rise of empire total war

Chapter 130 Massacre

Chapter 130 Massacre
"Rupert's back! He's back with a chicken!"

When Xi Rui was standing on the tower thinking about life, a voice of surprise brought him back to reality. He followed the reputation and found that it was an old soldier nicknamed "Old Toad" in the outpost riding the only horse in the outpost "Ah!" "Sia" is back, and it can be seen from his expression of harvest joy and the chicken tied to the side of the horse's belly that he has gained a lot from his trip.

Then, the few soldiers who had been sitting around got up and ran towards the veteran named Rupert. While running, they shouted, "Old Toad, what good things did you bring?"

"In addition to this chicken, I also brought back some salt and wild vegetables stored by the villagers." Rupert grabbed the heavily tied chicken and said braggingly, "We can roast the chicken and then stew the wild vegetables Soup to drink."

"Nice job!" said the fastest soldier, and ran to Rupert's side in a blink of an eye, took the chicken he was carrying, observed it, and said, "It's still a hen, look at this chicken." There should be eggs in the round belly."

"So what, you can eat as you like." Rupert said indifferently.

"You idiot, let us raise this hen, and soon it will give birth to a brood of chicks. As long as we raise the chicks, won't we be able to eat chicken every day?"

Hearing what his comrades said, Rupert thought for a while and found it very reasonable, so he nodded and said, "Dipper, you will take charge of this matter?"

"No problem." The soldier named Di Pu patted his chest and agreed. Before he joined the army, he helped the family raise poultry. Although he had no chance to return to his old job for many years, it is no problem to take care of it based on memory.

The soldiers who came with Di Pu also arrived. Listening to the conversation between the two, they couldn't help but feel depressed. It seems that the chicken will not be eaten today.

"Take these wild vegetables to stew and drink. It's just a meal with black bread." Di Pu suggested looking at the depressed comrades.

When the black bread was mentioned, everyone's faces turned green. The black bread brought by the convoy from Rob Town was very hard. Its raw material was not only fermented flour, but also mixed with fine stones, wood chips, etc., which were not edible by humans. The hardness of the black bread made of these raw materials can even be used as a weapon.

In the Omar outpost, there was a fight using black bread as a weapon. The result of this fight was that both sides were injured. Many people were beaten to death by the black bread, and a few unlucky ones passed out on the spot.

If you want to eat such a hard black bread, you can’t eat it with your teeth alone. They need to soak it in water to soften the bread before eating it. If you bite it hard, it may damage your teeth.

A group of people then returned to the post with the "trophy". Dipper, holding the hen in his arms, called Siri's name from a long distance, and the latter ran to the entrance to greet everyone. This is his enlistment. The ex-uncle specifically told him that no matter what happened, as long as the veteran called him, he must respond in time, otherwise he would have a hard time meeting some veterans with bad tempers.

"Siri, you make a cage, lay a few layers of grass in it, and then lock this hen in it." Dipper said while handing the hen to Xiri, "Don't be greedy, kid. It ate, and if it is eaten, we will eat you!"

"Yes, yes." The young Siri was frightened by the veteran's warning, he swallowed, quickly took the hen, held it in his arms, and ran to get busy.

But he didn't know that Di Pu's order pulled him back from the entrance to hell.

Let Xi Rui build the chicken coop, and everyone continued to walk into the outpost, talking and laughing. No one noticed that on the horizon in the distance, a black line was gradually approaching. Flags of the Kingdom of Ravana and Richard's Orioles fluttered in the wind.

On the tower of the outpost, Hart, the veteran who was supposed to be in charge of guarding, was still sitting on the ground, leaning against the wooden wall, squinting his eyes and sipping the wine in the jug, not paying attention to what happened on the distant horizon.

No one in the entire outpost stayed at their post, and disaster had already fallen upon them!


When the sound of horseshoes sounded like thunder on the flat ground near the outpost, these slack soldiers were horrified to find that the enemy had broken through the defense line of the border military chief Gehrman and broke into the Cork collar. Feeling the tremors of the ground, they screamed He picked up his weapon and rushed to the gate of the outpost, trying to close the wooden door before the enemy cavalry arrived, but before it closed, the scout cavalry of the Royal Army who rushed to the front threw a spear in his hand and pierced a soldier's body. In the gap between a soldier, a group of scout cavalry roared into the outpost, beheading the rebel soldiers blocking the way under their horses.

"Old toad, hurry up and ride 'Asia' to report to Rob Town!" In the confusion, Di Pu shouted to his good friend, and the latter didn't care to shirk after hearing this, and quickly rode on the old mare and followed another exit rushed out.However, after he rushed out tens of meters, a spear tore through the sky and pierced into his back from behind with a scream. The sharp point of the spear pierced through his body and came out from his chest, nicknamed "Old Toad". Rupert didn't even have a chance to scream, so he fell off the horse and fell into the grass, his lifeless eyes still staring at the direction the old mare ran away.

"Damn enemies, why did they appear here?"

Standing on the tower, Old Hart looked at the battle situation below and murmured to himself in fear. Then he ran to pick up his hunting bow, and tried to take an arrow out of the quiver with trembling hands, but his hands trembled. The range was too large, so that he couldn't even do something as simple as taking out the arrow, and even almost broke it when he was about to take it out.

Standing on the tower is the most eye-catching. The scout cavalry below saw his movements at a glance. One of the knights directly pulled out the spear stuck in the corpse of a rebel soldier on the ground, and pointed at the old figure. Take aim, and then throw it vigorously, the blood-stained spear flew out like an arrow from the string, piercing through Old Hart's thin body in a blink of an eye, this veteran who was able to return to his hometown in a few months was unwilling Grabbing the spear that pierced his body, he took a few steps back and then fell down. Blood foamed from his mouth, staining his pale beard red.

The young soldier Xi Rui, who was hiding in the weeds piled up in the stable, watched all this in horror. He could only cover his face with his hands tightly to prevent himself from making a sound. He knew that once he made a sound, the enemy would find him , the deadly sword will come to his head.

Just like old Hart and the others, their souls returned to heaven.


The spear pierced the abdomen of a rebel soldier and cut a big hole in his soft skin. The internal organs inside flowed out with blood. The poor rebel soldier fell to the ground screaming and stretched out his hand to cover the wound He wanted to stuff the leaking organs back, but the scout cavalry didn't give him a chance. He got off his horse, pulled out the long sword at his waist, and stabbed the rebel soldier's chest hard on the ground, directly killing him s life.

This bloody scene was seen by Xi Rui who was not far away. His stomach was overwhelmed and he wanted to vomit uncontrollably. His trembling body shook some weeds off the pile of weeds where he was hiding, and made a slight noise. , alarmed the scout cavalry who was wiping the blood, he looked suspiciously at the stable stable, and slowly wanted to approach, but at this time, the captain of the scout cavalry not far away shouted at him: "Chris, you What are you doing, after clearing this outpost, we will move on."

"Understood." The scout cavalryman named Chris replied, and he didn't want to check the movement just now. He put the long sword back into the scabbard, rode on the horse, turned and left.

Seeing the back of the cavalryman leaving, Siri heaved a sigh of relief, and his heart was filled with the joy of narrow escape.

 book review
(End of this chapter)

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