Chapter 135
"My dear Miles, this is a dangerous job. If the patrol finds out, my whole family will die because of it, so you need to pay more."

"Bozo, we can only give you eight thousand silver coins. You have to know that as long as we continue to besiege, the inner city that has lost its supply channels will fall sooner or later. By then, let alone these eight thousand silver coins, your life will There is no guarantee.”

"This..." The face of the Ravana garrison officer named Bozo changed slightly. Looking at the relatives who had defected to the rebels in front of him, his heart suddenly became entangled.Speaking of which, since the fall of the outer city, the inner city has suddenly fallen into a tense atmosphere where everyone is in danger. Even the arrogant and domineering nobles are low-key and want to be human with their tails between their legs, as if the end will soon come to them .

In this context, Bozo, a low-level officer in the garrison of Ravana City, suddenly received a letter from his relatives serving in the rebel camp, who persuaded him to open the city and let the rebels enter the city, and claimed that as long as he If you can open the city, you will get a large monetary reward.

Looking at the scene in the city that seemed to be doomsday, and looking at the great benefits promised in the letter, Bozuo finally made up his mind.

Finally, he ended his entanglement and said, "Okay, it's only [-] Morse coins, but I have additional requirements."

"What's the request?" Miles, who was responsible for persuading surrender, was a little unhappy, but he still held back his temper and asked.

"After the surrender, I will maintain my current position and continue to stay with my old comrades in the garrison of Ravana City."

"No problem, this is a reasonable request." Miles nodded and agreed, then took out a heavy cloth bag from his arms and handed it to Bozo, who took it quickly, feeling the weight in his hand He couldn't help swallowing because of the tactile sensation. It is conservatively estimated that the weight should be more than five hundred Morse coins.

Seeing Bozo's performance, Miles showed a disdainful smile, and said lightly: "This is just a deposit for you first, as a gift, and when the army enters the city to capture Ravana, all the rewards will be handed over to you."

"Okay, okay, I will try my best to assist the army to enter the city!" Holding the heavy purse, Bozuo nodded and bowed hospitablely. From his eyes, he seemed to have seen that after the war, he was living a prosperous life that he once despised.


Soon, Miles returned to the rebel barracks in the outer city of Ravana, and reported the results of the trip to Bundak's lieutenant, Percy. Because of his trust, he was appointed as a lieutenant general after the rise of the army, commanding the center of the army.

"General, Bozo said that in three days it will be his turn to be responsible for the defense of the city gate. In the second half of the night he will open the city gate and let the army enter," Miles said.

"Is there an agreed signal?" Percy asked.

"He ordered people to wave torches in front of the city gate, and they can be dispatched by waving three times."

"Okay, I'll go and report to His Highness right now, you've done a great job, and there will be a big reward when things are done!"

"Thank you General." Miles leaned over and replied, his face flushed with excitement.

Not to mention Miles' reaction, Percy quickly found the Earl of Bandac who was standing on the other side of the Fabrizi River overlooking the second city wall. The latter was discussing the next battle with several lieutenants. When they arrived, the discussion stopped.

"My dear Percy, you came just in time. There are still a large number of enemy retreats in the outer city across the river to resist our army's attack. Tell me what you think."

Percy did not answer his question, but instead said, "Your Highness, before that, I have something more important to tell you."

"Oh? What's more important?" Bandak asked curiously.

"After several days of hard work, we successfully bought an officer of the garrison army. He will open the city gate three nights later and cooperate with our army to seize the noble district!"

"What?" Bandak was startled, then couldn't help clapping his hands and laughing, and said: "This is really very good news, my dear Percy, I am still worrying about how to take the inner city with the least casualties Well, I didn't expect you to surprise me quietly."

"This is what I should do, Your Highness." Percy said calmly, and then reminded: "However, after occupying the noble district, we may have to pay a very high price to win the Trizzi Palace."

"I don't think so, my dear Percy." Bandak patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and winked at him again, showing eyes that only two people understand, "As long as the inner city can be taken down , then the Trizzi Palace is not far from being occupied by us."

Percy was a little dazed by Bundak's sudden gaze, but he quickly realized the meaning of the gaze, and then said, "Understood, Your Highness."

Only the two of them understood the meaning behind this conversation, and the other people present could only look at them in bewilderment, unable to talk to each other.


Three days later, late at night.

Bozuo, who was bought with a lot of money, really commanded his soldiers to open the city gate, and waved torches in front of the city gate as agreed. After waving three times, the rebel brigade, which had been waiting for a long time, rushed across the Fabrici River. Under the support of the traitors, they rushed into the city gate and killed all around along the street.

When the nearest patrol team noticed something was wrong and wanted to go to the city gate to check, the rebels who had already entered the inner city showed their fangs in the dark night, and swung their butcher knives at any patrol team they encountered. A bloody fight unfolded slowly under the cover of darkness...

Almost overnight, the walls of the inner city of Ravana were replaced with the flag of the rebels, just like the philosophical saying: no matter how strong the castle is, it collapses from the inside.The fall of the outer city and the inner city of Ravana was due to internal factors and was able to be captured by the rebels.

Standing on the palace wall of the Trizzi Palace and looking at the rebel flags hanging high outside the city, King Lawrence's face was pale. Since the battle with the rebels commanded by Bundak himself, his Royal Army has been retreating steadily. , Only by relying on the city wall to resist can gain an advantage, but this advantage was quickly cracked by Bandak.

Up to now, he only has one-third of an acre of land within the palace wall, and the army loyal to the royal family is only a poor 600 soldiers of the imperial guards. There may be some guards in the outer city that has been occupied for many days. He fought stubbornly in a corner, but he obviously couldn't command them.

And Richard, who has always expressed his hope and even sent the princess to urge him to come back, has not sent back any news so far. The cicada and the oriole are behind.

He does have this strength. If he is really going to do this, there is a reason why he has not led the army back to help.

(End of this chapter)

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