rise of empire total war

Chapter 316 Successful March

Chapter 316 Successful March
In the Ange stronghold, the killing in the dark has just begun.

puff.The sharp iron armor easily sliced ​​through the barbarian's unarmored abdomen, exposing the internal organs to the air and flowing out with the body's movements.

Watching the enemy who had his stomach sliced ​​open in front of him slowly fall, the commander of the stronghold, Relian, shouted to a soldier around him: "Lloyd, get on your horse and go to the military chief Charles!"

"Of order, company captain." The soldier named Lloyd responded, followed Relian and ran to the gate quickly. He stepped on the stirrups and rode on his horse in a few steps. At the same time, Relian pointed to several soldiers at the gate and ordered: "Open the gate, open the gate now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two soldiers slowly opened the door, leaving only a crack. Lloyd rode out on a fast horse, but only ran a few dozen meters away when a sharp arrow flew from behind at high speed. Come on, shot him directly in the back of the heart, Lloyd just groaned in pain, then lost his strength and lay down on the horse's back, allowing the fast horse to carry him and continue running.

Relian didn't see this scene. After sending Lloyd away, he wiped the blood off the sword with the hem of his clothes, and then ran up the wall quickly.On the way, he was blocked by a barbarian. The former swung his battle ax and slashed at him, but Lelian ducked and dodged. The sharp sword in his hand stabbed out like a poisonous snake, tearing the barbarian's clothes and skin, and penetrated the barbarian's body. His flesh and blood body, the tip of the sword pierced from the back, and it was still stained with internal organs and blood.

Not far away, the battle was still going on, and the arrows flying from the city wall were constantly harvesting the lives of the spear sergeants. A soldier had just dodged to avoid the attack of the barbarians, and tripped the heavy enemy with his feet, causing the opponent to lose He fell to the ground with a heavy balance, and before he could take the opportunity to attack, an arrow fell from the sky and hit his back to interrupt his attack. When he endured the pain and turned his attention back to the enemy, he saw With a flash of cold light, his whole body was split in half by the barbarian's battle axe.

The unscrupulous archers on the wall were quickly discovered by the spear sergeants. Under the shout of a soldier, several people each picked up a shield, covered each other and ran to the steps of the wall. Arrows shot at them, but the arrows bounced off the shields and fell to the ground, where they were trampled and broken.

On the other side, Relian had already rushed up to the wall. He saw the dying deputy commander Dias lying in a pool of blood, and was shocked. He rushed to Dias's side quickly, and was about to help him The other party asked, "Dias, how are you?"

"Take care of yourself." Dias opened his mouth and made a weak voice. At this moment, a barbarian turned over and jumped into the wall. Relian was shocked and stood up to defend the enemy, but was beaten by the barbarian's brute force. Flying weapons, staggered back a few steps, and fell to the ground.


The barbarian roared loudly, swung his tomahawk and slashed down heavily. Lelian quickly rolled to the side to avoid the slash. Relian got up in a hurry, but the barbarian directly hit him into the air again with his tall body. He temporarily abandoned the stuck tomahawk, kicked Relian's waist on the ground, and kicked him off the wall. fell on top of a tent.

Relian had already been dizzy from a series of attacks, and could only watch helplessly as the barbarian jumped down with his tomahawk in hand, and swung his tomahawk to strike at himself, but at this moment, someone on the fence kept shooting at him. The female archer stopped him, and the barbarian could only snort in dissatisfaction, then grabbed Lelian by the collar and pulled him up, and then punched the company commander hard in the face. , to stun it.

At this time, looking around, most of the soldiers in Anger's stronghold were slaughtered, and only a few soldiers were still stubbornly resisting, but it was obvious that their decline was set.


Although this was not the first battle against the bone barbarians, it was the first time Winster's army had been wiped out in a single battle (sneak attack should also be considered a battle).No one knew what happened at the Ange stronghold. It was not until two days later that someone discovered the body of the spear sergeant carried by a horse and reported it to his superiors. This fiasco was not known to the world.

This is also the first defeat of the Kingdom of Winster since Richard regained his rule.

Richard, who was far away in the Kingdom of Meganis, didn't know all this. He was leading the main force of the First Army and the Teutonic Knights on the road leading to Westburg, the important town of the Kingdom of Meganis.From the blood stains on the armor of the soldiers in the army and the traces of battle, it can be seen that they have just experienced a big war.

And it is.

Just two hours ago, they were blocked by King Marco Albertoni of Miganis. After learning the news of Richard's crime, the heroic king resolutely led the assembled main force and hired The army meets the enemy.

But how did they fight against the illustrious Winster army? During the battle, King Marko, who led the Knights of the Kingdom to charge the flank of the First Legion, was shot by arquebus soldiers several times and died on the spot. , and his army was defeated after continuing to fight for a while.

In this battle, the Miganis army suffered heavy casualties. Although the mercenaries they hired retreated first when they saw the situation was bad, they were still overtaken by cavalry sergeants and mail cavalry, beheading most of them and taking many prisoners.

The First Army and the Teutonic Knights under Richard only lost some soldiers, which was really a hearty victory.


The news of King Marko's death in battle quickly spread throughout the kingdom with the pace of the rout. For a while, people in the kingdom were panicked, and the nobles felt like the end was coming. Fear spread rapidly like a plague.Fearing the military power of the Winsters, when their troops approached the city, the Weisburg defenders took the initiative to open the city and surrender, swearing allegiance to Richard.

For these people who knew the current affairs, Richard was extremely generous. He took a sum of silver coins from the spoils of war, distributed them to these surrendered soldiers, and sent them home.As for the nobles in the city, he didn't deal with them either. He just sent someone to calm their emotions and promised not to do anything to them.

After resting in Weissburg for a few days, Richard left a large group of soldiers and continued to march towards Megarenburg, the capital of the Kingdom of Meganis. The towns along the way surrendered with flags, and it seemed that the time to conquer the kingdom was approaching. So close!
However, there is no shortage of loyal people in this world. When the motherland is about to perish, some people still stand up and call on the villagers to fight against the invaders together.

 Want to report chapter by chapter?If you can see here, all I can say is, your mother is dead, but is it worth it?
(End of this chapter)

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