Chapter 211
boom -

The high-speed flying shells instantly penetrated a high tower in the urban area, and then, the stone tower collapsed, and the falling rocks flew randomly, killing several Lasik cavalrymen who happened to pass by below, and blocked the street. Stopped, blood slowly flowed out from under the falling rock, and soon stained the ground around the falling rock red.

A rain of arrows covering the sky and the sun rises from outside the city, draws black trails in the air, and then falls into the city wall or the city, wantonly shooting and killing the soldiers or civilians who are exposed to the outside. In seconds, some people died screaming, and even more people didn't even have a chance to scream before dying, and were directly shot into hedgehogs by random arrows, and died miserably.

Covered by the rain of arrows from the Royal Army of Winster, the archers on the city wall could only hide in humiliation in the wall stacks or arrow towers, shivering and praying for the enemy's rain of arrows to pass quickly. Although they hid behind cover, they still There is a possibility of being shot by a stray arrow.The war cry of the enemy troops outside the city was like a blow to their psychological defense line, shaking their military morale. A few of the soldiers who were not determined at this moment suddenly shouted and rushed out of the cover of the wall. However, they were still After running a few steps, he was pierced by an arrow flying from behind. His body ran forward a few steps with the inertia before falling to the ground, his warm body still twitching.

Under the cover of the rain of arrows, the siege towers pushed by the imperial soldiers slowly moved towards the city wall. The top of each tall siege tower was loaded with a deadly crossbow shooter, which was assembled by the artisans of the Kingdom of Farnik. Yes, under the operation of the soldiers, a deadly heavy crossbow bolt was fired towards the city wall. This heavy crossbow bolt can smash the wall stack and shoot the defenders hiding behind.

A small number of fire arrows were also shot from the only remaining arrow tower, flying towards the advancing siege tower, trying to ignite the wooden structure of the siege equipment, but it was bounced off by the iron sheet on the surface of the siege tower, only a crisp In order to prevent the siege towers from being ignited by the defenders' rockets on the way forward, the Farnik artisans nailed iron sheets on the surface of each siege tower.

The battering ram equipped with a sheep's head hammer also approached the city gate driven by the spear militia. The city gate of Prange was already crumbling during the bombardment of more than 40 days, and it only needed a few more impacts to collapse. At the gap in the city wall, under the bombardment of artillery and trebuchets, all the obstacles blocking here were smashed down. A large number of heavily armed sergeants formed a neat phalanx into the gap, and the defenders behind the gap Fierce battle.

Arrows rained continuously from outside the city into the city, and the air was filled with the smell of blood and burning objects, including the smell of burnt flesh and burnt wood.

When the siege tower approached the city wall, in order to prevent accidental injury, the shooting at the city wall finally stopped. Frightened, followed by the loud roars of the officers, all nervously raised their shields and weapons, ready to meet the attack from the enemy in the siege tower.

"After the hanging tower is lowered, don't hesitate, don't be afraid, raise your weapons and rush to the city wall, God is with us!"

Inside the siege tower, the heavy-armored sergeant commanded to the soldiers behind him. Then, he turned his head and held the shield upright in front of his chest. He held the spear tightly in his hand, and the sweat from his hands almost made him unable to grasp it tightly. .

A few seconds later, the siege tower arrived outside the city wall, and then the suspension bridge crashed down. The heavy bridge body hit the wall stack, and sawdust flew across. Immediately afterwards, the arrows on the city wall were fired at once, instantly charging the several equipment inside. The heavy armored soldiers shot and killed the people standing behind them, regardless of the fallen comrades, stepped over their bodies, shouted and rushed out of the siege tower, fighting with the oncoming enemy.

"For the glory of my Lord!"

A soldier in heavy armor shouted and rushed out of the siege tower. As soon as he rushed onto the drawbridge, an arrow shot from the city wall pierced his throat. Blood gushed out immediately. The unlucky soldier clutched the wound on his throat in pain , the whole person staggered and fell heavily from the suspension bridge.


Outside a siege tower that had not yet put down the drawbridge, several Cunya citizen soldiers stood side by side. They held their javelins tightly and raised their heads high. At the moment when the drawbridge of the siege tower was lowered, several soldiers in heavy armor shouted and charged. Come out, the next moment, they threw the javelins they held high, and directly shot and killed several soldiers rushing up the suspension bridge, and then they pulled out the swords around their waists, shouted together, took the lead and rushed up the suspension bridge, throwing their sharp long spears The sword stabs at the enemy.

At the city gate, after several collisions, the already crumbling city gate was finally knocked open. Then, the spear militia cheered and poured into the city gate, charging at the enemy army waiting in full formation inside. A spear militiaman was walking away from the enemy The army was only a few steps away and jumped up vigorously, trying to attack from above, but the next second, a spear stabbed out from the defender's formation, directly piercing the body of the spear militiaman, and the soldier pierced through his body Like a lifeless puppet, he was thrown to the open ground with a light flick of the spear, and blood was still oozing from his wound.

The battle situation was so stalemate, until Richard sent his most elite foot imperial knights, these elite knights dressed in half armor, armed with terrifying maces and maces joined the battle along the siege towers and gaps, almost The defense line formed by the defenders was torn apart in an instant. The defenders could not break through the half-body plate armor they wore, but the maces and maces they wielded could cause serious damage to the human body through the armor, usually as long as If you touch it lightly, it will be bloody and bloody, and you will die of pain.

Under the offensive of the foot imperial knights, the infantry defenders on the front line were quickly defeated. They screamed and ran back, trying to stay away from these terrifying steel warriors, but they were chased by the heavy armored soldiers and spear militiamen who were chasing up. Stab in the back to death and become a stepping stone to the enemy's victory.

Seeing that the city wall was breached, Richard's eyes couldn't help but narrowed. He looked at the Danish lieutenant Toolagris who was eager to try, chuckled, and shouted loudly: "Knights of Christ, follow me into the city! Purge any heretics who still resist!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the war horse under his crotch let out a long neigh, and rushed out like an arrow off the string. Toolagris and the early general guard followed closely, and then the huge imperial knights, Teutonic A cavalry regiment composed of knights and mail cavalry.

More than [-] heavy cavalry rushed into the gap in the city wall like a flood. The infantry along the way quickly gave way after hearing the movement, and watched these heavy cavalry rush into the street. When they saw the leader Richard, they cheered loudly, the king His participation in the battle boosted the morale of the soldiers and they rose to the top.

For the heavy knights under his command, Richard is very confident that their performance in close combat is not weaker than infantry, but only a large-scale knight charge can maximize their combat effectiveness.

"Attack! In the name of the Lord, all those who can act in the sight of God will be killed!"

(End of this chapter)

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