rise of empire total war

Chapter 120 Baden VS Thorne

Chapter 120 Baden VS Thorne


Accompanied by the hissing and roaring of the officers, the Ravana Kingdom rebels ran into the yellow embankment formed by the Kingdom Army like a black flood. The moment the two armies met, the loud noise of the shields colliding with each other seemed to make the sky tremble. Pale, the earth trembled.

The soldiers on both sides shouted loudly, holding their shields and hitting the enemy in front of them with brute force. The shield walls on both sides even had many cracks under the violent impact. The soldiers couldn't make up for it in time, which caused the enemy to rush into the gap in the shield formation on both sides of the defense line and fight with the enemies in the shield formation.

"Hold your ground! In the name of the King!"

On the side of the Royal Army, the loud shouts of the officers were quickly drowned out in the noisy battlefield. Although the scale of the battlefield was not large, the simultaneous roars of more than a thousand people gathered into a deafening battlefield symphony. Cursing, as well as the sound of metal clashing between knives and swords, the screams and groans of people dying.

"go to hell!"

Amidst the surging crowd, a Mabuku veteran roared and pierced the enemy's abdomen with a sharp long sword, and then kicked the opponent's body away, allowing the blood to flow smoothly along the wound.Then, out of the corner of his eye, he could see the movement of the enemy attacking him. He dodged to avoid the enemy's slashing. Taking advantage of the situation, he swept across with his arms. The long sword in his hand sliced ​​open the abdomen of the rebel infantry beside him. Suddenly, his belly was crushed. The sharp blade cut, and bloody intestines flowed out from the abdominal cavity.

However, before he had time to get excited about killing two enemies in a row, several spears pierced from all angles, piercing directly through the chain mail he was wearing, and piercing through the body of this Mabuku veteran. Quickly drained, he half-kneeled powerlessly on the ground, looking down at the spear inserted into his body, his eyes gradually became dull, his consciousness seemed to travel through time and space, returning to the Luwenhe battlefield a year ago, back to the still At home waiting for their loved ones in triumph.

"Brothers! Hold your ground!"

In the bloody hand-to-hand combat, the Royal Army who followed Richard in the Ramirez War clearly had the upper hand. The tug-of-war between the two sides caused soldiers to fall to the ground every second, blood-staining the ground.Stimulated by the blood, each soldier fell into a state of madness. Their eyes were bloodshot, and they hit the enemy in front of them with all their strength, or knocked over the enemy with their bodies, sat on the enemy with their upper body, and stretched out their hands to choke the enemy. neck, trying to strangle the enemy.

In this melee, it is not only weapons made of iron that can take the life of the enemy, but human teeth, fists and nails have become bloodthirsty weapons.

On the other side, away from the infantry battlefield, the cavalry of the Royal Army were still chasing the rebel javelin cavalry. From time to time, a round of deadly javelins shot from in front of them, piercing the body of the knight who couldn't dodge, and then fell off the horse screaming. It was trampled into an unknown object made of blood, flesh and steel by the horses following it.

The kite tactics of the javelin cavalry made the cavalry of the Royal Army miserable, but they dared not turn around and retreat. Once they turned around and retreated, the annoying javelin cavalry in front of them would stick to them again and throw javelins at their side.

Finally, after continuing to pursue for a while, the rebel javelin cavalry who had been fleeing stopped and turned their horses to meet the chasing kingdom light cavalry. Just as the light cavalry commander guessed their intentions, their weapons had already been replaced. The cavalry sword, which was still stained with blood, straightened out the small cavalry round shield, drove the horse again, and charged the kingdom's light cavalry!
"Finally stopped running, brothers, let them pay the price for their previous actions!"


Amidst the officer's roar, more than a hundred cavalry also raised their shields and raised their lances, and launched a countercharge against the oncoming javelin cavalry. Within a short distance, they raised the speed of their horses to the highest speed, and they leaned over to stick on the ground. On horseback, launch the fiercest attack.

The next moment, the cavalry from both sides collided savagely.

Many riders were also knocked down by the huge recoil when they collided with each other. They flew into the air and fell off their horses. They were either trampled by other horses or knocked over by the powerful impact.

Without stirrups, they have no way to firmly fix themselves on the horse's back, and they can only fly out with inertia when encountering a strong impact.

A kingdom light cavalryman held a lance and pierced a rebel javelin cavalry who had just landed in front of him. However, the next moment, the javelin cavalry rushed forward, brandishing a long sword and directly chopped off his head. Blood flowed from his neck. The cross-section of the place spewed out, and it actually spewed out to a height of two meters.


"Run! Surround them from the sides!"

Looking back to the frontal battlefield, the disadvantage of the rebel vanguard was finally revealed in the war. When everyone was immersed in the feast of blood, Count Sophie led the reserve team that had not yet participated in the war to disperse towards the rebel infantry. The flanks outflanked the past, and they easily defeated the rebel light infantry on the flanks who used long-range firepower to support their comrades-in-arms, and then shouted to charge the enemy.

Because, their commander Baden has led his elite guards to join the battle.

"Brothers, I am with you! Fight on!"

On horseback, Baden, the heir to the Earl of Cork, was dressed in full body clothes, brandishing a knight's long sword made of fine iron and shouting loudly, leading his few but extremely elite guard cavalry to launch a fierce charge towards Sophie's flank , Under the horseshoes of the cavalry, they ran into the phalanx of Ravana infantry head-on with unstoppable momentum, tearing apart the enemy's line like a sharp long sword, knocking down the infantry of the Royal Army along the way.

"Thorn, fight me, this is an honor duel between nobles!"

Swinging at any infantry of the Royal Army who tried to attack him, Baden roared loudly, and his roar spread throughout the entire flank, reaching Earl Thorne's ears, making this proud young nobleman unable to refuse.

"Come on! Let me teach you what a real war is, this half-haired brat!"

Earl Thorne shouted loudly. He put down the covering visor on his helmet, took the light lance handed over by the knight beside him, and rode his horse towards the bloody rebel general, "Baden, you will regret it." of!"

After saying that, Thorne drove his horse and rushed towards Baden. The soldiers along the way consciously gave up a relatively wide open space for the two nobles to duel.

"Stupid guy, I am a noble royal family!"

Barden roared angrily, and then spurred his horse under his crotch to face the opponent with his gun.After a certain distance, the two sides speeded up their horses, and at the same time put their guns flat, clamped under their armpits, and launched the most violent charge!
The moment the two riders crossed each other, the lances broke at the same time, and sawdust flew across. The horses on both sides still ran forward for several meters before stopping. Under the eyes of the surrounding soldiers, Earl Thorne's body began to shake, and then he lost his balance. , fell to the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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