rise of empire total war

Chapter 159 Port Night Battle

Chapter 159 Port Night Battle
Night, outer city of Ravana, port area.

"Ready for action!"

Aldermag, who was wandering around the port area pretending to be a sailor during the day, put on his light chain mail at this moment, picked up his sharp long sword, and walked out of the cabin with the soldiers who obeyed his orders. The area is very quiet, only a few sporadic sparks exude a faint light.

And the goddess of the moon seems to be worried that the mortals on the ground will look up and see the bottom of her skirt, shyly hiding in the layers of dark clouds, only a glimmer of light can be cast on the ground through the cover of the clouds.

"Our action must only succeed and not fail. Whether we can capture the city of Ravana depends entirely on us!" Standing on the deck of the merchant ship, Aldermag whispered to the soldiers behind him, and his heart also Very nervous, the only people who sneaked into Ravana City were more than [-] Nordic swordsmen carried by four merchant ships. Once they failed, these lonely troops would only end up being annihilated.

"Now, for the Empire, act!"

Aldmag shouted in a firm tone, and then took the lead to rush down the merchant ship, and then quickly rushed to the guard room in the port area under the cover of night. He had inquired about the situation here during the day, and at night, the port area The defenders will gather in the guard room set up under the city wall, and send out patrols to patrol the entire port from time to time.

However, I am afraid that the guard room will never have the opportunity to send out patrols tonight.

The Nordic swordsmen of the other three merchant ships also rushed into the port under the leadership of their respective commanders, and ran in other directions to clear their respective targets.

The closer you are to the guard room, the clearer the sounds from inside will reach Aldermag's ears. There are not only the chatter and laughter among the soldiers, but also the noise of gambling, and then the sound from the guard room He could clearly see the light, a group of soldiers gathered inside, many of them without armor, gathered around the wooden table, and made a noise from time to time.

It seems that this is a gamble.

Oldmag sneered, took out a hatchet from his waist, and aimed at the two soldiers standing outside the guard chatting. Beside him, another soldier made the same movement, just two breaths Suddenly, the deadly flying ax was thrown, spinning in mid-air, and hit the throats of two guards directly. They didn't even have time to yell, and they fell down with their eyes wide open. The sound of their falling was overwhelmed by the noise from the room. Covered from time to time without attracting the attention of others.

"Attack! Kill everyone on the spot!"

Aldmag shouted loudly, and regardless of deliberately lowering his voice, he took the lead in pulling out his long sword, raised his shield, and rushed into the room. He raised his sharp long sword and slashed at the outermost enemy. He took off the thin linen clothes on the soldier, and then opened a big hole in his soft belly. The soldier fell to the ground with a scream, blood and water mixed with internal organs flowed out from the wound, and he tried in vain to stuff the discharged intestines Go back, but still can't make it.

The scream from the dead soldier woke up the other soldiers who were still immersed in gambling, and they stood up to find their own weapons, but the influx of Nordic swordsmen did not give them a chance to resist. , these unarmed soldiers can only end up being massacred one-sidedly.

A few minutes later, all the soldiers were killed, and the blood flowing from their bodies stained the entire floor of the guard room red, and even overflowed the door and flowed into the canal.

Wiping away the blood splattered on his face, Oldmag walked out of the guard room first, and several fire spots lit up around the port area, and these fire spots were still shaking irregularly, which was agreed before they acted. Signal - the other teams have completed their mission.

"Turn on the signal, rest for a while, and prepare to seize the sea gate later." Aldermag ordered, and then added: "Bram, you and eighteen people are guarding below, ready to respond at any time."

"Understood, Aldermag." The burly Bram promised, and then called the names of eighteen people, asking them to stay with him.

After resting for a while, Aldmag went out again. He took the remaining 30 soldiers into the stairway next to the guard room. This stairway can go straight to the top of the city wall. There are no redundant deployed guards.

Aldermag and his team walked up the city wall along the stairs without any hindrance. Their goal was the control room set up on the sea wall. There was a mechanism to control the sea gate in that control room. As long as they seized the control room, they would It is possible to put the main force that is still floating on the Fabrici River into the city.

Because the sea wall is different from the city wall on land, it is not the main direction of the enemy's attack, so the defense here is weaker. Compared with other city walls, there are fewer guards here, and the number of patrols passing by is less.In just a few minutes, the team led by Oldmag cleared the small number of guards on the city wall and took control of several towers. It was smooth sailing all the way. It was not until outside the control room that they encountered the last Stubborn resistance.

This wave of resistance came from more than a dozen defenders guarding the control room. They were equipped with leather armor and held the most common round shields and spears. He also rang the warning bell. Hearing the piercing bell echoing over and over again over the quiet port area, not only Aldermag's expression changed drastically, but also that of the soldiers in other teams.

Not long after the warning bell rang, there were noisy sounds in the barracks set up near the city wall, including not only the sound of soldiers assembling in a hurry, but also the urging and scolding of officers. About 5 minutes later, the soldiers were finally fully armed The soldiers assembled on the school field of the military camp, and then, under the leadership of the officers, they left the camp with torches and marched towards the port area.

Standing on the city wall, Aldermag clearly watched the defenders leaving the camp. The enemies holding torches were like a fire dragon, constantly coming out of the camp!


Aldermag groaned in his heart, and looked at the defenders in front of him who were blocking their advance. His eyes became more and more unfriendly. He took a deep breath, and put his whole body weight on the shield, hitting him hard like a cannonball. Crashing into one of the enemies, how could the guards equipped with only a thin round shield block the impact of the big Nordic man? Before they had time to react, the Nordic swordsmen followed Aldermag one after another and hit the enemy's defense line with all their strength.

Pressing the enemy under him, Aldermag took out the dagger used to cut meat from his waist. Regardless of the enemy's desperate struggle, he stabbed directly into the neck of the enemy beneath him. The sharp dagger could easily cut through the fragile body. Blood spurted out from his neck, and the soldier only struggled for a moment before losing movement.

Then, Aldermag stood up, regardless of the enemies who were fighting with his comrades, and rushed into the control room alone. Before the soldier who was desperately beating the warning bell could react, he raised his long sword and cut him off. The man screamed and stepped back a few steps. The remaining hand covered the broken hand and let out another heart-piercing cry. Aldmag ignored his pain, raised the long sword again, and cut His head was smashed, the big head soared into the air, hit the alarm bell, and made a muffled bang.

After killing the enemy, Aldermag exhaled the suffocation in his chest, and climbed up to the top of the tower along the wooden ladder in the control room, then took out a gadget, and pulled the rope under its buttocks, only to hear a sharp whistling sound , A spark rose into the air, and then a colorful firework exploded in mid-air. This firework is so conspicuous in mid-air.

(End of this chapter)

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