rise of empire total war

Chapter 213 Preparing for Peace

Chapter 213 Preparing for Peace
Through conversations with members of parliament, Richard finally understood the situation in the city of Prange and even the entire Republic of Cunha. Every city in this country is ruled by a governor appointed by the parliament, even Prange, which is the capital. The Cunya people are used to this kind of government, and rashly implementing the feudal aristocratic rule may cause a big backlash, so Richard thought about it and decided not to change the governor system for the time being, but how to choose the governor is a question. question.

In addition, the Republic of Cunha, like the city-states on the Osa Peninsula, still implements slavery. The civilians in their country are composed of citizens-free people-slaves from top to bottom. Generally speaking, most of the soldiers who join the army are A small number of free citizens without citizenship are citizen soldiers, but when a military mobilization order is issued at a critical juncture, citizens will actively respond, take out their shields and weapons at home, put on armor, and fight to defend the motherland.

This is also the reason why after the five thousand standing army composed of free people were annihilated, the Cunians were able to mobilize nearly ten thousand citizen soldiers to join the reinforcements to fight against Richard.

After the conversation, Richard ordered these congressmen to be imprisoned. Since they are not nobles in status, they are not protected by the noble law, and Richard can dispose of them at will.Most of them seemed to be mentally prepared. When they were dragged away by the soldiers, only a few of them made a fearless struggle.

Richard didn't know how to deal with them, so he cut them all down, and he was afraid of causing a reaction from the Cunhas, so he let them go, but he felt that it was inappropriate, so he had to lock them up first and make a long-term plan.


In the next few days, Richard focused on appeasing the residents of Prange, helping the homeless residents to rebuild the collapsed buildings, but it did not achieve much effect. After the city wall was breached, Wen Si The brutality of the special soldiers was displayed in the eyes of every resident. Although they didn't break in directly, the massacre of fleeing civilians on the street did not have to be washed away.

Richard was a little helpless. Since the Prangers didn't appreciate it, he didn't intend to keep pretending. Although the reconstruction work was still going on, the harmonious atmosphere he had pretended to create before was gone.At the same time, he was also screening the MPs in prison, trying to select a few candidates who could develop. After a few days of thinking, he found that the officials who ruled the Cunyan people were better to be Cunyan people. If Wens If special people serve as officials, differences in tradition may cause conflicts.

It is really not easy to find someone who is inclined to one's own side in the ruling class of the enemy country, but Richard finally found a suitable candidate. He is the deputy speaker Marek Bacchus who was born in the business class. Since most of the family's properties were in the Kingdom of Winster, he maintained a negative attitude towards the war. He was also one of the first people to propose peace.

Regarding the olive branch offered by Richard, Marek Bacchus just thought about it for a while and then readily accepted it. He was very smart. This was his only chance to turn over. If he refused, he would probably spend his whole life in prison. , or Richard found an excuse to deal with it.

Therefore, under Richard's arrangement, Marek was acquitted and was awarded the post of governor of Plange. At the same time, he also proposed to Richard that the governors of several other cities in Cunha should be arranged as soon as possible, and if possible, several governors would be gathered together to form a new national parliament—only subordinate to the Richard's council.

Richard originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he agreed to Marek's proposal.Whether it is from the game (referring to Crusader Kings 2) or reality, every country needs a cabinet to assist the king. Now that the government of the Republic of Cunha has surrendered and the parliament has been dissolved, a new parliament is needed to assist Richard in ruling the country. nation.

In the next month, the remaining Cunha cities that were still resisting surrendered one after another, new governors were appointed one after another, and a new national parliament loyal to Richard was re-established.And those parliamentarians and captured prisoners of war who were imprisoned were all allowed to pay a ransom to regain their freedom. Now that the country has been annexed, the treatment of these people who have become prisoners of war cannot be the same as before.

However, the more than 6000 prisoners of war from the Principality of Lasik were not so lucky. They were still held in a prisoner-of-war camp with a dirty environment, and they would make a decision after the war with the Principality of Lasik was over.

The time for the Rasik prisoners of war to regain their freedom will soon come. After the Kunia Republic was annexed, the Grand Duke Rasik no longer had a reason to insist on the war. In fact, he did not want to continue the war. In this war Here, his army suffered heavy losses. Not only was the first batch of reinforcements annihilated, but the second batch of reinforcements was also hit head-on by the Wensters. War weariness spread throughout the principality, and he had to An embassy was immediately sent to ask Richard for peace.


On July 1112, 7 in the continental calendar, escorted by the Danish cavalry of the Second Legion, a 29-member delegation headed by Jacob, the diplomatic chief of the Principality of Lasik, arrived in Prange, the capital of the Cunha region.

As soon as they approached Prange City, the members of the mission were shocked by the hole-riddled city wall. They looked at the deep craters and the gaps in the city wall that were still being rebuilt, and couldn't help but swallow the secretion of nervousness. of saliva.

They had all heard in advance about the terrifying weapons equipped by Richard's army, but they did not know that this terrifying weapon was so powerful that it could collapse the tall capital city walls. If these terrifying siege weapons were used against their capital... Thinking of this, everyone shuddered and did not dare to think about it any more.

Although the Lasiks have been assimilated by their neighbors, they have broken away from their nomadic identity and built cities and castles, but their city walls are not as tall as their neighbors, but generally low, even except for the capital In other settlements, the city walls are basically made of wood.

Even a wall like this might not be able to stop Richard's attack for a day.

While shocked, they were also grateful for their country. Fortunately, Cunha, an ally, stood in front of them, otherwise they would be the ones who died now.

At this moment, the new governor, Marek Bacchus, walked out of the city gate with his entourage, greeted the mission in person, had a cordial conversation with Jacob, the head of foreign affairs of the Duchy of Lasik, and then brought them to the city's Prange Great House.

The Prange House has been converted into the governor's office, and the internal layout has also been greatly changed. Here, Richard will personally negotiate with the mission.

 Do I deserve to be rewarded before 2020?

(End of this chapter)

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