rise of empire total war

Chapter 102 Occupying Mumbai City

Chapter 102 Occupying Mumbai City


The next day, the Ravana Kingdom Army launched an attack again. More siege equipment slowly advanced under the cover of light infantry fire. The arrows shot from the city wall hit the surface of the equipment, but were bounced off and fell limply On the ground, he was trampled by the infantry behind him.

This time, Richard did not let the soldiers of Mabuku lead the task of siege, but sent his backbone of heavy sergeants and spear militiamen - Richard was no longer willing to waste time in front of this ruined city. More time, every day he wasted gave the Ramirez people one more day to mobilize their soldiers.

"For His Majesty Caesar, we must win!"

Inside the siege tower, a sergeant officer in heavy armor turned his head and encouraged the soldiers behind him, then turned his head and stared at the drawbridge, waiting for it to fall before rushing out first.


The heavy drawbridge was lowered after the siege tower was close to the city wall, and hit the wall heavily.The moment the suspension bridge landed, deadly arrows and javelins shot into the siege tower at close range, overturning the soldiers inside who were about to charge. layer.

"Rush! Rush! Rush!"

There was no time to pay attention to the soldiers who were shot down. Under the shouts of the officers, the soldiers raised their shields and rushed over the bodies of their fallen comrades to the drawbridge. In a few steps, they jumped into the city wall and started fighting with the enemy.

The heavily armored sergeants and spear militiamen brought by Richard from Kuban Island were able to suppress the enemy in battle. Under their offensive, the defenders' foothold on the city wall gradually decreased. From time to time, some people screamed and fell in a pool of blood. Among them, every spear thrust by the Germans can take away the life of an enemy, and there are fewer and fewer Mumba City defenders who can continue to fight.

At the city gate, after the unremitting efforts of the peasants and soldiers, the city gate was finally smashed open by the impact of the battering ram. Wood chips flew everywhere and smoke and dust blinded the eyes. After the smoke mixed with wood chips dissipated, several people behind the door opened. The frightened soldiers appeared in front of everyone. Seeing that the city gate was broken, they quickly turned around and ran away.

Seeing this scene, regardless of whether there was fraud or not, the soldiers who had been waiting outside the city gate for a long time rushed in amidst cheers, quickly took control of the city gate, and ran up the city wall along the stairwell to attack the front and rear with the friendly troops. Recalcitrant enemy.

Looking at the flag of the Kingdom of Lavana and the flag of the Stuart family rising slowly on the city wall, Richard smiled with satisfaction. After the city gate was captured, it was only a matter of time before the entire city was captured.



The crisp sound of horse hooves sounded in the streets of Mumba City. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Richard entered the city as a conqueror. Those who dared to resist died under the butcher knife of the Ravana Kingdom Army. The remaining surrendered soldiers were pressed into the open space in front of the city lord's palace, waiting for Richard's trial - no, not only those surrendered soldiers, the entire city was waiting for Richard's approval.

Among the surrendered troops of more than a hundred people, the governor Arturo was impressively listed. This nobleman who had defected to the Ravana people in exchange for safety and status four years ago chose to surrender again after betrayal, but Richard would not be like Ha As kind as King Laus, he treated this kind of slave-like character with three surnames, and only death was his best destination.

After consideration, Richard chose to occupy the city peacefully, but this does not mean that he did not pursue the betrayal of the Mumbas. As a punishment, he allowed his soldiers to ransack the city for a day (you can only rob property but not kill people, if It's another matter if you are attacked), and ransacked the homes of the nobles who provided private soldiers to guard the city, and drove them to the streets to fend for themselves.

After that, Richard felt a headache about how to manage the city. He didn't have any extra troops to station here, and he also lacked suitable officials. Next, let them jointly manage Mumbai City.

However, this is clearly not possible.

In desperation, Richard could only write a letter asking Governor Maximilian of Louvern City to send some soldiers to take over the city, and at the same time let him take charge of Memba City himself - the rule of Louwen City already had a mass base, and Christians believed in it. The common people would support Richard's rule here, but Memba was the latest occupation and needed a governor like Maximilian.

After nearly a week of repairs, Maximilian brought two spear militiamen to take over the city of Mumbai. After explaining to him a few words, Richard led the army southward, passed through Luwen, and regained the surrender of the enemy. Renburg.

When Richard left the city of Ravana, his army included more than 5000 people including the Cuban army, but after successive fierce battles, there were still more than [-] people who followed Richard to conquer Sorenburg. , including one or two hundred newly joined Mengbaling Baron Army.

Most of the more than 1000 soldiers died on the battlefield in the Luwen River Plain, and a small number died in the siege of Mumba City.Richard was not in a hurry to replenish the army, because after entering Sauronburg, he believed that the barons who had not surrendered would also take the initiative to provide soldiers to supplement the strength of the expeditionary army.

In my memory, the baron who was granted the title together with Richard was in Sauronburg, and I don't know if he died during the invasion of the Ramirez people.


"The Ramires army was defeated by the army led by Count Richard in Luwen City, and the king himself was killed by the charge of heavy cavalry. This is a good opportunity for us."

Looking at the middle-aged baron in front of him, the messenger said sincerely.

"I understand this, but the garrison in Sorenborg has more than 1000 people, and the army that our four barons can gather is only a pitiful 700 people. How can we win?" said the middle-aged nobleman with a helpless expression .

"Baron Gil, we don't need to fight the enemies of Sorenburgh. We just need to trap them in that castle, cut off their external supply lines, and wait for the arrival of Earl Richard's army."

"It's easy to say, but that traitor obviously won't let your actions go." Baron Gil snorted and said, "If he sends troops to encircle us, we won't be able to win no matter what."

"We have fewer numbers and act much faster than the enemy. We can completely avoid fighting them head-on."

"Okay, if you want to do it, do it." Baron Jill said impatiently, covering his forehead, "I won't participate, because it's meaningless."

"Since you think so, I can only go back and report your intentions to my master." Seeing Baron Gill's behavior, the messenger had no choice but to stop persuading and prepare to return home.

"I will not be involved, but if you are in any trouble, you can always send someone to me for help."

"I will convey it truthfully, my lord baron."

After sending the messenger away, Baron Gil silently looked at the map of the Sauron Land placed on the table, and sighed silently.

(End of this chapter)

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