rise of empire total war

Chapter 118 Facing the Rebel Forward

Chapter 118 Facing the Rebel Forward
"Your Majesty, the rebel Bandak sent his son to lead part of the army as a vanguard and has entered the Ravana area. I think we should gather superior forces to take the initiative to repel the rebel vanguard and dampen the morale of the enemy."

At the Telzi Palace in Ravana City, Sophie, the new military chief, talked eloquently. Facing the civil war set off by Bundak, this young nobleman calmed down quickly after experiencing the initial panic. After calming down, he was eager to try , as the military chief, he was eager to use this war to improve his status in the king's heart.

Yes, although he inherited his father's title and the position of military chief, King Lawrence did not fully trust him, which made the proud Sophie unavoidably dissatisfied, and this war is the best way to show his talent good stage.

"My dear Sophie, how many people are there in total in the vanguard of the rebel army, and how many troops have we assembled in Ravana City?" King Lawrence did not rush to agree, but asked calmly, and at the same time, with Prince Burris on the side They looked at each other and confirmed their eyes.

"The scouts I sent reported that the rebels had a total of 600 forwards, basically Bundak's soldiers from Cork. And the troops we assembled in Ravana City, the sum of the conscripts of the nobles from all over the country alone was one Thousands of 400 people, and this number is still increasing."

"It seems that we can fight once." Lawrence nodded, and then looked at his younger brother, as if asking for his opinion.

"I don't object to sending troops." Prince Boris, who is Sophie's father-in-law, said, his voice was hoarse, and he coughed from time to time, "Ahem...but, just to be on the safe side, the royal family's standing army and His Majesty's guards still stay. Garrison in Ravana City, Sophie...ahem...you should lead the nobles to a beautiful victory."

"It's my honor." Sophie touched her chest with her right hand, and at the same time bent down to salute, and said respectfully.

Boris had no objection, and Lawrence said, "In this case, Earl Sophie, take a thousand soldiers to fight our dear little nephew Baden."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The news of the new military chief Sophie's expedition quickly spread throughout the city of Ravana. With expectations for the royal family, the citizens all crowded together to watch the young nobleman step onto the battlefield with troops provided by loyal nobles from all over the country.

In the expedition team, Princess Sophia, who was dressed in costume, looked at her husband with longing. Although they had no relationship when they got married, Sophia had already developed feelings for him in a few years.

"Sophie, I'm waiting for you to defeat the enemy army in Ravana City and return in triumph." In the background of loud voices, she held her husband's hand and blessed softly.

"Sophia, don't worry, I will definitely defeat the enemy and surround the city of Ravana." Sophie was dressed all over her body, and the general's armor made him even more mighty. He stroked the tender face of his beloved wife and said with a smile : "I'm still waiting for the end of the war, let you take me to meet the famous His Royal Highness Richard."

"Okay." Sophia nodded. Under her reluctant eyes, Sophie let go of the hand that was stroking her face, rode into the team, and drove towards the city gate.

For some reason, looking at this familiar figure from behind, Sophia felt a sharp pain in her heart, and then felt a piece of space in her heart.

"Almighty God, please bless Sophie and his army..." (Sophia was influenced by the cardinal and converted to Christianity during her stay in Kuban Island)


A large number of troops were marching on the wide stone paved avenue, and the sound of chaotic footsteps echoed all around. Seeing this army conscripted from various aristocratic territories that were still loyal to the royal family, Count Sophie was filled with pride. You can even imagine the scene of your own triumphant return after the war.

It is no wonder that he is full of confidence. He has been influenced by his father and King Harlaus since he was a child, and he loves military affairs. His proficiency in military strategy is not inferior to that of the late old Earl Adelaide, but the latter has obvious combat experience Even richer, Sophie only has the experience of commanding the army to encircle and suppress the thieves running around in the territory at most.

In addition to his confidence in his own command ability, the combat effectiveness of the army under his command is also a major reliance, not only the army re-conscripted from his Mabuku territory, most of the soldiers in the army have followed Richard to fight against Ramirez The experience of the kingdom is that he has seen "veterans" who have gone to battle.

At the same time, the "military pay" distributed by Richard before dismissing them also made the soldiers yearn for war. In their eyes, participating in the war may not be an obligation that should be fulfilled before, but a rewarding "job" .

Richard didn't expect that his unintentional order actually allowed the royal family to have a group of more reliable soldiers. If he knew, he might say with a wry smile that it was unintentional.

Cough, far away.

Along the convenient paved road, the royal army led by Earl Sophie marched eastward all the way. After only half a day's journey, the scouts he sent encountered the scouts of the rebels. The first battle of the Royal Army.

The result of the battle was naturally that the royal army won the victory. The scouts from the Mabuku collar were trained by the leisurely Richard scout cavalry when they besieged Yaquik, and their ability to fight in close quarters was also enhanced. After killing an enemy scout, they returned to the team with the body and horse of the enemy scout.

Earl Sophie was very happy to get off to a good start, so he rewarded the three scouts.Then, he ordered the army to continue to move forward, and finally encountered the rebels next to a trading post that had been abandoned due to the flames of war.

Earl Sophie had a very strange impression of Baden, the commander of the rebel vanguard. Apart from knowing that he was Bandak's only son, he didn't know anything about him.For such an unfamiliar opponent, Sophie did not dare to underestimate the enemy. He asked the soldiers to form a defensive formation and defend when in doubt. This is the safest tactic.

While forming the formation, he silently observed the enemy on the opposite side. The rebel striker led by Baden was actually far more than 600 people. Let him conservatively estimate that there were 800 people. Among the 800 people, in addition to the basic infantry, there were also There are one hundred cavalry, and these one hundred cavalry are light cavalry equipped with javelins, which pose a great threat to him.

On the other hand, Sophie's side, although there are more than a hundred cavalry, are all light cavalry equipped with leather armor, light lances, and cavalry bucklers. It's okay to disperse the enemy's light infantry and chase down the rout. Behavior——Although Thorne didn't intend to let this group of light cavalry charge the enemy, in his opinion, the light cavalry should fight the light cavalry.

It's just that it doesn't feel good to let this team of light cavalry without long-range weapons chase the enemy's javelin cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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