rise of empire total war

Chapter 259 Provocation

Chapter 259 Provocation
"Recently, there have been many patrols in the city. Even the civilians are involved. They patrol the streets every day. We have no chance to do anything."

In an ordinary house in Mengba City, several people sat around a table, and the discussion was about the Civilian Mutual Insurance Organization.

"Yes, we have planned to do it several times, but the patrol team just appeared, so we had to give up." Another person echoed.

"We must change the current situation." The bearded man sitting on the main seat said, "The morale of the members of the organization has already been low. An attack!"

"But, my lord priest, the civilians in the city have been brainwashed by those Christians. They patrol the streets all day long. We can't find a chance."

"This is just a small hindrance to our great jihad." The man called the priest said firmly, "No matter what, we must act these few days!"

As the saying goes, if the leader says a word, the subordinates will lose their legs.The priest who is the leader has spoken, and those subordinates can only obey and execute it.

Speaking of which, their leader still has some background. This Dali priest named Simone Pesche was once the most trusted priest of the Earl of Mumbai, and every year he was responsible for organizing the search for the cave where the rotten tree lived. .Organizing such religious activities allowed him to gain fame and money. However, after Richard entered the city of Mumbai, his position was deposed, and he could only leave the court with his property in humiliation.

Although he was kicked out of the court, Simeone did not give up. He stayed in the city of Mumbai, gathering former believers and accomplices to establish a religious organization, always conspiring against Christianity, and taking revenge on the Richard government.

After several years of development and financial support from Simeone, their organization has nearly 200 members, and purchased a batch of leather armor and weapons from some source. The reason why they did not use it in a series of attacks Weapons are for fear of alarming the government.


That night, in an alley with few pedestrians, two patrol teammates of the Civilian Mutual Protection Organization walked in it casually, chatting with each other, without any vigilance against possible attacks.

This is actually a common problem of most patrol members. There are not only Christians in this organization, but also Dalits. They think that mobs cannot tell whether they believe in God or deer with the naked eye, so they have a fluke mentality about it.

However, the two patrol members were doomed to pay for their luck.Just after the two passed by a dark alley, no one noticed that a few black figures appeared in the alley. They showed dangerous smiles and stared at the two of them as if they were looking at a prey.

"We've been patrolling here for a few days now, not to mention thugs, we haven't even seen a dog." One of the patrol members complained, but his companion reached out and patted him on the shoulder, comforting: "Satisfied Well, at least we can get the bonus from the City Lord's Mansion as long as we patrol, if we stay at home, we won't get anything."

"I understand this." The man said, "I just can't figure out why no one has found the thugs until now. Did they leave Mengba City or..."

He spoke halfway, but stopped abruptly. His face was terrified, his eyes widened, and he was staring at him. Not far in front of them, there were several black shadows holding sharp knives. That sharp sword still reflected an unsettling cold light under the moonlight!
His companion also noticed the sudden appearance of several black figures, and immediately pulled out the sword at his waist reflexively, and shouted loudly: "Who are you!"

"The one who drove you out of Mumbai City."

A person in the shadow said coldly, and then several of them rushed out together and stabbed the sharp blades at the two patrol members in the middle of the road. Unknowingly, several attackers appeared behind him!
"Damn it! It's a trap!"

A patrol member roared angrily, his heart was swayed, and he didn't care about his companion who was stunned, he stepped forward to meet the attacker rushing in front, just in the blink of an eye, a smear of blood red flashed, and the patrol member screamed He fell to the ground in response, only to see several hideous wounds appearing on his body, with blood continuously flowing out, soon staining his clothes and the stone pavement beneath him red.

Seeing the tragic situation of his companion, another patrol member who was still standing there softened his legs and collapsed on the ground. He looked at the attackers who kept walking towards him in horror. His body trembled and he begged: "Don't Kill me, let me go, I am a Dali, I believe in the phantom deer, I am a devout Dali."

"Dalis?" said the leader of the black shadow, he looked at the patrol members sitting on the ground, then looked at the companions beside him, and then said with a sneer: "Help the heretics to deal with us, whether you are a Dali or not, Damn it!"

As soon as the words fell, a sharp knife pierced the patrol member's heart, and at the same time, he stirred vigorously, and blood gushed out instantly. The man wanted to scream, but the words he wanted to say were overwhelmed by the large amount of blood that poured up. He spat out continuously, and then the black shadow kicked him, turned him over, retracted the sharp blade, wiped it on his clothes, and then ignored the patrol members who were still twitching on the ground.

"Write, and then leave here." The leader of the shadow said without emotion, and then turned away with his companions, leaving only a shadow to work on the scene.


A few hours later, as a shrill scream rang out in the alley, nearby patrols rushed over and quickly filled the alley.

Under the light of the torches, the bloody scene was nakedly displayed in front of everyone's eyes. The pungent bloody smell even made some timid people in the crowd retch, their faces were pale, and their legs trembled.

On the wall next to the two tragically dead bodies, a series of extremely arrogant words were written in blood: This is just the beginning, Mengba City is the Mengba City of Dalits!


"This is the most unforgivable provocation!"

Looking at the people in the hall, the mayor roared furiously. He pointed to Amata, the commander of the Teutonic Knights, who was calm as usual, took a deep breath, calmed his tone, and said, "Ah! Your Excellency Marta, I need you to solve this case in a short time, otherwise, I think I need to report to His Majesty Caesar!"

(End of this chapter)

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