Chapter 236
The Kingdom of Pravia has a total of four counties, two of which are under the direct control of the royal family, and the other two counties are also controlled by nobles from two different families.

The strengths of the various counties are also uneven. The Counties of Upper Galore, where the king of Pravia is located, is the richest, followed by the Counties of Lower Galore, which is also controlled by the royal family. The strength of the nobles was suppressed, and they did not dare to have any unreasonable thoughts of resistance.

The royal family with two rich counties can mobilize more than 2000 soldiers during the war, which naturally includes the troops provided by the nobles in the counties. If the standing army is added, there will be nearly 100 soldiers; For the other two earls, one can mobilize nearly a thousand soldiers in wartime, and the standing army has more than one thousand and 800 soldiers, while the other can mobilize more than 5000 soldiers in wartime, plus the standing army has nine hundred and nearly a thousand soldiers.The combined military strength of the entire kingdom has more than [-] soldiers.

Seeing this, you may be very disgusted and say: This is it?Even if only the Second Danish Legion can easily crush something, why is the Kingdom of Lucino not able to handle it.Then, we should also explain the strength of the Kingdom of Lucino.

As described above, the Kingdom of Lucino has three counties, two of which belong to the royal family, and the lord of the other counties also belongs to the offshoot of the royal family, so the entire kingdom belongs to the royal family.

However, the country's military strength is not strong. The two counties controlled by the royal family can recruit more than 600 soldiers during the war, plus the standing army is also in the early [-]s, plus another earldom, the country's military strength totals There are only soldiers in the early [-]s.As far as this force is concerned, it is really incomparable with the Kingdom of Pravia, which can mobilize [-] troops.

Coupled with the perennial discord between the two countries, a large silver mine was discovered in the Kingdom of Pravia. How could this not make the Rusino people feel anxious? When the kingdom was annexed, the Lushino people decided to act first and united with powerful neighboring countries to attack.

I have to say that the Lucino people have a good vision, and they played a good move.


On April 1113, 4 in the continental calendar, after the end of spring plowing, Richard personally led the First Army to set off and entered Oslige County, ready to attack at any time.The Kingdom of Lucino was led by Prince Dubois. After the official declaration of war, 19 soldiers mobilized crossed the border and entered the Counties of La Vie in the Kingdom of Pravia to besiege the town. , plundered villages, and took away all the farmers who appeared in their sight.

After the Kingdom of Lucino officially declared war on the Kingdom of Pravia, the news reached Winster, and then Richard led his army from the Osrig Territory to attack the Royal Capital of Pravia on the pretext of responding to the call of allies. County of Pintus.

For a time, the kingdom of Pravia was shocked by enemies on both sides. King Nicres II sent envoys to ask nobles from all over the country to mobilize against the invaders, and at the same time asked the foreign minister to ask the allies for help.However, due to the low mobilization ability of the Middle Ages and the rush of time, they could not mobilize enough troops in a short period of time. Therefore, the nobles could only hide in the strong castle in horror, watching the enemy's flag fly over the castle. fluttering outside.

In just a few days, Richard's iron hooves trampled down several villages and towns on the border, plundered a large amount of property and supplies, and forcibly captured civilians whose homes had been breached and returned to the country to wait for the war. After the end, these civilians were either released or assigned by Richard to nobles and yeoman who owned land in the army—the latter could also be upgraded to landlords after being assigned to serfs.

On the eighth day of the outbreak of the war, the flag of Richard's forward appeared in the sight of the defenders of the capital of the Kingdom of Pravia. Standing on the city wall, the defenders looked in horror at the yellow double-headed eagle flag looming on the horizon. , and the rising smoke and dust.

Richard knew that the main goal of this war was the large silver mine, and the secondary goal was to capture the city.Therefore, the defenders of the city of Tus were shocked to find that the cavalry of the Winsters just walked out of the range in a show of strength, and then bypassed the city and galloped towards the southwest.

The strange behavior of the Winster cavalry was quickly reported to King Nicres II. However, after learning of the situation, King Nicres II's face changed drastically. He lost his composure on the spot and stood up straight away. I guessed the purpose of the Winster cavalry - they were clearly heading for the large silver mine that hadn't been mined yet!

Immediately afterwards, the nearly fifty-year-old king also figured out the reason for the outbreak of this war. He clenched his fists and smashed on the table angrily, shouting angrily: "Lushino people, if there is still a chance, I must You pay the price!"

However, from the current point of view, he has no chance. The next day after the cavalry bypassed the city and rushed to the southwest, the huge First Army of the Winster Kingdom appeared on the horizon in a mighty manner. When the city's alarm bells sounded, Richard's army surrounded it, and then the army was divided into two, and the other part of the army broke away from the siege camp that was forming, and followed the cavalry to march southwest.

Seeing this situation, Nicres II was really desperate.Given the situation of the garrison in the city of Tus, even defending the city may be a bit difficult, let alone going out of the city to break through.

Then, under Richard's order, eighteen cannons fired at the walls of the city of Tus in turn. This was the first time that the Pravians heard the rumble of artillery firing. There are only a few people who have heard the sound of the cannon, but after all, it can't change the panic of others after hearing the cannon.


When the artillery roared, the iconic deafening noise echoed outside the city of Tus, and a black shell came out immediately, flew at high speed, and then smashed heavily on the solid city wall with a frightening whistling sound. The city wall trembled, and the defenders standing on it wailed uncontrollably.

Cannonballs were shot at the solid city wall of Tus, leaving white potholes on it. Looking at all this, Richard was expressionless. He raised his right hand and made a gesture. Then, the first More than 500 soldiers from five companies of a heavily armored sergeant brigade raised their shields above their heads and formed a tight shield formation, slowly approaching the city wall.

The arrows shot from the city wall clanged and landed on the shield, but were bounced off and fell to the ground and were broken by the soldiers' boots. Everyone was watching the five slowly advancing companies, as if they Can surprise people.

And it is.

After the arrows that passed through the defenders hit, the five shield arrays reached the bottom of the city wall. Immediately afterwards, the front shields were scattered, and black objects with white smoke were thrown heavily to the bottom of the city wall, and then these The soldiers quickly retreated as if fleeing for their lives. About half a minute later, a series of explosions that almost tore apart the sky and the earth sounded, and the city wall of Tusi collapsed!

This is the power produced when many explosive packages explode at the same time!
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(End of this chapter)

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