rise of empire total war

Chapter 142 Siege

Chapter 142 Siege
"Your Majesty, the enemy's catapults are truly terrifying. After a day of bombardment, cracks appeared in a section of the city wall, and some soldiers were crushed to death by boulders. If we let the Cuban army bombard again, I'm afraid..."

In the Trizzi Palace in Ravana City, Bandak, who was enthroned as the new King of Ravana, listened to the report from Percy, the new military chief of the kingdom, with a gloomy expression.

The appearance of the catapult really caught him off guard. He couldn’t figure out that Richard was able to build a catapult. You must know that on the Vardasia Peninsula, there are very few countries that use catapults. Such sharp weapons were prepared on a large scale in the Holy Kuyawi Empire Army in the north, and the skill of making catapults was strictly blocked, making it difficult for ordinary people to access.

"Could it be that behind Richard is the Holy Kuyawi Empire?" Bundak suddenly had such a conjecture in his mind, and his back was frightened into a cold sweat. It is well known that the brutality of the Kuyawi army undoubtedly accounted for a large proportion. It is said that in a war that took place in the northern part of the Vadasia Peninsula more than ten years ago, the army of the Holy Kuyawi Empire was in After capturing the capital of the Trasusari Kingdom, which was its enemy, a ten-day massacre began. In just ten days, the prosperous capital with a permanent population of nearly [-] was destroyed, and all residents were massacred. The dead were also sold into slavery, and in order to promote the empire's prestige, the commander of the army of the Holy Kuyavi Empire completely destroyed the city and sprinkled salt on its land.

Since then, cruelty and bloodthirsty have become synonymous with the army of the Holy Kuyawi Empire. The area near the south of the Ravana Kingdom is better, and it even developed to the point where the Holy Kuyawi was heard in the northern part of the Vardasia Peninsula. In the empire, everyone's face has changed.

"If Richard is behind the Holy Kuyavi Empire, then we will definitely lose?" Bandak continued to think, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his speculation was correct, otherwise Richard would have been defeated when he was young. Where did the exiled prince who fled from the Winster Kingdom get so many catapults and the huge catapult with a hideous appearance?
"Your Majesty... what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Bundak's distraught look on his face, Military Chief Percy asked cautiously.

"Ah? It's nothing." Bundak, who was pulled back to reality by Percy's questioning voice, shook his body, quickly reacted, shook his head, and continued: "Let the soldiers hide when the enemy bombards with catapults , Only a few soldiers are left to observe the enemy's movements, we cannot let the soldiers die meaninglessly and humiliatingly."

"Understood, Your Majesty." Percy said, "However, several cracks have appeared in the city wall under the enemy's bombardment. If no action is taken, I am afraid that the outer city wall will collapse in a few days, and we will have to Retreat to the inner city."

"Please trust Ravana's city walls, Percy." Bandak comforted: "Besides, I won't let Richard continue to be arrogant, as long as we persist for a few months, the kingdom of Winster Jutian will The army will come and defeat Richard with us!"


A few days later, the city wall of Ravana City, which had been bombarded continuously, still stood proudly. Although there were some cracks on the surface of the city wall, this did not affect its firmness.

In order not to wear down the fighting spirit of the soldiers, Richard still ordered the whole army to attack.

In the early morning, with banners flying and swords and guns covering the sun, the imposing Cuban Island army stood silently on the plain outside Ravana City. In front of the majestic and murderous army formation, Richard was dressed in exquisite clothes. The general's armor, standing under the fluttering flag of Oriole's Tail, waited with hands tied.

Bang!Looking at the city divided into two by the Fabrici River, Richard solemnly drew out his sword, held it up to the sky, and shouted:
"Soldiers, our army will win! Attack!"

"His Majesty Caesar has ordered the whole army to attack!"

In the next second, the orderly next to Richard immediately roared to the sky with his voice tearing up, the roar was like thunder, piercing clouds and cracking stones.

"The empire must win!"

"go ahead!"

The lingering lingering sound of the howling continued, and the roaring sounds from the black army formed together deafeningly loudly, and the thick murderous aura that had been accumulated for a long time was released instantly, shocking the rebels on the city wall.Although they could not understand the German and Danish roared by the Kuban soldiers, the momentum could be felt without verbal expression.

In the neatly arranged military formation, military flags swayed back and forth, and the army roared into action. The footsteps of thousands of people condensed into one, marching step by step towards the scarred city wall of Ravana City.

The nine siege weapons on the eastern battlefield lowered their throwing arms amidst the harsh creaking and torque sounds. Heavy boulders were carried by the slaves accompanying the army and placed into the leather bags at the end of the throwing arms. Then, the engineers operating the equipment made the final move. Aiming and debugging.

At a glance, the battlefield is full of black seas, black shirts, black shields, and black battle flags. Such heavy colors exude infinite murderous aura at this time, and the defenders on the city wall are almost crushed. Out of breath.

"The enemy is attacking! The enemy is attacking!"

On the walls of Ravana City, the defenders screamed in horror. They looked at the imposing enemies outside the city, their trembling bodies leaning against the battlements. It seemed that only cold stones could calm their inner fear. slight relief.

After hearing the news, the usurper Bandak and his loyal military chief Percy hurried up the city wall. They watched the mighty Kuban army slowly approaching over the wall, and then looked at the top of the city wall. The terrified soldiers couldn't help feeling a bit bitter in their hearts, they were afraid of comparing goods in everything, and in comparison, their soldiers were like beggars who were forcibly pulled up from the ditch.

"Oh no! Phantom deer!"

At this moment, amidst the terrified shouts of the defenders, three siege scales and nine catapults simultaneously threw out the boulders in their skins, and the shrieking screams of those boulders crossed the sky, tumbling Draw an arc in the air, and then hit the city wall heavily.In just a few seconds, the boulder whizzed and hit the city wall, smashing a small hole in the marble city wall, and stone chips flew across.

And one of the boulders rolled and smashed into the crowd in mid-air, directly plowing a path of blood in the crowd. All the soldiers touched by the boulder were either killed or injured, and human stumps and broken arms were mixed together. Blood was sprinkled all over the walls.

The usurper Bandak, who witnessed the power of the catapult with his own eyes, was terrified. He hid behind the wall pile regardless of his image, watching the miserable groans of the wounded soldiers on the city wall, and his body trembled slightly.After a while, he swallowed his saliva, slowly poked his head out of the wall, and looked out. The next moment, his pupils shrank violently, and his eyes were filled with infinite horror. Behind the melee infantry lined up, the archers holding hunting bows are raising their bows and arrows obliquely under the orders of the officers, and at the same time fully draw the bowstrings, and the sharp arrows that are shining coldly under the sun are pointing at the walls of the city wall. direction.And in front of them, there are teams of crossbowmen who also tilted their crossbows. The crossbows in their hands have been loaded and ready to go!

(End of this chapter)

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