Chapter 284
"We can't go on like this. We can't attack the city of Tus for a long time, and we lose a lot of soldiers every day. Commanders from various countries have already started to complain. If we don't withdraw our troops, it may cause a split within the coalition forces."

At night, in the camp of the coalition forces besieging the city, the four commanders gathered together to discuss the future of the coalition forces.

"That's right, the general of the Kingdom of Goslan has already complained to me very straightforwardly. If he continues to attack the city of Tus, he will leave the coalition with his army and return to the country." Malik said, his words were full of helplessness.

The deputy commander Parhati also echoed: "Your Majesty King Titos, you should order the withdrawal. If you don't withdraw, the enemy's reinforcements will arrive soon."

Hearing that the three deputy commanders persuaded him to order the withdrawal, the commander-in-chief King Titos suddenly fell silent. He also knew that the current situation was very bad, but he just felt that he would lose his so-called honor by withdrawing the troops in such a disheveled manner.

After a while, under the persuasion of the three, King Titos finally made up his mind to withdraw his troops. He took a deep breath, as if he had made a big decision, and said: "Notify the whole army, pack up the supplies in the camp , We will start retreating tomorrow.”

"Yes." The three of them accepted the order and agreed, but then Parhati asked: "His Majesty King Titos, if the defenders of Tus City come out of the city to pursue them, how should we respond?"

Hearing Parhati's inquiry, the other three knew that he was thinking about his previous suggestion. King Titos was a little embarrassed. In his opinion, Parhati's proposal was really a lack of noble virtue. Get out, and there's a good chance he'll be accused of breaking promises.

In addition, it will also trigger international conflicts. No matter which country's army is sent to death, that country will not be willing to swallow its anger.

As if seeing King Titos' embarrassment, Parhati quickly said: "Since His Majesty the King is kind and unwilling to issue such an order, I will not continue to ask, but I just want to remind you that if the enemy of Tus city If the army chases you out, then you can only do as I tell you."

"I understand your kindness, Chief Marshal Parhati." King Titos said, "I will consider it when necessary."


The order was passed down quickly, and the entire barracks cheered. The soldiers were glad that they didn't have to die in Tus City, and the nobles were happy that they didn't have to stay in this ruined place.Amidst the cheers, the soldiers gathered supplies by the bonfire in the camp. Their movements alarmed the defenders on the opposite wall. The soldiers on duty mistakenly thought that they were going to attack the city at night, so they quickly blew the warning horn, and then , The soldiers of the First Legion were assembled urgently, pulled out of the tent with sleepy eyes, put on their armor, picked up their weapons, and ran up the city wall.

However, the facts proved that this was just a false alarm. The soldiers stood on the wall and stared at the enemy all night, but they never saw the enemy attacking the city. The alarm was not lifted until the sky was dark, and the soldiers were allowed to return Go to their respective barracks to catch up on sleep - they can't sleep much longer, because a few hours later, they are woken up again, because the coalition forces have begun to withdraw.

At this time, Charles and his regiment were less than half a day away from the city of Tus. If they had left the temporary station earlier, they might have collided with the retreating enemy.

On April 1115, 4 in the mainland calendar, at 24 a.m., the coalition forces began to retreat. At the same time they withdrew from the camp, the soldiers on the city wall discovered their movements and sounded warning horns to the legion. , The soldiers who had only slept for a few hours complained and left their beds. With the help of their comrades, they each put on their armor, then walked out of the barracks, picked up the weapons and shields placed outside, and ran up the city wall quickly.When they ran up the wall, Richard had already arrived. He stood behind the wall and looked into the distance. Many enemies had already withdrawn from the camp and marched south. After thinking about it, Richard guessed They were going to withdraw to Sukenya.

"Your Majesty, do we want to open the city gate and go out to pursue the city now?" Magnus asked at the side, and Richard glanced at him when he heard the words. The eagerness in Gnus' eyes.

"I'm afraid it's the enemy's conspiracy..." Richard stopped before he finished speaking, and swallowed the next words. It suddenly occurred to him that the natives of this world are not as fond of using conspiracies and tricks as the Celestial Dynasty. Well, nobles who think they are noble don't bother to use tricks on the battlefield, they prefer to be straightforward.

Thinking of this, Richard became bolder. He nodded and said, "Magnus, order the whole army to open the city gate and let us chase them out!"

"Obey!" Magnus, who received the order, took the order with some excitement. He then hurried to spread Richard's order to the whole army. Then, he only heard the soldiers cheering like a mountain. It can be seen that they have been under siege for more than a month (if there is a conflict with the end of the previous chapter, then I have revised it, I calculated it later, it is actually more than half a month), and they have anger in their hearts. Now I can take the initiative to attack, of course I will be very excited.

I don't know if the cheers in the city caught the attention of those enemies. They all looked at the city of Tus anxiously, as if a group of flood beasts would rush out of it—as if to verify their anxiety, the next moment, in their sight , the gate of Tusi City was slowly opened, and a group of heavily armored cavalry rushed out roaring!

"Damn it! The Winsters really rushed out!"

King Titos, who was still in the camp, cursed loudly. He couldn't help but regret why he didn't listen to Parhati's suggestion and leave some troops behind. During the retreat, they had no way to meet the enemy.

Looking at the heavy cavalry brigade rushing out, King Titos's mind was spinning wildly. He was thinking about the way to deal with it. He only thought for a second-but this second decided the fate of the coalition army and also decided the fate of the coalition. The future of the battlefield in the west.

"Continue to retreat, Malik, where is Malik?" He finally made up his mind and gave the order to the surrounding soldiers to continue retreat. At the same time, he called out the name of Malik, the commander of the Kingdom of Pravia, who quickly Rushing over on horseback, he stopped in front of King Titos and asked: "Commander-in-Chief, please give the order."

"Malik, you lead a part of the army to block the pursuit of the Wensters, and you must give the main force enough time to retreat!"

"What?" Malik was a little dazed by this order, but he looked at the serious King Titos, and could only swallow back the questioning words that came to his lips, and said bravely, "I understand ,I will try my best."

"Don't try your best, Malik, you must do it." King Titos grabbed Malik's hand and said, "You must come back alive. When I return to Suken City, I will tell King Nikcres to you Please credit!"

"Please believe me!" Malik said, he knew asking for credit was just a big pie, but he didn't break it.After bidding farewell to King Titos, he rode his horse to the side of the camp near the city of Tus. He drew out his sword and shouted to the chaotic soldiers around him: "I am Malik, the second-in-command, soldiers, Put down your belongings, take up your arms and shields, and join me against the Winsters!"

Listening to Malik's words, and looking at the running enemy heavy cavalry, the soldiers hesitated, but the soldiers from Pravia Kingdom in the crowd were not willing to abandon their military chief, and dropped their personal belongings one after another. , picked up the weapon and shield and walked in front of Malik without saying a word, making a confrontational posture.With these Pravia soldiers taking the lead, more soldiers joined in, and soon hundreds of soldiers gathered in front of Malik, forming a shield against the enemy.

"Soldiers, you are doing well!" Malik looked at the soldiers standing in front of him and praised, "Let's fight side by side and fight bloody battles for the retreat of the main force of the coalition forces and the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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