The heavens exchange lottery system

Chapter 688 28. Guard the Peach Garden!

Chapter 688 28. Guard the Peach Garden!
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Ever since Sun Wukong ascended to heaven, Cheng Xu has been in seclusion. After all, one day in the sky and one year in the earth. I'm afraid Sun Wukong will rebel against heaven again. I'm afraid it will take decades, so why not practice in seclusion!

As for Monkey King, he was so happy to miss Shu. When he arrived in the sky, he found that the Jade Emperor really built a very magnificent Monkey King's Mansion!

That's really happy, of course, with the impatient temper, it is absolutely impossible to stay honestly, so I have nothing to do all day, visiting relatives and friends, how can I go shopping in 33 days, everyone , Ladies and gentlemen, they are all familiar!

Calling these immortals brothers and sisters all day long, without paying attention to seniority and elders at all, that is, these powerful people, like Taishang Laojun and others, are all open-minded. After all, if they have no heart, how can they realize the Tao?
So I don't care about this monkey head, I'm just being an ignorant junior, so I'm happy these days!

On this day, as usual, Sun Wukong came out drunk from a fairy mansion, but the only difference was that this time he bumped into Wude Xingjun. Wudexingjun had always looked down on Sun Wukong and had had conflicts before.

Now that I happened to meet Sun Wukong, the Wude Xingjun would not be so strange: "Huh! A monster monkey from the lower realm, who is also called brother and brother among the immortals, is really a monkey with a crown!"

Sun Wukong was originally innocent, coupled with a little arrogance, hearing such words, so ironic, it was a direct attack, and Wude Xingjun was blown away with one punch.

Afterwards, he beat Wu De Xingjun until his face was swollen, and then he calmed down and returned to Monkey King's mansion!
This is an introduction, an introduction for monkeys to watch Taoyuan. Although I know that this is just a play, a chess game between quasi-sages, I still feel that Jade Emperor has a hole in his head when he asks a monkey to guard Taoyuan. , The brain is sick!

Lingxiao Palace!

At this time, Wude Xingjun went directly to the Jade Emperor to complain. As the saying goes, he couldn't beat the parents.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty wants to make the decision for me!"

It's a real grievance, but when Wu De Xingjun bowed his head, he didn't see the disgust flashing in the eyes of the Jade Emperor. It's really mud that can't support the wall. He is narrow-minded and thinks of himself. If he didn't need it, he might have been demoted to the lower world. go!
"Wu De Xingjun, what's the matter? Hurry up and get down! I'm the master for you!"

Hearing that the Jade Emperor wanted to make decisions for himself, he cried even more happily, looking like a slug!
"Your Majesty, I am suffering. I was walking on the road without provoking the demon monkey. The demon monkey actually beat me. That demon monkey is really lawless and lawless!"

Taibai Jinxing on the side can't listen anymore!
"You say monster monkey on the left and monster monkey on the right, don't you know? Is this the Great Sage Equaling Heaven sealed by His Majesty Jinkou? Or are you dissatisfied with His Majesty's seal?"

Well, these few words made Wude Xingjun, who was just like a slug, jump up three feet high.

", you are spitting blood, are too deceitful, you want to label me...your majesty is so wise and mighty, how could you believe your nonsense."

"You don't need to worry, I won't give you a label, but I heard that it seems that because you don't practice eloquence, you angered the Monkey King, and you were beaten up."

Well, in one word, Wude Xingjun plopped down, knelt down in front of the Jade Emperor, and began to sneeze like a slug again!

"Your Majesty, the old minister has been wronged!"

The Jade Emperor waved his hand: "I have already known about this matter, I will let people investigate clearly, and I will definitely give Xingjun an explanation."

After finishing speaking, the Jade Emperor turned his head to look at Taibai Jinxing and said: "Taibai, you send Lord Xing back to heal his wounds, and then investigate the matter yourself. You must investigate clearly and clearly, and give Wu De Xingjun justice."

"The minister leads the order!"


Wude Xingjun and Taibai Jinxing walked out of Lingxiao Palace, and heard Taibai Jinxing say: "Xingjun, look at your injuries, at least you are Xingjun from the heaven, how could you be beaten so badly by a so-called monster monkey? "

He was immediately annoyed by the sarcastic words, and when he returned to the mansion, he even spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out on the ground, obviously fainted from anger.

It is conceivable that along the way, Taibai Jinxing must have made a lot of sarcasm, but what Wu Dexingjun did not expect was that when he finally woke up, he heard a piece of news that made him vomit three liters of blood .

The news is: the Jade Emperor saw that the Great Sage Equaling Heaven was doing nothing all day long, making friends with immortals everywhere, which hindered the order of the heaven, so he asked him to guard the Taoyuan!

This is not a punishment, this is simply a beautiful job. At that time, Wu De Xingjun's face was blue and red, he vomited three liters of blood, roared, and fainted to the ground!
"God is unfair!"

For this matter, everyone just treats it as a joke. After all, Wu De Xingjun has no skills, is very proud, and has no morals. Many people don't like it!

As for Sun Wukong, because of the previous Bi Mawen incident, this time, Sun Wukong found several immortals to inquire about it, and it was confirmed that the guarding of Pantaoyuan was indeed a good job!
At that time, I was very happy. I walked into the peach garden and looked at the peach trees full of peaches, especially the bright and delicious pan peaches on the top. I almost drool!

He started to wander around, and the Jade Emperor also looked in the direction of Pan Taoyuan, looked at Sun Wukong who was wandering around, and said softly: "I'm so alone. All the peaches in this flat peach garden are just for this journey to the west. I hope this merit will not be lost." I'm disappointed."


Pan Taoyuan!
Strolling around, the greedy Sun Wukong was drooling. Just as Sun Wukong was about to pick peaches, the land lord of Pantaoyuan hurriedly stopped him!

"Wait a minute, my sage, wait a moment, my sage, this pan peach is too bad to eat!"

"What can't you eat?"

"Great Sage, do you know that this flat peach is used by the Queen Mother to hold a pan peach feast!"

"The Pantao Festival?"

"Yes, it's the Pan Peach Festival."

"Then have you ever participated?"

"Great Sage, you are joking! Let alone attending the Pan Peach Festival, the old Taoist would not even dare to smell the Pan Peach."

"Oh, why?"

"Great Sage, do you know how many flat peach trees there are in total?"

"You know, why don't you tell my old grandson quickly."

"My lord, there are 3000 peach trees in total. The 6000 trees in the front have small flowers and fruits, which ripen once in 9000 years. People who eat them can become immortals, and their body is light. There are [-] trees in the middle. , layers of flowers and sweet fruits, once ripened in [-] years, people who eat them can lift the clouds and fly, and live forever. And the latter one thousand and two hundred plants, with purple pattern and seedlings, ripen once in [-] years, people eat the world and live together, the sun and the moon Tong Geng!"


ps: Friends who like it have votes, thank you for being here on the [-]th, monthly tickets, my favorite, hey, there are so few tickets, no rewards, the author is so sad, everyone who likes it, please help.

(End of this chapter)

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