rise of empire total war

Chapter 274 Preparations for Night Attack

Chapter 274 Preparations for Night Attack
"Your Majesty, in today's battle, our army lost 220 three soldiers, not counting the wounded..."

Listening to the report of lieutenant general Magnus, Richard, who was in the royal library in Tus Palace, frowned slightly. He didn't look back, and asked while looking at the "History of Pravia Palace" in his hand. : "How many enemy troops have been wiped out by our army?"

"The statistics are not complete yet, but it is initially estimated that at least 500 enemies have been killed, including dozens of foot knights." Magnus replied.

"Walking knights?" Richard closed the history book in his hand, turned around, looked at Magnus, and asked, "How did they perform in battle?"

Seeing Richard asking, Magnus lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and commented: "Compared to our ordinary soldiers, they are indeed outstanding, but compared to our army's foot knights, they are inferior. Quite a few.”

"Hmm." Richard nodded, this kind of evaluation was within his expectation, he then put the history book in his hand back to its original place, and said: "Let the company with more casualties be withdrawn for repairs, um... Later, you will follow me to the city wall to have a look."

"As ordered."


More than ten minutes later, accompanied by Magnus, Richard and his party boarded the city wall of Tus. Most of the corpses here were carried away, and the blood on the ground was also washed with clean water. Richard It can be seen that those difficult-to-clean stumps and broken arms and fragments of human internal organs are floating in the bloody water with the washing of the water waves.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Seeing all this, Richard couldn't help making a tsk tsk sound. He stepped over the corpses of soldiers from both sides who hadn't been carried away on the ground, and walked to the wall covered with battle marks. On the edge of the stack, looking out.There were also many enemy corpses lying in the open space outside the city, and the ground was also filled with arrows shot by the defenders. The coalition soldiers with white flags were cleaning up the battlefield. They carried away the corpses of their comrades and cremated them, scattered all over the place All weapons are also recycled. As for the arrows stuck on the ground, those that can be recycled will be recycled, and those that cannot be recycled can only be left stuck in the ground.

For these enemies who were cleaning up the battlefield, the defenders on the city wall did not attack, but watched them vigilantly. This had actually become a tacit understanding. When the day's war ended, the two armies entered a state of truce, and then came the cleanup. In the battlefield, at this time, neither side would attack the other's people, but would allow the other side to safely collect the corpses of those who died in the battle for burial or cremation.

It is worth mentioning that the walls of Tus City are open at this time, and the soldiers of the First Legion will also go out of the city gate to clean up the enemy's corpses, and collect arrows, weapons, armor, and shields that can still be used. They will unconditionally return the enemy's corpses to the enemy as a respect for these heroic soldiers who died in battle.

Richard glanced over these soldiers with white flags, and cast his eyes on the siege camp several miles away. The siege camps of the coalition forces were not unified, and their barracks were built by the armies of various countries. The barracks built by the Kingdom of Qi are of this style, and the camps of the Kingdom of Deira are of that style. Each country is different, and it looks like a strange hodgepodge.

He quietly observed the outer defenses of the coalition camp, and he didn't know why. The outer defenses of some places in the coalition camp seemed to be very loose. The walls they built were only made of wood less than three meters high. A thin wooden wall, and outside the wooden wall there is only a shallow small earth ditch that can barely be called a trench-if this is used to defend against enemy attacks, then it would be too contemptuous of Richard and his team. Army now!
Except for this very weird line of defense, other places can only be said to be quite satisfactory, but Richard just took a look, and gave up the idea of ​​​​using the heavy cavalry in the city to attack at night. He has no suitable way to break through the encirclement. If cavalry were used to attack the camp's walls at night, they would probably be discovered before they found a way to get in. At that time, no matter whether the night attack turned into a strong attack or a desperate retreat, it would have a blow to the morale of the army.

Looking at Richard's gloomy face, Lieutenant General Magnus, who was standing behind him and also observing the siege camp, suddenly spoke. He said: "Your Majesty, if you want to conduct a night attack on the enemies outside the city, I have a workaround."

"Oh?" Richard glanced back at Magnus subconsciously, and asked hurriedly: "What method?"

"Your Majesty, no matter which army it is, the most fearful thing when sleeping at night is the roar of the camp. Once the roar of the camp occurs, no matter how disciplined it is, it will turn into a catastrophic civil strife. If we manually let the enemy fight at night If there is a roar..."

Magnus didn't finish what he said, but Richard understood what he meant. A look of realization appeared on his face, he clapped his hands and said, "This method is good, we can really try it."

The so-called Ying Xiao means that the soldiers are too tense due to the daily high pressure or the war. In one night, it may be that a certain soldier had a nightmare and started screaming, which woke up others and caused them to cry too. They are all infected by this hysterical and crazy atmosphere, and they completely break free from the shackles of military discipline and vent their madness. In the chaos, some sober-minded people may take up weapons to retaliate against those who have had enemies on weekdays, causing even greater chaos. , The entire barracks fell into a vortex of infighting.

If the mere scream of a soldier in a nightmare could cause such disaster, wouldn't the deafening noise of the explosion of gunpowder be more effective?Richard thought so, but he crossed out the plan immediately. He was afraid that the explosion of the gunpowder would not only cause the roar of the camp, but would wake up all the soldiers. However, he quickly thought of another method, which was to use A kind of arrow that can emit a sharp whistling, and shoots over the camp.

The so-called screaming arrow is just a special type of arrow prepared by archers. The tail end of this kind of arrow is equipped with a special device. This device will make a very sharp and shrill sound when flying at high speed in the air. During battle, It can also be used to scare the enemy.Since it can scare the enemy in normal battles, wouldn't it be more effective to use it when the enemy is asleep?If you hear such a shrill and terrifying sound in your sleep, your still confused brain will undoubtedly make a wrong judgment and imagine the sound as the scream of a demon.

Thinking of this, Richard showed a satisfied smile on his face. He made up his mind and told Magnus beside him what he thought.

(End of this chapter)

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