The heavens exchange lottery system

Chapter 633 15. Crouching Tiger Arhat game over.

Chapter 633 15. Crouching Tiger Arhat game over.

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Immediately, the half-sage faced the half-sage, the quasi-sage faced the saint, and the Da Luo Jinxian met the Da Luo Jinxian!

And Zhen Yuanzi's registered disciples and the other 31 true disciples except Daluo Jinxian faced the eighteen arhats, or the seventeen arhats one after another!
All of a sudden, the Three Realms were shocked. This good show was comparable to the Great Tribulation, not worse than Journey to the West, and even almost caught up with the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods!
In short, the scene is full of excitement!
I saw Tathagata, with one palm, a Buddhist big handprint directly suppressed Zhen Yuanzi. Zhen Yuanzi pinched the formula with his hand, and the thunder continued. It was the righteous method of the five thunders.
It's really so mysterious that it directly exploded the Buddhist mahamudra!
The other battlefield is also very lively. It is our protagonist. Because of hiding his strength, he went up and down, and found an eighteen arhats to fight!
I saw the long-browed arhat, his eyebrows fluttering, as if two long whips were constantly whipping, Cheng Xu Wushuang naturally didn't care, and directly blasted out the six-way reincarnation fist, the long-browed arhat felt threatened, the golden body of Buddhism, pushed to the extreme, the Buddha's light suddenly appeared, However, his body was still smashed to pieces, leaving only one relic to escape through the air.

Seeing this sight, the ear-digging Arhat at the end with the long-browed Arhat actually put out all his strength to repel Zhen Yuanzi's true disciple, regardless of the danger of life and death, and rushed directly to Cheng Xu, holding the Zen staff and smashing it directly at Cheng Xu Go on, the result is naturally to seek death.

Before he got close to Cheng Xu, he felt the rain of flowers all over the sky, and he didn't care, but just a foot away from Cheng Xu, the golden body directly withered and turned into nothingness, leaving only a relic to escape through the air. It's the moment when the flowers bloom silently!

It can be said that since Cheng Xu's breakthrough, Da Luo Jinxian has used Tiangang's 36 changes very mysteriously, and he has almost thoroughly understood it. Except for the causal nail-headed seven arrows, Cheng Xu has almost completely understood it.

Following the killing of the two Arhats, Cheng Xu set his sights on Fuhu, the strongest of the Eighteen Arhats, or the strongest of the Seventeen Arhats!
He kept letting go of his aura, making himself look like he was about to break through Da Luo Jinxian, and then pretended to face Fuhu Arhat and oppressed himself to take the opportunity to break through.

The reason why I found Fuhu Luohan was not only to slowly let go of my whole body's cultivation, but more importantly, because Fuhu Luohan and Jianglong Luohan were too familiar, so as to avoid the other party from affecting my second mission.

Just send it on the road!

So Cheng Xu quietly approached Fuhu Luohan, Fuhu Luohan was talking to one of Zhen Yuanzi's true disciples, Sunset Fairy!

During the struggle, I felt a figure approaching constantly, and with a sweep of my spiritual sense, I found that it was just a Daluo Xuanxian, an ant-like existence!

He didn't care, Cheng Xu let out a long roar, as if a hero saved the beauty, Fuhu Arhat was even more disdainful, when Fuhu Luohan relaxed his vigilance, he just casually punched a set of Fuhu Fist, apparently he didn't care about Cheng Xu!
Our protagonist wants this kind of wretchedness, just wants this kind of effect. Seeing this move in his heart, he directly summons Houtian Zhibaolongxuejian, and uses one of Zhuxian's most popular four swordsmanship!

Killing ghosts and gods, come on, this skill can no longer keep up with Cheng Xu's progress. It is a pity that Cheng Xu has experienced so many worlds, and has also learned from Shushan Sword School and Qionghua Jian School. As for his kendo, Cheng Xu, as an otaku, felt that the two titles of Excalibur Yulei Zhenjue and Killing Ghosts and Gods were very handsome, so he didn't change them.

(Actually, it’s just these two names, plus the trick poems contained in the two skills themselves, so you don’t need to write too many battle scenes, and you can also use numbers!)
The righteousness of the heaven and the earth will last forever,
Don't seek to kill immortals, but kill ghosts and gods!
As soon as this move was made, with the help of the power of the acquired treasure, it directly cut the phantom of the fierce tiger into two pieces with one sword, without even pausing, it directly chopped on the arm of Fuhu Arhat, and the sword went down evenly. There were no barriers, and the golden body of Arhat seemed to not exist, and the arms flew out directly.

Crouching Tiger Arhat, the majestic Daluo Jinxian strongman was regarded as an ant-like existence by himself, injured his arm, was furious, and used all his strength, which was the supernatural power of Crouching Tiger.

A huge tiger opened its huge mouth and was about to swallow Cheng Xu. At the same time, there was a phantom of an arhat, holding a Jie knife, and chopped it down with a knife.

However, Cheng Xu has already detected the next step of Fuhu Luohan through the 36 changes, so this is just a virtual image. In fact, Cheng Xu has already appeared behind Fuhu Luohan.

A six-way samsara punch just hit the dantian. Fuhu Luohan felt the murderous intent behind him, and knew that he had been fooled. The opponent was definitely not just a big Luo Xuanxian. Similarly, he felt a life-and-death crisis from this blow.



It is worthy of being the most powerful Arhat among the Buddhist Arhats except Subduing Dragon. The golden body of Arhat urged it with all its strength, and a virtual image of the golden body temporarily blocked the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist. When the golden body was broken, Fuhu Arhat took this opportunity to summon a string of Buddhist beads There are exactly eighteen beads in a string, which are the golden body relics left behind by Fuhu Arhat who reincarnated in eighteen lives!
I saw [-] Buddhist beads floating on the top of Crouching Tiger Arhat's head, the light of Buddha flickered, incomparably mysterious, and the aura of Crouching Tiger Arhat's whole body also continued to soar, and suddenly reached the quasi-sage, or the aura of the whole body was already comparable to that of a quasi-sage !
After all, among the eighteen relics, except for the first eight relics that are in the Taiyi realm, the remaining ten relics are almost all formed by Fuhu Arhat who cultivated to the Daluo realm!

Obviously this is Fuhu Luohan's biggest trump card!

"Death to me!"

Turning around and punching King Kong, the tiger roared like eighteen tigers descending the mountain. The sound of this roar is comparable to the supernatural powers of sound effects. The strong Da Luo Xuanxian might be shattered by this sound effect, and his soul flew away!
When the eighteen tigers rushed towards Cheng Xu, there was an Arhat fist behind them, which was a kind of boxing similar to supernatural powers!

"Reversing yin and yang, standing upright without a shadow!"

"Take my trick, reincarnation dreamland!"

At this moment, Cheng Xu also felt the chance of life and death, but Cheng Xu didn't use the treasure, he wanted to take a gamble, after all, if he used his hole cards, he would be completely exposed!
The so-called positive power without shadow is the best supernatural power to avoid magical powers in Tiangang 36 transformations. It seems that he is in this space, and he seems not in this space!
At the same time, he escaped the pounce of eighteen tigers, and reversed Yin and Yang again. This is the 36 transformation of Tiangang.The art of reversing yin and yang, powerful attack, directly shattered the fist of Arhat!
The dream of reincarnation directly blasted into the relic of Crouching Tiger Arhat. The dream was shattered, as if the world was broken.


ps: Friends who like it have votes, thank you for being here on the [-]th, monthly tickets, my favorite, hey, there are so few tickets, no rewards, the author is so sad, everyone who likes it, please help.

(End of this chapter)

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