rise of empire total war

Chapter 200 Decisive Battle with the Allied Forces

Chapter 200 Decisive Battle with the Allied Forces
"Get on your knees! You bloody heretic!"

Seeing that the military officer in this town was dragged in like a dead dog by two Nordic swordsmen, and forced to kneel down, Charles was expressionless. He sat casually on the main seat and looked at this A Cunha official who commanded the defenders to refuse to surrender, before he could speak, the lieutenant at the side took a step forward and shouted: "Stupid pagan, in front of you is General Charles, Earl of Sauron of the Kingdom of Winster! "

However, the military officer didn't speak, still knelt there like a dead dog, with his head drooping, blood kept dripping from his forehead, dripping down his skin onto the floor.

"You!" The lieutenant wanted to get angry when he saw that he didn't respond. Charles stopped him and said, "Derek, forget it. Since this military officer doesn't want to talk, then don't let him talk."

After Charles finished speaking, the military officer kneeling on the ground was obviously relieved, but the next second, the former spoke again, and what he said made the military officer turn pale and tremble all over.

"Go and cut out his eyes, cut out his tongue, and throw him outside to fend for himself."

"Understood, Lord Earl." Hearing this, the lieutenant seemed a little excited. The lieutenant, whose behavior was still biased towards the barbaric Viking style, stepped forward, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and signaled to the two Nordic swordsmen and generals Holding it down, he then roughly pinched the latter's jaw, causing the latter to open his mouth, and the sharp dagger pierced it directly, stirred it a few times, and blood mixed with the broken tongue gushed out.

Picking up the broken tongue, the lieutenant threw the broken tongue to one of the Nordic swordsmen regardless of the splashed blood, and said with a smile: "Take this tongue and roast it, I will get it later." Just eat it with wine!"

"As ordered, General."

Listening to the lieutenant's treatment of cutting off his tongue, the military officer who endured the pain couldn't take it anymore, rolled his eyes and passed out. Seeing this scene, the lieutenant sighed regretfully, and wiped the dagger with his clothes Put the blood on the scabbard back into the scabbard, and let the soldiers go to execute.

Another thing I forgot to say is that within a short period of time after launching the general offensive, Winster's army captured the town. Then, Charles did not restrain his soldiers, but let them plunder the civilians in the city, as an act of insisting on them. Resist punishment.


It has been nearly a month since the war officially broke out between the two countries. During this month, Winster's army has been victorious, marching eastward and capturing several towns in the Cunha Republic. At the same time, Lasik The principality's reinforcements have also assembled and set off. This reinforcement army of 8000 people crossed the border and joined the West Connahta Principality's army who also came to support. The two armies then went to Prange together.

On the other hand, Richard and his First Army did not choose to merge with Charles' Second Army. After exchanging letters with Charles, the two unanimously decided to divide their troops into two battles. not very far.

On April 1112, 4 in the continental calendar, when Richard led the First Army to advance to a position only two days away from Prange, the first tough battle he had encountered since invading the Cunha Republic finally came. In front of you is the huge coalition formed by the Republic of Cunha, the Principality of Lasik, the Principality of West Konnaheta, and the Free City of Giaara. The total number of this huge coalition exceeds 10, and it stretches for several miles. , are all black heads.

Although he didn't know where the Republic of Kunia had drawn so many reinforcements, Richard was not afraid. He ordered the legion to camp in place, bury pots and cook food, and recharge their batteries. At the same time, he sent a messenger to the nearby No. The Second Army calls for help.

What Richard didn't know was that the courier he sent was intercepted by the coalition scouts on the way. The courier was shot through the throat on the spot, fell off the horse and died. The letters hidden on him were also searched out and brought back to the coalition barracks .

However, what is embarrassing is that when Richard and Charles wrote their letters, they were written in German, which the natives of this world had never seen before. Businessmen from the Kingdom of Winster, but the other side still couldn’t understand it (most of the residents of the Kingdom of Winster are still indigenous, how could they understand German, which is only circulated in the army?), so they had to give up.

Fighting broke out the next day, and under the warm spring sun, armed soldiers emerged from their respective camps to form battle formations on the plain between the two camps.Compared with the military strength of the coalition forces, Richard's side is obviously at a disadvantage. The strength of the First Army is only more than 9000 people, and the coalition forces they are facing far exceed this number, which is more than 5000. Man, what is this concept?From Richard's perspective, his sight was full of black human heads, almost filling up all the open space in the distance.

There is a saying that when there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant. Even with the elite Holy Roman Empire army, Richard did not dare to push it too hard. The artillery is deployed on a higher ground. Due to the angle problem, these artillery can only bombard the enemy from a distance. Once the enemy gets too close, the artillery has to stop firing, otherwise it is very likely that the shell will hit the friendly army formation.

Richard's calculations are very good, as long as he sticks to the enemy firmly, Charles will lead the Second Army to join the battlefield at this time, and the two sides should cooperate internally and externally to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, wouldn't it be beautiful?

However, he didn't know that the body of the messenger he sent had already rotted somewhere.



The deep and distant sound of the horn came here from the enemy army formation, and then, the huge and almost endless coalition army formation slowly advanced. Watching this scene, even Richard, who is the king, couldn't help being nervous Get up, but he can't show it, because he is the soul of the legion, and if something goes wrong with him, the whole legion will be ruined.

"May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be acceptable before you, O Lord my Rock and Savior..."

Low voices of prayer sounded from time to time in the military formation. In the tense atmosphere before the war, only praying to the gods they believed in could dispel the haze in their hearts.

On the front line, it is very common for officers to take the lead in prayer. The officer takes the lead and prays with his head bowed. However, from time to time, some of the soldiers have stomach cramps due to extreme nervousness, bend over and vomit. While praying, some young soldiers even urinated directly. The yellow liquid spread under his feet. The officer who was praying smelled the smell and turned his head to look at the soldier, making the latter ashamed.

"In God's name, we shall prevail!"

(End of this chapter)

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