The heavens exchange lottery system

Chapter 92 55. Infiltrating the Metropolis

Chapter 92 55. Infiltrating the Metropolis
Mingjiao forbidden area
Cheng Xu looked at the jade hairpin in front of him and sighed heavily. Now he is the leader of the Ming Cult and the leader of the anti-Yuan forces in the world, but the other party is a little princess of the Yuan Dynasty, and her father is the King of Ruyang, and even now The general of soldiers and horses resisting his own army within the city walls.

It can be said that the two have been on opposite sides from the very beginning.

When Cheng Xu thought of the resourceful and heroic Zhao Min, a hesitant expression appeared on his face.

Cheng Xu thought that he was not indecisive, but this time he was really hesitant. Cheng Xu didn't even know how he should face Zhao Min if he broke through the city.

"That's it!"

Cheng Xu turned around and looked at the Mingjiao people who looked at him with puzzled faces below, hesitated for a while, and said slowly:
"This world is devastated because of my Mingjiao's rebellion, and my Mingjiao believers have suffered heavy losses these days. I can't bear it, so I'm going to sneak into Dadu alone to see if I can directly assassinate the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty and King Ruyang. Get rid of the two of them, and it will be easy to break through Dadu."

Of course, there was one thing Cheng Xu didn't say in his heart, that is, he sneaked into Dadu this time mainly to meet Zhao Min and see if he could solve the dilemma between the two.

"Master, there are so many masters in Dadu, and my subordinates..."

What else did the White-browed Eagle King and the others want to say?He was interrupted by Cheng Xu in an undeniable tone:

"Don't say any more, I've made up my mind."

"What's more, there are many dangers in Dadu now. Except for my martial arts, no one here can come back safe and sound."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Xu didn't wait for others to react, he had already used his lightness kung fu to jump out, and spit out a burst of words:
"If I don't come back within three days, you can order the city to be attacked."

Only the bewildered Mingjiao people were left, as well as Xiao Zhao and Zhou Zhiruo who looked worried.


Most of Yuan Dynasty
During the Yuan Dynasty, it was the most prosperous place in the world.

Unfortunately, due to the war between Mingjiao and Dayuan, this place has become desolate. Apart from soldiers passing by in a hurry, there are almost no pedestrians on the entire street. Even the restaurants and brothels around it have been closed.

After Cheng Xu entered the capital of the Yuan Dynasty, he searched around to confirm the surrounding environment and geography, and then slowly approached the Ruyang Palace.

King Ruyang, as the Generalissimo of the Yuan Dynasty, was under one man and above ten thousand people, and it was thanks to this Generalissimo that the Yuan Dynasty was able to survive the attack of the Ming Cult until now.

At this moment in Ruyang Palace, Zhao Min was sitting in the boudoir with his arms leaning against the window, looking at the scenery outside in silence.

And beside him, there was a big man with a rough face and a beard, who kept saying to Zhao Min:
"Minmin, you should give up on this idea. He is the leader of Mingjiao now, and he is more likely to be the Ninth Five-Year Supreme in the future. No matter what you think about him, he will never show up."

"Moreover, the situation in the world is in chaos now, and the Ming Cult is approaching the city. Although your father and I are powerful, we have always been deeply suspicious of the current Holy Master. If it weren't for the Ming Cult's rebellion, most of them are in danger. Maybe the current Holy Master has already attacked our family."

"Now I have agreed to the marriage of the Holy Majesty, and I will marry you to the current Holy Majesty. From now on, you will be my Queen of the Great Yuan."

"Isn't it thousands of times better than that Cheng Xu?"

It's a pity that no matter how much King Ruyang persuaded, Zhao Min still didn't respond. He kept looking out of the window, his eyes glazed over, and he remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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