmoil in Fort Cochrane. The flag belonging to Earl Vic was lowered and burned. Not long after the civil turmoil broke out, the gate of the castle was opened, and the Ramirez people took the opportunity to send light troops along the road. The mountain road broke into the gate, and the main force took over the castle..."

"You don't need me to tell you what happened next." Speaking of this, the knight kept shaking his head and sighing, as if regretting the tragedy in Cochranburg.

"I would like to know why the internal strife broke out all of a sudden." Richard frowned and guessed, "Could it be the spies of the Ramirez people secretly plotting?"

"That's not clear." The knight shook his head, looked at the gate of Ravana, which was close at hand, and said, "Your Highness Richard, I will send you here, and my subordinates will go to patrol nearby."

"Okay, you've worked hard." Richard nodded, watched the knight and his team turn away from the direction the horses came from, and then turned their attention to the city gate.

After negotiating with the soldiers guarding the city gate, Richard was allowed to enter the city with a few guards, while the rest could only be stationed in the open space outside the city.Only then did Richard notice that layers of tents had been set up in the open space outside Ravana City, and soldiers in light armor and holding spears could be seen from time to time in the camp.

Commanding the soldiers to enter the vacant camp on the edge, Richard led a few general guard knights into the city of Ravana, and went directly to Trizzi Palace to meet King Halaus.

When Richard saw his grandfather King Harlaus again, he was shocked by the changes in him.Perhaps because of the unsatisfactory war, King Haraus's temples became much whiter, and his whole person looked much older than before.

"Richard, are you here?" The moment he saw Richard, before he could speak, King Harolds asked first.

"I'm here, Your Majesty." Richard replied with a respectful salute, and then continued: "Your Majesty, I heard about the Cochranburg incident. What happened at that time?"

"This... I don't know, but everything is still under control, you can rest assured." After King Harlaus finished speaking, he changed the topic and mentioned the Moore pirates: "I heard from the merchant that, Did you actually annihilate the incoming Moorish pirates on your own?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Richard was very calm, and his tone was indifferent, and said: "Before the pirates attacked, many people in Winster were unwilling to accept the rule of the usurper, and they came to me from thousands of miles away. Only with their support can the pirates be defeated."

"You really surprised me, Richard." King Harlaus said, with a smile and pride that could not be concealed from the corners of his eyes, "You did not disappoint me, Richard. You don’t have enough ability to fulfill your oath and restore the country, but now, I think you do have that ability.”

"Thank you for your approval..."

Before Richard finished speaking, Harlaus interrupted him. The aging king suddenly stood up and said, "I will personally lead the kingdom's army to fight against the Ramirez, Richard. De, let me see the behavior of soldiers loyal to you."

Richard was obviously stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and said quickly: "Understood."


Richard didn't know how he got out of the Trizzi Palace. He just felt that his brain was a little cloudy. Everything that happened just now happened very quickly, just like a horse watching a flower, and he came out directly after walking.

Walking on the streets of Lavana City, Richard looked up at the sunset in the sky, but still did not disturb Douglas and went directly back to the station outside the city.

However, just as he walked to the gate of the military barracks outside the city, Richard heard a burst of noise. He frowned, and followed the sound, it turned out to be his own residence?

Without thinking too much, Richard hurriedly walked over, pushed aside the crowd of onlookers and squeezed in. The soldier who was being shoved was about to turn around and insult him, but when he saw the nobleman, he immediately flinched, and retreated embarrassingly to let Richard Adopted by De et al.

Passing through the crowd, Richard was taken aback by the scene inside, and stood there dumbfounded.In the open space surrounded by the crowd, two burly and strong men were wrestling fiercely with their upper body shirtless.

One of them, Richard, still has a little impression. It seems to be a Danish soldier under him.

"What are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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