rise of empire total war

Chapter 305 Sandan Fort

Chapter 305 Sandan Fort

"The damn Ramirez people have surrounded us for more than two months. Are they planning to annihilate us?"

Looking at the flag of the Kingdom of Ramirez flying outside the castle, a Nordic swordsman cursed in a low voice, then spat on the ground, and stomped hard on the spot where the saliva fell.

This is Fort Shadan, the fortress of the Winster army fifty miles north of the capital of the Kingdom of Ramirez, Yaquik, and the siege of No. 70 for three days.

Sandan Fort is a fortress that was forced to cede when King Croft of Ramirez signed the alliance under the city five years ago. It is located fifty miles north of the capital Yaquik, and its function is to monitor and threaten the Ramirez people. However, this It's useless, because the Ramirez people should rebel or mutiny, and the role of Shadan Fort is only to report the strange behavior of the Ramirez people to assemble the army before the war.

In this fortress, a Nordic swordsman company and two sword and spear militia companies were stationed. In addition, there were more than 50 servants recruited from nearby villages. These servants were secretly monitored after the war started. Prevent them from cooperating with the Royal Army outside the field.

However, the facts have proved that these Ramirez people who believed in Jesus Christ did not commit any act of betrayal. They even tried their best to help defend the city when the Royal Army attacked the city, and fought back together with the Danes in the fortress. Round after round of attacks.

While the ordinary soldiers were cursing the enemy outside the city to vent their dissatisfaction, in the main building of the castle, Commander-in-Chief Seplin listened to the report of the two deputy commanders, frowning. From the report, he could not see that the fortress There is hope for continued resistance.

During the siege of more than two months and 73 days, the defense equipment such as javelins and rolling stones in the warehouse of the fortress has been exhausted, and the previously stored food supplies have also been consumed in large quantities, leaving only a small amount of food supplies. Fortunately, there is a well inside the fortress , the defenders can get water from it at any time, otherwise they would have been annihilated due to lack of water.

Not only is the lack of supplies, but also the loss of personnel is not optimistic. Although the enemy outside the city did not launch a large-scale attack on the city, every attack can cause damage to the soldiers of the defenders. During the 73-day siege period, the city The foreign enemy army launched a total of 55 siege battles of various scales. Although they lost hundreds of soldiers for this, they still suffered nearly a hundred casualties of the defenders—the casualties were mainly those behind. There are even more of them.

There is no perfect medical condition in Sandan Fort. Serious injuries in battle are basically equivalent to death. If minor injuries are not treated in time and effectively, they will gradually turn into serious injuries due to the harsh environment, and finally die tragically on the bed.Because of this, there are only more than 150 combatable soldiers in Shadan Fort, while it can be estimated with the naked eye that there are still more than 500 enemy troops outside the city.

Thinking of this, Seplin couldn't help but twitch slightly in his heart. The Viking blood flowing in his body made him and the soldiers in this castle not easily surrender to the enemy, and also made them not afraid of death, but even if they didn't People who are afraid of death will also try to live.

"Fransiwa, send another messenger to break through." Seplin ordered to the deputy commander Fransiwa at the round table. The genius sent a rescue messenger to break out of the siege, if it is sent again now, isn't it a bit redundant?"

"No, I haven't replied for so long. I'm afraid the courier was intercepted and killed in a place where we can't see, so we have to send another courier." Seplin said, and he left the room where the battle map was placed. Round table, walked to the window sill, and looked at the enemy barracks outside the city from a high place. After a while, his voice came again: "It's really impossible, we can only gather soldiers and break out to Abadelan. We can't Trapped to death in this castle."


The two deputy commanders were taken aback at the same time, and the deputy commander named Franswa even shouted: "Seplin, we can't take this risk. We can rely on the strong city walls to resist the enemy's attack if we stay in Fort Shadan. If we break out of the siege, we can only fight the enemy and fight our way out.

What's more, we don't know anything about the outside situation. If Abadelan has already fallen, wouldn't we be in a trap if we break out there?The main force of the Ramirez people is likely to engage our army there. "

"Yes, Seplin, what Francois said is very reasonable. We can't take the risk of breaking through. We just need to hold on to Fort Shadan and wait for the reinforcements to arrive." Another deputy commander echoed.

However, the advice of the two deputy commanders did not sway Seplin, his eyes were still on the siege camp outside the city, and after a long while, he said: "You also know that the supplies in Shadan Fort are only enough for us to hold on to it." One week, seven days later, we can only catch the rats that are running around the ground. Rather than being trapped here to die, it is better to fight to the death and rush out to seek reinforcements."

After finishing the words, he quietly added: "I will lead my Nordic swordsman company to break through tonight, you can continue to stand here, even if we fail, the 50 people who are free will have enough food for you Hold on for a few more days."


Francois wanted to say more, but Seplin waved his hand and interrupted his words. Seplin continued: "The sword and spear militiamen you command tend to be defensive, and the Nordic swordsmen I command are more inclined to attack. , so you should stay in Fort Shadan. After I leave, Francois will take over as the commander-in-chief, Noel, you have to cooperate with Francois to defend Fort Shadan and wait for the reinforcements to arrive."

"We understand, Seplin." Seeing that it would be useless to talk more, Francois and Noel could only agree.

The order to break out quickly reached the ears of every Nordic swordsman. Facing the reluctance of the Sword and Spear Militia, they took all their belongings with them. The friends who seconded made their last words and left all their money to them. Although Seplin didn't say it clearly, they knew very well in their hearts that this breakout was probably a disaster.

In the early hours of the night, after a full meal, the gate of Shadan Fort was slowly opened, led by Commander Seplin himself, followed by the remaining 52 members of the Nordic Swordsman Company, to the unsuspecting The Ramirez siege camp launched a charge. These heroic Danes deserved to be the descendants of the Vikings. They brandished sharp swords and set off a bloody storm in the siege camp. break out.

Looking at the backs of these soldiers, everyone on the city wall was praying to the god in the dark, asking the almighty god to protect their comrades who bravely broke through.

(End of this chapter)

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