rise of empire total war

Chapter 227 Richard's Dream of Doing Business

Chapter 227 Richard's Dream of Doing Business

"My lord, please come with me."

I followed the guy through the noisy hall and walked up the wooden steps to the second floor. Every step under my feet would make a creaking sound, as if it hadn't been repaired for a long time, and it seemed that it would fall apart with a little force.

Richard couldn't help but think of his hometown in the country in his previous life. In his memory, the second floor of his hometown in the country would make a sound every time he took a step, and even some places were slightly sunken and tilted, making people afraid that the planks would break in the next second, and the whole person directly fall down.

Just as he was thinking, the curtain at the door of a large guest room next to him was lifted, and a pungent smell came to his nostrils in an instant, directly bringing Richard back to reality. He frowned, and subconsciously followed the I opened the curtain and looked in, and saw that the floor of this large guest room was covered with floor coverings, leaving only a space for one person to walk in between. The stench of waiting people filled together.

Seeing Richard looking at the big guest room, the guy who led the way quickly explained with a smile on his face: "My lord, this is for those lowly poor and bumpkins, don't worry, they won't disturb you at all tonight rest."

Hearing this, Richard just glanced at him indifferently and didn't speak, but the guy suddenly understood Richard's consciousness, and hurriedly continued to lead the way.Perhaps because of the costumes and weapons worn by Richard and the others, people in the corridor, whether they were drunk or not, consciously stood against the wall to make way for them. No one dared to trouble these master knights. .

Soon, the clerk led Richard to the guest room prepared for him. Unlike the double rooms that the knights of the general guard lived in, the shop owner specially prepared a good single room for Richard.The big bed inside is covered with a layer of high-quality black velvet, and there is a faint smell of incense in the air, which isolates the various smells wafting from the corridor.

Of course, the shop owner originally wanted to arrange a few girls to spend the night with Richard, but he directly refused. Not to mention that the girls in this era are not very beautiful, the diseases they may carry are enough to make Richard Respect and stay away from virtue.

After leading Richard into the room, the clerk rubbed his hands, smiled all over his face, bowed and said obsequiously: "My lord, this is your room, you can call us at any time if you need anything, we will definitely give you the best Serve."

"Yeah." Richard nodded expressionlessly, he knew why this guy was so attentive, no doubt, it was just for the silver coins on his body.Then, Richard took out a small purse containing silver coins from his body and threw it to the clerk, saying: "Here are these money, I hope I can see a table of sumptuous breakfast when I get up tomorrow morning, if there is any leftover, I will give it to you." .”

"Understood, Sir, tomorrow's breakfast will definitely satisfy you." The waiter promised, patting his chest. He weighed the purse with his palms and calculated in his mind how much he could get.

"Okay, then you can step back." After the instructions were finished, Richard directly issued the eviction order. The clerk did not hesitate, gave Richard an exaggerated salute and left the room, and was considerate before leaving. He helped him close the door.

After the door was closed, the noise coming from the corridor was suddenly cut off, and it seemed that the whole world had become much quieter.

Looking at the furnishings in the room, Richard stretched his waist. Although it is not as good as Hippolito Palace, it is still passable.He then took off his robe, hung it on a hanger beside him, and took off the saber tied around his waist. After thinking about it, he still put it by the bed. , It's safer to put the weapon where it can be touched in the first place.

Lying on the bed, Richard folded his hands under the back of his head, thinking about how to arrange the itinerary for the next day, he decided to go to the business house in this town first to learn about the business situation of the business.One of the reasons why he came out this time was to gain a deeper understanding of the business model of the commercial bank and pave the way for state-owned enterprises—yes, state-owned enterprises.

This so-called state-owned enterprise is actually a business house supported by the royal family. This is not something that Richard came up with in a flash of his head. When they are in the territory, they will also have privileges such as exemption from customs duties, not only ordinary nobles, but even those royal families have many royal merchants.

And what Richard has to do is to copy this model to himself.

Of course, he can also choose to leave this matter to his subordinates, but he is not willing to do so. He wants to build a caravan that can bring him enough profits, but if he can't, He could only reluctantly leave this matter to his subordinates.


The next day.

After enjoying the sumptuous breakfast specially prepared by the innkeeper early, Richard left the hotel with a few guard knights and headed towards the largest trading house in the town. Before leaving, he specifically asked the people in the hotel. , so there is no such thing as asking passers-by for directions - it's not that asking for directions is bad, the point is that the residents of this town don't have much affection for secular nobles, and they are afraid that after asking for directions, they will point in the opposite direction. , causing Richard to break his leg.

This is not impossible. Anyway, Richard couldn't find him after asking for directions. Even if he later found out that he had been cheated, he could only admit it through gritted teeth.

The largest trading house in this town is Beti Trading Company located on the edge of the town square. According to the clerk in the hotel, this trading company has two caravans and a caravan guard with no less than twenty people. These caravans The guards are basically retired from the battlefield, and their combat effectiveness is several levels higher than that of thieves and robbers on the roadside.

Because of Richard's identity, he met the owner of the firm without much hindrance. The owner of the firm is a middle-aged man who is nearly half a century old. His hair is half gray and his wrinkles are one One is engraved on the face.

For Richard's visit, although the middle-aged boss named Palmer did not show too much welcome, he did not reject it either. He invited Richard into his study, and the two were in the study. After talking for about two and a half hours, they walked out together with smiles on their faces.

After chatting with Palmer, Richard has a general understanding of some business knowledge. Of course, this is not free. It was later discovered that he could obtain this knowledge from his own financial manager, and even the businessmen produced by the system had a wider level of knowledge than the natives of other worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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