rise of empire total war

Chapter 164 The Battle of Bell's Collar

Chapter 164 The Battle of Bell's Collar
"what is this?"

"My God!"

A series of explosions made the coalition troops in the charging state stagnate. The sound after the explosion, the flash of fire and the screams of the soldiers after the explosion would shake the soldiers' hearts. If it weren't for the actions of the officers With strong pressure, they may even retreat without authorization.

"Attack! This is just the enemy's evil witchcraft! Don't be afraid, the followers of the magic deer will win!"

In the confusion, an officer shouted loudly that he wanted to take the lead in attacking the enemy, but just as he rushed forward a few steps, a man in fine armor and holding a long barrel stood out from the shield formation of Richard's army. The soldier with the weapon, this soldier was expressionless, looking at the officer with disdain.

The gunshot rang out, and a small hole appeared in the officer's chest, and blood slowly overflowed. He lowered his head and looked at the muzzle of the gun that took his life with an incredulous expression. Blood spurted out of his mouth, and then fell to the ground.

"Hand artillery ready!"

Another batch of German that the soldiers of the serial army had never heard. Immediately afterwards, all the hand artillerymen leaned out from behind the shield wall, put the hand cannon on the shield, aimed at the enemy in front of them, and released flames that did not belong to this era. !
bang bang bang-

Gunpowder smoke immediately shrouded the front of Richard's army formation. In the white choking smoke, the coalition soldiers were terrified by the gunshots and flames, screaming and retreating. The soldiers behind wanted to continue to charge forward. However, they were led by the comrades in front to retreat together.

The retreating soldiers will eventually be driven back to the battlefield to atone for their abandonment of honor.On the two wings of Richard's army, the coalition forces were also attacked by the enemy's new weapons, and they were quickly encouraged by the officers to continue charging and fight the enemy hand-to-hand.

Compared with the strength of the central army, the two wings of Richard's army were relatively weak, but they were still able to fight against the infantry of the coalition forces. The bloody hand mercenary regiment with combat power stormed the left flank and fought fiercely with the Danish army on the left flank.

"Hold on!"

Feeling the strong pressure from the shield in front of him, the Nordic swordsman Centurion on the left shouted loudly. Under the impact of the enemy, the small round shield in his hand was overwhelmed and made an unpleasant sound, and suddenly joined The powerful enemies on the battlefield caught them off guard. Many soldiers were knocked down and overturned at once. When they were struggling to get up, their chests were split open by the battle ax that fell from the sky, and the blood mixed with the broken internal organs flowed out together.

boom!With a heavy blow, the round shield in the hands of the Nordic swordsman Centurion shattered, and he quickly took a step back. In front of him was an enemy in chain mail holding a terrifying battle ax. He dared to bet that this The guy looks fiercer than the Nordic Axemen!
"Go to hell!" The man roared, raised his tomahawk, and slashed at the centurion. Looking at this scene, Chang couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and then held the sharp sword in both hands, and slashed at the enemy's exposed muscular arm. As they continued to ascend, the severe pain caused the enemy to roar loudly, and the deafening sound almost pierced the centurion's eardrums.

"You have to pay the price!" The mercenary shouted angrily, and the shield held by the other hand hit the centurion heavily. The blood almost stained his face, and the centurion covered his face in pain and took a few steps back. Taking advantage of this moment, the mercenary pulled out the sharp sword that had penetrated into his arm with his backhand, and thrust it into the centurion's chest with a roar, and then Kick it away with one kick.

The people around watched the mercenary's battle in horror, and they didn't dare to step forward to fight with it. How could they survive the existence of being able to resist the slashing of the sharp sword and forcefully pull out the sword to fight back against the enemy?

Just as the heart of fear spread among the surrounding soldiers, an arrow pierced the sky and hit the eye socket of the mercenary. The arrow penetrated into the eye socket, and the iron arrow even pierced through the back of the head. Solidified, crashed down.Following the direction of the arrow, it was Richard's loyal lieutenant, Condela.

Putting down the longbow, Condela remained expressionless and shouted loudly: "Maintain the formation, victory belongs to us!"

"Victory is ours!"

As soon as his words fell, the soldiers shouted back to him, and then plunged into the bloody battle with the enemy again.

puff!The sharp spear pierced through the mercenary's soft belly and penetrated his body. The bloody and bloody spear tip pierced out from the back, just as the spear militiamen were preparing to kill the mercenary. When he pulled out the spear, another tomahawk slashed from the side. He couldn't dodge in time, and his right shoulder was completely cut off. He screamed and covered the wound and fell to his knees. In his eyes, the battle ax struck again, directly chopping off his head.


On both wings of Richard's army, tragic scenes can be seen everywhere. Thousands of Richard's army and coalition soldiers fought hand-to-hand on the narrow front. Both sides have strong shields, sharp weapons and excellent armor, as well as the determination and determination spirit.The soldiers of Richard's army pierced the sword into the body of the soldier of the coalition army, and the soldiers of the coalition army used their remaining strength to chop the tomahawk on the shoulder of the soldier of Richard's army.The soldiers of Richard's army hit the body of the soldiers of the coalition army with their shields, and the latter also fought back, hitting the soldiers of Richard's army hard in the face.

On the right wing, the Danish lieutenant Toolagris stood on the front line with the soldiers and fought bloody battles. He held a long sword and shield and killed no less than ten enemies. In front of him, the blood flowed from the fallen corpses It almost merged into a river, and his body was also dyed red by the blood. From a distance, he looked like a death warrior who came out of hell.

"Kill! For Richard! For the Empire!"

Tooragris shouted loudly, the next second he bent down to avoid the enemy's slashing, and swiped with his arms, the long sword in his hand slashed through the chain mail on the enemy's body but was bounced off by the armor, he was slightly taken aback , quickly reacted, and kicked the enemy's crotch fiercely, the latter screamed, dropped his weapon and shield, covered his lower body and fell to his knees, his face turned pale from the piercing pain, and he could hardly stand up , taking advantage of this opportunity, Tooragris went around behind him, pulled out a sharp short knife from his waist, and brutally slit the enemy's throat, blood spurted out, he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground , lost its vitality.

Blood is the main color of this battlefield. With the passage of time, the artillery on the city wall no longer makes a dreadful roar. The hand artillerymen equipped with the earliest firearms also put down their hand cannons and drew their swords to join the battle... …Looking around, everything is killing, and there is only killing. The constant killing turns everyone into a bloodthirsty devil, sending all living creatures in front of them to hell...

(End of this chapter)

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