rise of empire total war

Chapter 266 The Northern Battlefield with Progress

Chapter 266 The Northern Battlefield with Progress

"Retreat! Retreat!"

In the Safes Governor's District of Cunya, a group of Deri's rout soldiers were running desperately. They were running on a flat plain, their red uniforms were so dazzling, and behind them, dozens of light infantry were closely After chasing, these light infantrymen were dressed in light leather armor and held sharp daggers or wooden hunting crossbows in their hands. From the equipment, it could be seen that they were soldiers belonging to the crossbow-bearing militia brigade.

They had just experienced a bloody battle. To be precise, it was an asymmetrical one-sided battle. Under the attack of Winster's army, the army of the Kingdom of Delzhi only resisted for a while and then began to collapse. They had to thank the division of troops. There were no scout cavalry and crossbow cavalry in the half-legion that came out to defend the Kingdom of Derzh, otherwise they would have been overtaken and killed.

I don't know how long they had been fleeing, but this group of Deer's defeated soldiers finally escaped. They hid in the woods, panting heavily against the tree trunks, their faces were full of joy for the rest of their lives, and at the same time, they still had feelings for Winster. The fear of the army.

They have reason to be afraid, because they stayed in the main army of the Kingdom of Delj at the beginning, and there were more than 100 knights and more than 2000 soldiers in this main army.However, in a disastrous decisive battle, their main force was defeated by the Winster army and forced to retreat. Fortunately, the enemy did not have light cavalry suitable for pursuit, which prevented the army from retreating without major confusion.

However, there is no big chaos, but there must be small chaos, which is why their group of defeated troops and the large army separated.

The large troops retreated back to the country under the command of the commander in chief, but these scattered soldiers can only rely on luck. If you are lucky, you can find the large troops and go home together. If you are unlucky, you will be killed by the pursuing enemy and become such A lonely soul in the land.

After this battle, the Danish commander Toolagris, who directed the attack, became more confident. At the same time, he also saw the problems in the army-the biggest problem was the lack of light cavalry in charge of pursuit, which could not expand the results of the battle. The heavy cavalry feudal knights in the army charged the enemy infantry formation after defeating the enemy's knights. When they defeated the enemy, they were already out of breath and could not continue to pursue. This became the biggest regret of this battle.

Therefore, Toolagris transferred two scout cavalry brigade (six companies) and a crossbow cavalry brigade (four companies) from Odelburg as the temporary commander of the Second Army to supplement the army and serve as full-time harassers. and the light cavalry chasing down the defeated troops.After the light cavalry was in place, he slowly led the army to leave the camp and march north.

After a few days of marching, the Second Army Corps crossed the border between the two countries and entered the Cooley Territory of the Kingdom of Delj.After hearing the news of the army's defeat, the civilians in Deerzh, who lived near the border, packed up their belongings and fled to a nearby town, hoping to escape under the protection of the city's walls. However, their plan was In vain, because Tooragris' Second Legion was attacking cities and lands, and every town was doomed.

Facing the massive attack of the Second Army, the Delj army, under the command of its commander-in-chief, held fast to Barlemburg, the capital of Kuli, and turned a deaf ear to the screams and groans of the civilians in the territory. The Winsters would have been defeated before when they had more troops than they are now, not to mention after losing troops and defeating generals. Once they go out of the city to take the initiative to meet them, they will seek their own death.


On the roads within Cooley's territory, civilians who were forced to flee due to the flames of war can be seen everywhere. They carry bags, large and small, and want to flee to Barlemburg, the safest regional capital at present, like ants moving house. They fled directly to other areas, but these refugees who carried property and had no military protection were like a tempting piece of fat, being targeted and hunted down by the Winster light cavalry wandering in the wild.

It can be said that the sound of hooves made by horses walking is every refugee's nightmare.

Massimo is one of the huge refugee contingent. His original place of residence was a small village surrounded by a low wall. After the Winsters invaded, the low wall could not bring them enough sense of security. (In fact, even if there was no war, this low wall is only symbolic, because it can even be easily climbed over), so most of the residents of the village fled their hometowns and fled to the nearest small village. town.

However, this small town with its own stone walls was unable to stop the iron hooves of the Winsters. Under the attack of the Second Winster Army, the small town fell in just a few hours. Sturdy soldiers with long blond hair and big beards poured into the town and plundered the local residents. They killed anyone who dared to resist, and savagely robbed the civilians of their property.Massimo and most of the civilians escaped from another city gate through the chaotic period after the fall of the town. When they walked away and looked back, the whole town was like the end of the day, and the black smoke brought up by the flames in the sky Shrouded by the flames, flames shot up everywhere in the city, and the sound of cursing, crying, and screams before dying resounded throughout the town.

So, they embarked on the road to escape.


"The Winster cavalry is coming! Run!"

The nightmare-like sound of horse hooves echoed on the wide stone paved road, causing the refugees to scream in terror. They let go and ran forward crazily. Some of them were carrying backpacks that were almost half his size. The package, but still ran faster than ordinary people. Massimo, who had not yet reacted, was stunned. It took him a while to react and started running too.

Behind him, dozens of cavalry scouts brandished their lances and fought furiously, whizzing past the fleeing crowd. Wherever they went, the screams of refugees rang out. Listening to these screams, the scout cavalry They laughed wantonly, as if enjoying it very much.

A scout cavalry stared at a target while riding his horse. His target was a man wearing a hat. The latter was carrying several packages on his back, but he was still running hard, making panting sounds a few meters away. Can be heard outside.The scout cavalry stared at him closely, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth. When he rode his horse close to the target, the spear in his hand stabbed out like lightning, directly picked up the package on the man's back, and then threw it out again. Flying a few meters away, it fell to the ground and scattered, and the things inside were scattered all over the ground, but it turned out to be some worthless gadgets.

Looking at the things on the ground, the scout cavalry showed a disappointed expression on their faces, and at this moment, the companion behind him said in Danish without hesitation: "Eitef, forget it, these lowly poor ghosts There isn't much value for money, so let's go somewhere else."

"Okay, let's go." The scout cavalry called Aitfu responded, and then spat at the shivering refugee whose package had been robbed, cursed the poor man secretly, and rode away with his companions.

 Thanks to lancelot_all for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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