Chapter 498 86. Aunt?

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Penglai Immortal Island!

Cheng Xu looked around and looked at all the immortals: "But I have thought about my mistakes behind closed doors, and there is no need for you to pester me endlessly. Everyone usually practices in their own dojo, and think about their mistakes behind closed doors. If you get tired of staying, just ask someone to tell you say."

"After all, there is guilt in my heart, and there is no doubt that I will go to jail anywhere. I believe that if I go to your place, you will definitely sweep the couch and welcome you. Everyone, I will not miss it. Since the rules of heaven are meaningless, I will do this. I believe you No comments either."

Cheng Xu's face was filled with murderous intent, and everyone felt chills in their hearts. How could he be so insane!

Everyone was silent, and Cheng Xu continued with murderous intent: "Of course, if you don't welcome it, it proves that you are willing to abide by the rules of heaven. You will never do it again in the future, and you will never do that nasty thing again."

As soon as these words came out, there was a dead silence. Although it was a threat, it was also a step up!
"That's right, Tiantiao is under the Dao of Heaven, how can we ignore it."

"We are in a high position, and we should lead by example."

Everyone understands that if they dare to say no, I am afraid that what I just said about sweeping the couch and welcoming them will become a reality. When the time comes to my dojo with a person full of murderous aura and full of murderous aura, I will still have good results. !

The Antarctic Immortal, I am afraid it will be the end of himself and others.

"Yes, yes! We are in high positions and should lead by example. No objection."

"That's right! The Judiciary God is right."

"That's right, Fu Xing hurry up and hand over the white deer quickly, you should do business now."

"That's right! Old friend, Bai Lu'er is the mount of the Antarctic Immortal, the law does not show mercy, and it is business as usual."

The meaning is very simple, that is, the Antarctic fairy is dead, why are you still carrying it?

"Everyone is still very aware of current affairs. I thought you would be stubborn! Hahaha!"

The Jade Emperor suddenly said: "Okay, Erlang!"

Cheng Xu looked at the Jade Emperor, he should express his opinion and add fire.

"Since I killed the Antarctic Immortal, the so-called rules of heaven are not allowed, so how about it, Your Majesty, I have made a big mistake, and I am willing to resign from the post of judicial god! As a punishment."


"He will naturally step down from office?"

"Yes! Since he has already won, why should he break his own arm?"

Not only the immortals were puzzled, but the Jade Emperor was also very puzzled: "Yes, why is Erlang so resolute, you have always done a good job in judicial spirit."

Hearing everyone's words, Cheng Xu suddenly said: "After all, I have done something wrong. If I am not punished, how can I convince everyone? But my ugly words are up front. Although I am not a judicial god, I am still good at it. Now, I hope everyone understands what will happen if you offend me!"

Hearing this, everyone finally understood, this guy is like a machete, as long as he does something wrong, his head will fall to the ground!
"The judiciary god is joking, we are righteous immortals in the heaven, how could we do something like a demon?"

"That's right, if it really kills innocent monsters indiscriminately, they won't be able to become immortals."

"Yes, Master Erlang, you are really joking!"

"Furthermore, Erlang Zhenjun, it is truly selfless to be able to resign from the post of judicial god!"

All the immortals are flattering at this time, after all, nothing is important, but the Antarctic immortal is instantly wiped out!
The Jade Emperor took a deep look at Cheng Xu.

"Erlang, you're not thinking about it."

"no thanks!"

"Since that's the case, I will resign from your position as a judicial god today! If one day, Erlang, you change your mind, you can come to me again."

"I won't change my mind!"

Cheng Xu originally became the God of Justice just to complete the first task. Now everyone is against him. After the news spreads throughout the three realms and the first task is completed, he is no longer in this world. What is the use of such a position?

The next thing is very simple, that is, after the white deer Cheng Xu beheaded, let all the common people share the food, and finally all the mortals were sent back to the bhikkhu country, and the magical movement of man-making began. After all, when they learned that their children would be confused with their memories Of course, I have to work hard to reincarnate my memories into my own home!
Cheng Xu was found by the Jade Emperor!
"What do you have to do with me?"

"Walk with me!"

"Erlang, your mother and I are brothers and sisters, and our relationship has always been very good, just like you and Chan'er, but one day I learned that she secretly made a private life with someone else, my thoughts were angry and I couldn't suppress it Angry, my sister was taken away like this, so I want to punish her and let her understand the terrible consequences of leaving my brother, but I don't know that since she gave birth to you, the blood of the fairy has been absorbed by you, and she is weak Unbearable, my punishment actually directly killed her. At that time, I only felt regret and heartache, but I couldn't express it. Because I am the Jade Emperor, the co-lord of the three realms, I can't regret what I did."

Although Cheng Xu didn't understand why the Jade Emperor wanted to talk about this, it should be the emotion between uncle and nephew.

"I can understand that!"

Cheng Xu thought in his heart that if Yang Chan really left with Liu Yanchang now, he might be like this too. This is the attribute of sister control!
"It's good to understand."

"I'm telling you this not to get your forgiveness. Because I know that Yao Ji is your mother, and I am the murderer who killed your mother. I don't want to justify anything. I never expected to be with a normal family. So close, but I want to tell you that I am your uncle, no matter what, I care about you very much."

"I understand. I am also very grateful to you, for me. Face the kindness of Tathagata."

"Haha, Erlang, those are trivial matters. The main purpose of my calling you here this time is not to talk about your mother, but to talk to you as your uncle."

"I want to know what happened to you recently, why do you care so much? Everyone violates the rules of heaven, or the mortal world. These things! Don't make excuses. If you really care about the rules of heaven, what Chang'e said, your uncle and I are not stupid , and they all seduce women, you should hook up with your aunt directly, you know. Chang'e used to be very close to your mother, but they are called sisters!"

"Uh!" Cheng Xu didn't know what to say, after all, it was true that he climbed into Chang'e's bed:

"Ugh! How about this, I actually made a great wish to restore the entire heaven to a bright and peaceful world!"

"What, great wish, did you make the great wish that happened in the heaven?"

"That's right!"

"Whether it's Taoism or Buddhism, in my opinion, they no longer take ordinary people seriously, so I wanted to change it, but I didn't expect it to be inspired by heaven, and it became a big ambition."

"I said, why do you frequently target the Tathagata and all the immortals? It turns out that they are all people who slaughtered mortals. If this is the case, I am afraid that your great wish will soon be fulfilled."


ps: Friends who like it have votes, thank you for being here on the [-]th, monthly tickets, my favorite, hey, there are so few tickets, no rewards, the author is so sad, everyone who likes it, please help.

(End of this chapter)

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