rise of empire total war

Chapter 215 The so-called beauty plan

Chapter 215 The so-called beauty plan
Richard didn't accept the conditions put forward by Lasik's diplomatic chief Jacob on the spot. He just asked the other party to go back first and give them an answer in a few days.

Although three wives and four concubines are the dreams of every man, according to the Christian tradition, the monogamy system must be strictly observed. Even if you mess with other people after marriage and have several illegitimate children, but As long as you don't violate this rule, you're fine.

Religious issues have always been the most serious. Even though Richard is in a different world with chaotic religious beliefs, as long as his apparent belief is Catholicism, he cannot violate it.

After some weighing, Richard still regrettably rejected Jacob because of his religious beliefs. Although the latter was disappointed, he could only accept the result resentfully, and reported it to the Grand Duke again.

After such a back and forth, another half month passed, and there were only two days left before the deadline given by Richard.

The Second Army Corps stationed on the west bank of the Luoba River is ready to go. A large amount of food and supplies are transported to the garrison camp by convoy. The tense atmosphere once again filled the border between the two countries. In response to Richard's attack, Grand Duke Lasik Mobilize the whole country's army, as long as Richard dares to send troops across the river, he will use the main cavalry to crush the enemy on the flat and open Lasik Plain.

Everyone thought that the war would start again, but things turned around soon. Two days before the arrival of September, Jacob met Richard again in the middle of the night. He was accompanied by two entourages. Rolled up rug.

According to Jacob, this is the most precious carpet of Grand Duke Lasik. For the sake of peace between the two countries, he is still willing to part with it and give it to Richard.


Although he had met Richard more than once, the pressure given to him by the other party still existed. Jacob motioned to the two followers behind him to place the carpet gently on the ground and asked them to leave, while still dealing with the situation. Richard, the government official, saluted and said respectfully: "His Majesty the King, His Excellency the Grand Duke (a book friend in the book review section reminded me that the Grand Duke has not yet reached the level of being called His Highness, so he will still be Your Excellency from now on) For the sake of peace between the two countries, I am willing to give you his favorite items, and I hope you will accept his gift and seriously consider the peace situation between the two countries."

Richard put down the scroll in his hand, looked at Jacob Herceg who was standing there respectfully, and said helplessly: "Your Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs, I think I have made it very clear that my religion Faith does not allow me to have a second god, so please let go of the marriage."

"Your Majesty, we fully respect your religious beliefs, and we dare not ask for an extravagant marriage with you, but please accept our gift and reconsider the overall peace between the two countries." Jacob said.

"My conditions will not change, Your Excellency the Foreign Minister." Richard said, "In fact, my courtiers still think that the conditions I have given are too generous and benevolent, and they cannot make up for the crimes you have committed."

"We are willing to atone for the crimes we committed before, Your Majesty the King." Jacob lowered his head and his voice was a little hoarse. "Please allow us to go back and discuss it. We will definitely give you a satisfactory answer the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"This is your freedom, Your Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs." Richard said indifferently, no matter what answer the other party could give in the end, it seemed that the situation could not be saved.

"Then, I will take my leave first." After Jacob finished speaking, he saluted and turned to leave. Before he could take a few steps, he was stopped by Richard, who pointed to the thick wall on the ground. The rolled up blanket, said: "Your Excellency, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, take this blanket with you."

Hearing this, Jacob turned around and said, "Your Majesty the King, we Lasik people will not take back the gift we sent, so please accept it." After saying that, he turned and left without giving Richard a chance to refuse. .

Seeing his leaving back, Richard could only hold his forehead helplessly, then got up and left his seat, and went to check the so-called favorite item of the Grand Duke that Jacob said.However, as soon as he got close to the blanket, he noticed something was wrong - the blanket moved by itself without anyone moving it!

Before Richard could make a move, the blanket spread out by itself in the next second, and a naked girl crawled out from inside, meeting Richard's eyes.

"You..." Richard was startled, his right hand subconsciously touched his waist and pulled out his sword, but he missed it. He hadn't worn it during the time in the Prange House. arms.

"Your Majesty the King, I am Lephne, the daughter of Grand Duke Felicias of Lasik, and I am a gift to you."

"What?" Richard was a little dumbfounded. What is the unfolding of this plot? How is it so similar to the plot when Caesar and Cleopatra VII met for the first time in his memory?

Although he was very surprised by this, Richard quickly stabilized his mind, ignoring the temptation to appreciate the young body in front of him, and said: "Your father sent you here, I said, my religious belief I'm not allowed to have two wives at the same time, so don't waste your time."

"Your Majesty, you misunderstood us. We didn't mean that." Lephne said, this was the first time she showed her body in front of the opposite sex. Although she was very shy, but for her father and country, She still put aside the shyness of the girl, "We don't expect to marry you, Your Majesty, I volunteer to be your mistress, as long as you agree to end the war between the two countries."

"Hehehe..." Richard suddenly laughed, which made Revani even more nervous. He stretched out his hand to lift the girl's chin, looked directly into her eyes, and asked, "Where do you get your confidence? Can it offset the [-] silver coins in the compensation?"


Before Revni could speak, Richard continued: "Do you know that there is an old saying in my hometown, which is called losing the wife and losing the soldier?"


Being able to become the most beloved daughter of Grand Duke Felicias of Rasik, Reifni is naturally not stupid. She understood the meaning of this sentence at once, and before she could respond, she was completely confused by Richard. De hugged her and forcibly took her out of the study. As soon as she walked out of the door, the guards on both sides covered her body with robes so that she could not look around.As she walked, she heard Richard's sarcastic words.

"You want to seduce me with a beauty trick? You're so smart. Not only will I take your beloved daughter down, but I will also ask you to pay me compensation and territory at the original price!"

(End of this chapter)

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