Chapter 162

Ravana City, Second City Wall.

"His Royal Highness Baden, the enemy has begun to attack the city, please retreat to a safe place."

On the city wall, listening to the words of the city defense commander in his ears, and then looking at the enemies who rushed up the stone bridge carrying ladders and were shot by the defenders' archers, Prince Baden sighed. He really wanted to be an ordinary soldier. He could hold a shield and a weapon and fight bloody battles with the enemy on the battlefield, but he no longer had that chance.

In the duel with Count Sophie a year ago, his shoulder blades were shattered by the opponent's cavalry gun, and finally relied on well-trained doctors to barely keep his arm, but the price was that he could no longer pick up weapons or heavy objects.

"I will, Isaac, I will." Barden said, but his body showed no signs of moving. In his sight, an enemy soldier carrying a ladder had just stepped onto the land on the other side of the bridge. Hit by an arrow falling from the sky, he knelt down on the spot, and blood gushed out from his face, staining the ground beneath him red.


The unscrupulous shooting of the defenders on the city wall caused a lot of losses to the siege side. Under Sigurd's order, 41 warships lined up on the wide Fabrici River. Boulders were projected into the sky one after another, rolled and slammed into the city wall, knocking over many defenders who had no time to dodge, and the impact brought by the landing of the boulder even made several nearby soldiers unable to stand still, screaming and falling. He went down the city wall and fell heavily on the ground, turning into a puddle of flesh.

boom!During a round of salvo, some stone bullets crossed the city wall and fell into the noble area, hitting the building close to the city wall. After a deafening sound, the boulder directly penetrated the wall of the building, and the building with the damaged load-bearing column collapsed. The rising smoke and dust enveloped everything around.

The projection of the ship-mounted ballista stopped the shooting of the defenders' archers on the city wall. At this time, the soldiers below speeded up and rushed to the bottom of the city wall with the ladder. On the city wall, several people supported the ladder to prevent it from toppling over, while others raised their shields above their heads and began to climb.

"Kick them off!"

Screams sounded on the city wall, and the defenders risked being hit by stone bullets, leaned out from the wall, and shot at the climbing enemies below, but the arrows they shot could not kill them. The enemy will only be nailed to the shield, making the opponent pause for a second.And just as they leaned out to shoot, the sailors who were far away from the warship drew their bows and arrows one after another, and shot the enemy with precise bow skills-in naval battles, they shot at each other on the shaking deck, and On smooth ground, their accuracy is greatly increased, and their arrows are almost infallible.

Looking at the soldiers on the city wall, Sigurd, who stood on the deck watching the battle, stood with his hands behind his back. This mature naval admiral was very confident in the upcoming battle. After the battle in the outer city, the number of defenders must have been greatly reduced. This siege battle will end in a short time!

A few days later, when the envoys sent by Prince Baden rushed into Bundak's besieged camp outside Bell Harbor, the king was rarely furious. The wooden table acted like Richard, venting his anger.

Zhutian came soon after hearing the news, and entered the tent to stop Bundak's incompetent rage. After asking about the situation, his face turned red with anger. No one thought that Richard would actually be under siege. During this period, he sent his navy to attack Ravana City, and what is even more exasperating is that his sneak attack was successful—although he only took down the outer city, Bandak knew very well the defense situation of Ravana City, and it was only [-] minutes away from the entire fall. time issue.

In addition, although only the outer city fell, the supply line for the coalition forces was cut off by Richard's army. There was only less than half a month of food in the entire coalition army camp. If no new supplies were found within half a month, These more than 2 troops will be in a desperate situation of running out of ammunition and food, and they will collapse first without waiting for Richard to fight back.

Withdraw or besiege, the two kings must decide between these two options.

In the end, they decided to retreat, take back the city of Ravana first, and then avenge Richard. Compared with the heavily guarded Port Bell, the city of Ravana, which has only a small number of enemy troops, is easier to capture.

However, Richard would not give them a chance to withdraw their troops smoothly. After learning that the coalition forces were preparing to withdraw their troops, Richard directly guessed the reason for their withdrawal. Although Sigurd hadn't sent anyone back to report, Richard Chad was still able to vaguely guess the outcome of the war. If it wasn't for the success of Ravana City's operation, how could the coalition forces want to withdraw in such a hurry?
"Leave the city, we will defeat the enemy in a dignified manner under the city walls of Port Bell!"

Following Richard's order, the entire city's army gathered at the city gate, and walked out of the city gate under the bewildered eyes of the enemies outside the city, and lined up outside the city.Bundak and Jutian both saw this scene and understood Richard's intentions. They immediately looked at each other, and they both saw the flames of war in each other's eyes.

"Array! Array! Array!"

"My king has orders, go out to form a camp, and meet the Kuban army!"


Commands sounded one after another in the army, and then, the coalition forces, who were already ready to withdraw, put down their bags, walked out of the open space outside the camp, and formed a tight square formation one by one.The two kings, Bundak and Jutian, each steered their horses, standing in front of their own army, disdainful of the orderly formation of Richard's army.

Out of the etiquette of the nobles, the coalition army watched Richard's army walk out of the city and formed an army formation. Then, Bundak and Zhutian each sent envoys to Richard's side, and Richard followed suit. It also sent envoys to negotiate with the enemy envoys.

While the envoys of the two sides were negotiating, Zhu Ti quietly observed Richard. The young prince who escaped from the palace he besieged six years ago has now become a mature youth, and holds a powerful army in his hand. against yourself.Richard also looked at the enemy who made him want to eat raw flesh in his dreams. Jutian's image didn't change much from six years ago, except that there were a few more wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and his figure was slightly fatter.

While observing Richard, Jutian was also observing the opponent's army. What surprised him was that there were not even a small number of cavalry in Richard's army, all of them were infantry in armor— ——If he was surprised by the lack of cavalry, he was even more surprised by the fact that the infantry was all armored. Even the Kingdom Expeditionary Army he brought could not be fully armored, but the little earl Richard , Can actually make all the staff wear armor.


After all the soldiers had left the city to line up, Richard called the messenger and whispered a few words to him. The latter rode his horse and ran back to the city gate. After a while, the city gate slowly closed, and the orderly Richard and all his soldiers were shut out.

Looking at the soldiers who looked a little suspicious at the suddenly closed city gate, Richard drew out his sword, raised it high, and shouted loudly:
"Soldiers of the Empire, today we will fight against the city!"

 Do you feel that I often lock up the morale of the enemy?
(End of this chapter)

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