The heavens exchange lottery system

Chapter 74 37. Trapped in the stone chamber.

Chapter 74 37. Trapped in the stone chamber.

When Cheng Xu heard Zhao Min's words, he looked at him in surprise, but he quickly realized that Zhao Min couldn't possibly know himself so well, unless Mingjiao had a traitor. After all, if the Yuan Dynasty's intelligence agencies were really so powerful and pervasive However, it is impossible for the Ming Cult to grow stronger and have the power it has now.

"There won't be any traitors from your Yuan Dynasty in the Ming Cult, right?" Cheng Xu looked at Zhao Min with an incredulous expression, and looked at Zhao Min's pretty face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"How is it? Is Master Song surprised?"

"Now, do you really want to know who betrayed Mingjiao? Who is the traitor hiding around you?"

Zhao Min looked at Cheng Xu jokingly and said.

"No, I don't need to know who the hidden traitor is at all. As long as I catch you, I don't believe that the Yuan Dynasty will not retreat."

As he spoke, Cheng Xu and quickly tapped several acupuncture points on Zhao Min's body.

Immediately, Zhao Min felt that he couldn't move his whole body, and a trace of panic finally appeared in his eyes.

Cheng Xu saw a flash of panic in the eyes of Zhao Min, who was motionless in front of him, and hugged him, then put his mouth next to Zhao Min's ear and asked with an evil face: "How is it?"

"You are in my hands now, what do you think I should do with you?"

"Hmph! Don't think that you can do anything to this princess? Let me tell you, as long as I yell, countless people will rush in and tear you to pieces. I promise you won't be able to get out of this room." " Zhao Min said through gritted teeth.

"Then you have to be able to shout out! I can assure you that I won't shut your mouth before you speak out, and even if I don't use you to threaten the court to retreat, I can..."

As he spoke, Cheng Xu's eyes looked at Zhao Min dishonestly, wandering around his upturned buttocks and towering chest.

"What are you doing? You stinky rascal, if you dare to be unreasonable, I will yell loudly immediately."

Looking at Cheng Xu's perverted appearance, Zhao Min finally showed a frightened expression, and said with a slightly trembling voice.

"Cut! What do you think I'm going to do? Of course I want to take you back to Mingjiao as a hostage!" Cheng Xu said and carried Zhao Min on his shoulders.

It's just that Cheng Xu carried Zhao Min to the door, and before he could go out, Zhao Min on his shoulder spat out an earring with the diameter of the earring hitting a wall, and then the floor under Cheng Xu's feet suddenly disappeared. , Inadvertently, the whole person began to fall down.

Just when Cheng Xu was about to perform Qinggong, a huge stone wall fell from above, capturing Cheng Xu who was about to perform Wudang Ladder Cloud Movement.

Originally, Cheng Xu wanted to use his internal strength to shoot it flying, but he didn't expect that with his late innate cultivation base, it would be fine to slap it on the stone wall, but he would be blown away instead.

There was only a bang on the stone wall, and the opening of the hole that could go out was sealed, trapping Cheng Xu and Zhao Min in the trap.

"How out of your mind! You actually built such a deep trap under your own bedroom."

"If I hadn't caught you just now, I would have thrown you to death so early!"

Cheng Xu looked at Zhao Min who fell into the trap with him because he was carried on his shoulders, untied the acupuncture points on his body, and said with a depressed face.

Then observe the surrounding environment, about tens of meters deep, surrounded by stone walls, a few square meters by visual inspection.

"Who told you to plot against me?" Zhao Min looked at Cheng Xu indignantly, and wanted to get up to ask Cheng Xu to argue, but his face turned blue, his forehead began to sweat, his face was full of pain, and his center of gravity was unstable. The whole person fell to the side.

(End of this chapter)

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