rise of empire total war

Chapter 248 Re-Chapter Winster

Chapter 248 Returning to Winster

Richard didn't know what happened in the Kingdom of Lucino. At this time, he had left the Territory of Sauron and entered the Territory of Abadran. The main residents of the Territory were still the Ramirez people. The god of faith is still a phantom deer, and the glory of Christ has not yet shone on this land. Therefore, the loyalty of this earl country to Richard is the most unreliable.

The most intuitive thing is the eyes of the pedestrians on the road looking at the parade. Although those civilians look respectful on the surface, they can still see through the alienation, suspicion and vigilance hidden in their eyes.

Along the way, Richard wrote down another item in his little notebook. When he returned, he must send missionaries to this country, striving to let the glory of Christ shine on every inch of the land in Abadland.

The next trip to Abadran was to hold various gatherings in the city lord's mansion to increase contact with the local nobles and enhance their relationship. There is nothing to describe, but one thing is worth mentioning. Alec, the eldest son who defected to Croft, failed to enter the city of Aquique. Instead, he was robbed of all his property by a group of robbers, so he could only wander outside, and finally returned home after a year. The house was locked up by his father, and he has not been released until now.

In addition to experiencing the daily banquet life of Harlaus in Abadran, Richard also sent people to the fort less than 50 meters north of the capital of the Kingdom of Ramirez to condolences to the soldiers stationed there. The fortress was forced to cede to the Ramirez people after defeating them. Its purpose was to monitor the Ramirez people, and it also had a warning meaning.

A Nordic swordsman company and two sword and spear militia companies were stationed in that fortress, with a total of more than 300 soldiers. The daily meals of these 300 soldiers depended on trade with local residents. Interestingly, after several years of getting along , They even developed a deep enough relationship with the local residents, which also made many residents convert to Christ.

After the tour of Abadland, Richard and Stephanie's tour of the Kingdom of Ravana came to an end, and the next step is to return to the Kingdom of Winster to start a new tour, Richard Keep looking forward to this, because even though he is the king of Winster, he is still a little strange to this kingdom of his own.

The parade started from the city of Abadran, returned directly to Luwen, and then proceeded westward until entering the territory directly under the royal family of Ravana, and then went north to the Leon territory of the Kingdom of Winster. I forgot to mention one thing, although The border between the two countries is very long, but there is a mountain range that separates the two countries, so it can only be entered from Ravana.

Half a month later, that is, on August 1114, 8 in the continental calendar, the parade team entered the Leon Territory of the Kingdom of Winster, where they were warmly welcomed by Count Condra of Leon and the nobles. Germany's first guard captain and deputy general, Kondra's loyalty to Richard can be said to be as high as the sky. In order to welcome his most revered Emperor Caesar, he hosted a banquet at the residence of the city of Leon to entertain Richard. De couple and all guests.

After Condela's governance, the city of Leon has no traces of war anymore. The city wall riddled with holes that were bombarded by artillery has already been repaired and even reinforced. Most of the buildings in the city have also been refurbished. The first impression of the city is that it is clean and tidy, without the disgrace of other cities—the sanitation conditions here have also been improved, and there is no such thing as the "sewage flowing across the ground and the air in the air" that Richard encountered when he regained the city. Smells out."

It is worth mentioning that there are also many soldiers of the First Legion whose land was allocated here in this county. When they heard the news of Richard's arrival, they all went to the city of Leon to welcome Richard. (During Richard's tour period, considering that there was no war in the kingdom, the soldiers of the legion, except for the necessary duty personnel, were given a holiday, and those soldiers who were entrusted to the land also took this opportunity to return to their fief)
After staying in the city of Leon for a few days, the team left the country under the farewell of the nobles and soldiers, and entered the direct jurisdiction of the Nord royal family. As the capital of the kingdom, Richard is most familiar with this place, not many Made a description.After leaving the Nord Royal Family, they headed southeast and entered the Premi Territory. The lord of the Territory, Frederick, was the only earl who remained loyal to the Stuart royal family in the kingdom before the recovery. This loyalty does not seem very high.

The regional capital of Premiland is Fergusburg, a medium-sized settlement with a permanent population of about 1. According to the report previously submitted by Count Frederi, the total population of the territory is about 6000, and the army can be mobilized to join forces. However, there were only less than 1000 people in the standing army - the reason why there were not many was because they were recruited in large numbers by the usurper Jutian and were buried on the battlefield of Ravana, so that they have not been able to recover to this day.

Walking in the countryside of Primiling, the most intuitive impression is that the population of the villages here is not large, and the distribution of the villages is also very sporadic, and there are not many young and middle-aged people in the villages, and some are mostly elderly women and children, no, There are also many teenagers who seem to be only sixteen or seventeen years old.

In fact, these teenagers have already half-legged into the conscriptable range. As long as they are one year older, they can be regarded as suitable conscripts when they become adults. They can accept the conscripts of the lords and take up arms to defend their homes and countries—or invade other countries. .

There is an interesting phenomenon in Primiland. Most of its population is concentrated in cities or towns, while the population of villages is relatively small, and it is often seen on the streets of towns and cities that homeless people sleep together crowded together. The town's jails were so full of criminal homeless arrests that they had to shorten their lengths of time.

Richard later learned that most of these tramps were farmers who had fled from the countryside to the towns. In order to avoid military service, they resolutely abandoned their families and fled into the towns, becoming tramps with nothing. As long as they fled into the towns, they would not be Captured and sent to the army.The root cause of this situation was Ju Tian's military campaign against Richard. Although he only brought half of the kingdom's conscriptable soldiers with him during the expedition, the additional call made Primiland recruit more soldiers.

It's really a shot that hits the head.Richard said with emotion that if Frederick hadn't taken the lead in standing up against Jutian during the rebellion, then he would not have encountered such unfair treatment.

With emotion for Frederick, Richard's parade team sailed into Fergusburg amidst the welcome of commoners and nobles, and in the hall of the lord's castle of Fergusburg, Frederick also held a grand ceremony according to the tradition. A welcome banquet. Although this banquet is not as grand and luxurious as the one in Leon City, it is still worthy of the scene.

Richard didn't know that this was the first number of banquets he had participated in. He had a feeling that this so-called king's parade was clearly to attend banquets in the castles of nobles everywhere!
 It's better to end the length of the parade quickly, but I don't know what to write next
(End of this chapter)

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