The heavens exchange lottery system

Chapter 455 43. How long has it been since you bowed down?

Chapter 455 43. How long has it been since you bowed down?
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Heavenly Court, Judicial Heavenly Palace!

The Jade Emperor coughed lightly. Although he felt that the God of Justice was right, he was also saying: "God of Justice, since Li Tian made a mistake, you can just deal with it according to the law. Why hurt the barefoot immortal and seriously injure his colleagues?" It’s not a trivial matter.”

"Your Majesty, don't blame me this time. The Barefoot Immortal acted first. Couldn't you let me be on guard? With the Barefoot Immortal's profound skill, I will naturally attack with all my strength, so I accidentally hurt the opponent. It was purely unintentional. As for Li Tian..." After speaking, Cheng Xu paused and said:

"The crime Li Tian committed is not light. If he is dealt with in accordance with the law, he may end up in the [-]th level of hell and will not be reborn forever!"

"It's really that heavy!"

"Your Majesty, it might be a little serious if you just say it, so be it!"

With that said, Cheng Xu pointed to the Sky Punishment Mirror: "Come here, give Your Majesty a seat, and by the way, replay the content of the Sky Punishment Mirror just now!"

As he said that, Cheng Xu remembered something, and said again: "That's right, if you want to make a pot of tea for His Majesty, you can't just sit around, after all, this is a long-term job."

The Jade Emperor was stunned, isn't it just a small past, how long can it last?Also make tea.

However, as soon as he said these words, the Barefoot Immortal's face turned pale.

Seeing the expression of the Barefoot Immortal, the Nanji Immortal persuaded: "My friend, don't worry, I not only invited the Jade Emperor, but also the Immortal Taiyi, who is Nezha's teacher, I think he should show some face. "

The Barefoot Immortal smiled wryly in his heart, thinking that we have been tricked by the God of Justice, and the other party is waiting for us to kill chickens to warn monkeys, what they mean is that when killing chickens, how can there be no monkeys?

On the other side, the content of the Heaven's Punishment Mirror appeared again, and the faces of the Taiyi Daoist and the Antarctic Immortal also changed.

The Jade Emperor frowned tightly, and anger appeared between his brows.

After a long time, after the Jade Emperor drank three pots of tea, the content of the Heavenly Punishment Mirror slowly disappeared. At this time, the Jade Emperor was full of anger, the real Taiyi was dull, and the Antarctic fairy was also dumbfounded.

After all, who would have thought that a person could be so evil?

"His Majesty!"

When the Jade Emperor saw the barefoot immortal kneeling on the ground, his face was expressionless, and the barefoot immortal, looking at the Jade Emperor above, couldn't help feeling that he hadn't kneeled for a long time. This time, he had to kneel for his son.

"Your Majesty, the child is stubborn and doesn't know the seriousness, so he committed such a heinous crime. Please forgive him once, and I will discipline him strictly in the future."

At this moment, Cheng Xu said something.

"This kind of crime can also rely on introspection."

In a word, everyone was speechless.Even Taiyi Zhenren and Anji Xianweng had nothing to say. After all, no one could have imagined that a person could be so evil. If he had not had a good father, he would have been cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

But, who made him have a good father?

Therefore, Daoist Taiyi can only bite the bullet and say: "The real king fought against the heavens back then, but he caused a lot of trouble to the heavens. This kind of crime is no less serious than Li Tian. Now the real king has sat on the position of the judicial god, your majesty." It also gave the Judicial God a chance, why not give Li Tian a chance, and spare him once, so that the true king will not retain the same bloodline as His Majesty, so he gave him a chance."

Hearing this, the Barefoot Immortal showed ecstasy, oh, my God, my friend Taiyi Daoist really has a quick brain, this is a good reason, haha, if the Jade Emperor doesn't handle it properly, I'm afraid there will be some selfishness fraud.

So he was about to speak, but Cheng Xu was the first to laugh.

"What the real person said is wrong. Why is Sun Wukong called the Monkey King when he made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace? Your Majesty is lenient to me. I'm afraid it's not because of the same blood. It's because we fought for it by our ability. Those of us who are capable People, wherever they go, they will receive preferential treatment. If the son of the Barefoot Immortal also has such abilities, I will give him a chance. You can let your son rebel against the heavens now. I will personally lead the army to arrest him. , I will intercede for His Majesty and forgive him once."

"God of justice, don't turn against heaven at every turn."

Cheng Xu watched the Jade Emperor smile slightly, and then turned his gaze to the Barefoot Immortal.

Feeling Cheng Xu's gaze, the Barefoot Immortal smiled wryly in his heart. If his own son had half your abilities, I wouldn't be like this, so that I can't guarantee it at the end of the day.

Looking back at his son who was already paralyzed on the ground, what scared him was his nose and tears. For the first time, he realized that his innocent son was useless.

"It's not okay to keep procrastinating like this. I don't know if the Barefoot Immortal has anything to say. This judicial god's mansion is not what I say. I allow you to defend your son. Of course, if you can convince me, you will let it go." He, but you and I are arguing endlessly, or His Majesty is unwilling to make the decision, then I can only put the Heavenly Punishment Mirror on the Nantian Gate, and let a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals see your son's crimes."

"When the time comes, let them decide and see if there is a colleague who is willing to defend himself. Help your son, I have opened a back door for the immortal. After all, these one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals are suitable for your son to be a colleague. , presumably he will speak for your son."

The Barefoot Immortal was ashamed, but it was only this one son, so the Barefoot Immortal knelt down on the ground and quickly said: "Barefoot is willing to accept the punishment, but please let the Judicial God see that Barefoot has been in heaven for many years. Yes..., yes Dogs should be punished lightly!"

The Jade Emperor looked at the barefoot immortal who had been kneeling on the ground. Although his face was expressionless, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. How many years have passed since these people have grown old in front of his own generation.Have cultivation.The attitude towards oneself is becoming more and more arrogant, especially after reporting to the group.He just bowed his hands and bowed to himself, and he had to hold a peach feast from time to time.The purpose of the Dan Yuan Conference is to make the other party more honest.

Even so, these old guys took things and did nothing. When Erlang made a disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, a group of old guys said it was a family matter and it was not easy to intervene. The alarm bell was sounded, and these old guys had no sense of belonging to Tianting.

Seeing the barefoot immortal kneeling on the ground now, I couldn't help but applaud Cheng Xu, what a nephew, what a job he did.

I was very happy in my heart, and pretended to be hypocritical: "Oh, Barefoot Immortal, how can you bow down? This is a great gift, Erlang! After all, the Barefoot Immortal is a veteran immortal in my heaven. I will show him some face, although Li Tian's crime is unforgivable, but...!"

"Well, Your Majesty, let's go to Nantianmen."


Ps: I hope everyone likes it, I am so cheeky here, please everyone, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards.Thank you all, I hope you will support me a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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