rise of empire total war

Chapter 16 Pirate Graveyard

Chapter 16 Pirate Graveyard
When Richard woke up from the coma, it was already the afternoon after a day.

Looking at the wooden ceiling in sight, Richard pushed his head slightly heavy and climbed out of bed, leaning against the cold wall and observing everything around him.

This is his bedroom.With just one glance, Richard knew where he was. This was his residence in the town hall.

Leaning against the wall, feeling the coldness that can still be touched through a layer of fabric, the memory before coma slowly flowed into his mind, Richard couldn't help laughing at himself, the quality of his body is really too good Poor, even the junior high school students in the previous life are better than his physical fitness.

Turning over and getting off the wooden bed, Richard walked towards the window step by step, and the gentle sunlight poured into the room through the window, which also guided him in a direction.

Leaning against the window, Richard looked out. Nuremberg under the sun was still so peaceful. Medieval-style houses were dotted around the town. People were walking on the no longer dirty streets, busy with their own affairs.

Everything is so peaceful, but Richard knows that once winter passes, the town will be invaded by pirates...

At this moment, a knight galloping on the street caught Richard's attention. He looked familiar to this knight. Although the distance was not close, he could vaguely tell that the knight was a member of the early general's guard. .

The knight of the general's guard galloped wildly all the way, and everywhere he went, the civilians screamed. People screamed to avoid the advance of the knight master, for fear that they would be hit and disabled if they moved too slowly.

Just when Richard guessed what the knight's purpose was, the knight had stopped in front of the town hall, dismounted, handed the reins of the horse to the heavily armored sergeant who came up, and ran quickly into the hall.

After a while, Richard heard slightly hurried footsteps outside the door, as well as the sound of several people talking.

Guessing that there might be something important, Richard left the window directly, walked quickly to the door, and opened the wooden door. In the corridor outside the door, the knight he saw just now was talking with Condra and the others. What.Seeing Richard opened the door and stood up to say hello.

"Your Majesty Caesar, are you awake?"

"Well, knight, what's your emergency?" Richard said straight to the point.

"Your Majesty, in the deepest part of the cave with iron ore, we found another hole sealed by a pile of stones. After cleaning up the pile of stones, we found that there are many interesting things hidden in it."

"Something that interests me?" Richard was stunned, but quickly realized, saying, "I'll go there now, get ready!"

"But your body..." Condela on the side tried to persuade him, but Richard flatly refused, so he had to give up.


Under the lure of the so-called "things that would interest Richard", Richard and his party quickly rode ass to the place where the cave was located.The turbulence along the way made Richard's body, which had not fully recovered, almost unable to hold on. He only felt that his stomach was overwhelmed, and the acid water surged up for a while, and he wanted to vomit it out several times.

But this did not prevent him from entering the cave. The cave where the iron ore was found was now firmly guarded by more than 40 heavily armed soldiers. When they saw Richard coming in person, they all knelt on the ground in unison. , Shouted: "Your Majesty Caesar."

Without stopping too much, Richard walked directly to the deepest part of the cave under the guidance of the knight.Along the way, Richard could see traces of humans chiseling with picks or other tools on the rock walls of the cave, and even found some discarded tool fragments and human bones in the corners.

"Has it been exploited by humans on the island?" Richard asked curiously.

"Perhaps the Moorish pirates who occupied this island discovered this iron mine, but due to the lack of good mining technology and resources, they could only simply collect the ore exposed outside the stone wall." The young knight who led the way speculated.

"Then this can also explain why there is a mysterious cave in the depths of the cave." Condela said.

Passing over abandoned tools and human bones, Richard and others entered the cave in the knight's mouth. By the light from the burning torch hanging on the stone wall, the old furnishings inside suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.As expected, the cave is covered with spider webs, and thick dust covers the surface of any object, even the ground. As long as a person steps on it, the dust will rise up and make people cough. .

In the cave, apart from the dust and cobwebs, there were several dilapidated wooden boxes and a rectangular box that looked like a coffin.

When Richard approached those boxes, the inscriptions carved on the stone tablet in front of the rectangular boxes also indicated the true identity of these boxes—they were indeed boxes, and inside lay the corpses of several pirates who were probably already reduced to bones .

"The great navigator across the Shining Sea, the founder and pioneer of the Moorish Pirates, Lizzie Peters from Jikarga City and the graveyard of his ten most loyal apostles."

This is written in a type of writing that Richard has never seen before. Even though Richard has never seen it in his previous life or this life, he can still miraculously understand its meaning at a glance. This phenomenon is not only attributed to Regarding the system, there is no other explanation.

Lizzie Peters, Richard once saw the records of this person in the royal library of Nord, the capital of the kingdom. This is a notorious pirate king. A lowly bastard born of an adultery between a maid and a groom, he suffered discrimination and abuse since he was a child, but in the summer when he was 15 years old, he sneaked into the mansion of the lord at night and brutally massacred the lord's family and those who often Bullied his servants, and finally fell into the sea under the siege of the army, barely escaping.

Afterwards, the entire Glittering Sea entered a decades-long era of terror.

In the decades since Lizzie's Moore Pirates were established to his death, countless merchant ships were plundered across the entire Shining Sea, and warships of some countries were even attacked, and finally died in the belly of fishes.The most notable attack was the Shengla Kingdom on the Shengla Islands. Perhaps it was Lizzie's revenge for the harm he suffered as a child, but all ships departing from the Shengla Islands would be attacked, and they were not robbed like ordinary ships. Instead of plundering, it was utter destruction—crew and passengers slaughtered, their bodies thrown overboard, their heads severed and hung aloft on the sails of their newly captured ships.

The madness of the Moore pirate group was finally effectively curbed after Lizzie's death, but no one knew what the cause of Lizzie's death was. Some said that he died under the encirclement and suppression of fleets from various countries, and some said that he died within the pirate group. Some people even said that when he was attacking a ship, he was shot to death by an arrow from the stubbornly resisting crew...

Although there are many opinions, none of the reasons for the death of Lizzie, the notorious Pirate King, has been widely acknowledged.And now, the coffin containing his body actually appeared in front of Richard, on Kuban Island, a small island near Bell Port.

 No holiday……

(End of this chapter)

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