The heavens exchange lottery system

Chapter 46 9. Get to pass on Tai Chi.

Chapter 46 9. Get to pass on Tai Chi.

"Qingshu, your ability to selflessly hand over the Nine Yang Divine Art shows that you are broad-minded and selfless. Today I will teach you the Tai Chi that your master did not understand until I was a hundred years old." Zhang Sanfeng looked at Cheng Xu. said.

"Taijiquan?" Cheng Xu questioned on the surface, but his heart was full of joy. Taijiquan is a peerless boxing technique in Jin Yong's martial arts, and it is one-fifth of the first task.

"Qingshu, you read it."

With that said, Zhang Sanfeng jumped up quickly and landed in the main hall.

"Tai Chi practitioners are born of infinity.

The machine of movement and stillness, the mother of yin and yang.

Yin cannot be separated from yang, and yang cannot be separated from yin.

Yin and yang help each other, and they are gods.

The heart is calm and the sound is upright, and the Qi is running.

Opening and closing the virtual and the real, the inside and outside are unified.

Use softness to make rigidity, use rigidity and softness together.

Tai Chi Yin and Yang, there is softness and rigidity.

Both rigidity and softness, calm and free. "

Zhang Sanfeng played Taijiquan in the main hall, reciting the mantra while doing Taijiquan, while Cheng Xu kept his eyes open without blinking, staring at Zhang Sanfeng's every move, running the scriptures of the evolution of all things in his heart, and deriving the Taiji mentality in it, after all Taijiquan without a special Taiji heart method is actually second-rate at best, otherwise it would not be possible to become a health-preserving boxing method in modern times.

"Qing Shu, you have the Nine Suns Divine Kungfu to protect your body. You can learn everything quickly. This Taijiquan only emphasizes its meaning and not its form. When you forget all the moves of Taijiquan, you will learn this Taijiquan."

Zhang Sanfeng reminded him, and stopped to look at Cheng Xu silently.

As for Cheng Xu, he stood there motionless, as if he was unconscious, and he didn't even know that Zhang Sanfeng had stopped punching.

This is because Cheng Xu entered into a state of sudden enlightenment by running the Sutra of Evolution of All Things and deduced the Tai Chi mental method.

"Master, what happened to Qing Shu?"

Seeing his son motionless, Song Yuanqiao couldn't help asking worriedly.

"Okay, okay, this child Qingshu is indeed a genius. Don't worry, this child Qingshu has entered a state of enlightenment. Some people cannot achieve enlightenment throughout their lives. Even in the past 100 years as my teacher, It was an epiphany.”

"Okay, okay, hahaha, it really is a genius of heaven." Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile, but in his heart he remembered the time when he entered the state of epiphany, when he was separated from Guo Xiang after the death of his master Jueyuan.

At the beginning, I was still called Zhang Junbao, because after being separated from Guo Xiang, I felt sad and wandered around every day.

On a certain day, wandering in the mountains, looking up at the floating clouds and looking down at the flowing water, if you realize something.

So he pondered hard for seven days and seven nights in the cave, and suddenly he understood the wisdom of using softness to overcome rigidity in martial arts, and couldn't help but cry up to the sky.

This long cry has actually made a great master.

At this time, Cheng Xu, who was having an epiphany, also fell into a strange state.

All things can be derived, the foundation casts longevity,
Long life also has death, Hun Yuan Cheng Dao,
Evolve the root of all things and become the foundation of the Dao.

At this time, Cheng Xu was enlightened as if he was enlightened. His originally silent Dantian began to riot, and then the internal force in his body washed away the Ren and Du meridians like a vast ocean, until the Ren and Du meridians were washed away, forming a bridge between heaven and earth. The realm of innateness.

But Zhang Sanfeng saw the vision at this moment, and couldn't help but gasp.

"Heavenly prodigy is not enough to describe this kid Qingshu, he is simply a monstrous talent, who actually returned to his innate nature in such a short period of time and achieved the innate realm."

ps: The previous article has been revised. Cheng Xu's realm is the mid-acquired stage, and he has crossed two realms to reach the innate.

(End of this chapter)

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