The heavens exchange lottery system

Chapter 40 3. Zhang Wuji with Recurrence of Cold Poison

Chapter 40 3. Zhang Wuji with Recurrence of Cold Poison
In the next few days, Zhou Zhiruo stayed on Wudang Mountain. Song Yuanqiao personally taught Zhou Zhiruo a set of Wudang swordsmanship as the leader of the Seven Heroes of Wudang.

In their spare time, Cheng Xu and Zhang Wuji took Zhou Zhiruo up and down Wudang Mountain, introducing him to the scenic spots and historic sites on Wudang Mountain.

On this day, Cheng Xu was practicing sword practice with Wudang disciples.

Because Cheng Xu is the first disciple of Wudang's third generation, teaching Wudang disciples is naturally in Cheng Xu's hands.

Cheng Xu was teaching Wudang disciples, while Zhang Wuji watched with envy as Cheng Xu led Wudang disciples to practice swordsmanship.

At this moment, Zhou Zhiruo walked up to Zhang Wuji: "Senior Brother Wuji, why don't you practice your sword? Instead, watch from the sidelines."


Zhang Wuji faltered, with an embarrassed look on his face, not knowing how to answer Zhou Zhiruo's question.

At this time, Cheng Xu walked up to the two of them and explained to Zhang Wuji: "Junior Brother Wuji, since he was hit by the Xuanming God's Palm seven years ago, he may not be able to practice martial arts in this life, but the world is impermanent, and I know that there is a This method can solve the cold poison on Junior Brother Wuji..."

"Really? Does senior brother Qingshu have any solution?" Zhou Zhiruo looked at Song Qingshu curiously, and even Zhang Wuji, whose eyes were gloomy, was brightened when he heard that he could cure the cold poison on his body.

"That is……"

Just when Cheng Xu was about to speak, Zhang Wuji suddenly fell to the ground, his face turned pale, his body was filled with coldness, and even the surrounding temperature dropped a lot.

"Brother Wuji!"

Zhou Zhiruo looked at Zhang Wuji, who suddenly fell to the ground and got a little frightened, and looked at Cheng Xu with a panicked expression.

"No, the cold poison on Junior Brother Wuji's body is offended."

Seeing Zhang Wuji's appearance, Cheng Xu didn't know that it was the cold poison from Xuanming God's Palm.

Cheng Xu quickly picked up Zhang Wuji, took Zhou Zhiruo, and rushed towards Zhang Sanfeng.

Along the way, when Cheng Xu hugged Zhang Wuji, he felt like he was holding a piece of black ice in his arms, which was extremely cold.

"Master Tai, Junior Brother Wuji's cold poison has flared up again."

"Quickly, put Wuji on the bed." Zhang Sanfeng looked anxious when he saw Zhang Wuji's cold poison attack, and hurriedly lifted Zhang Wuji who was placed on the bed by Cheng Xu, sat cross-legged on Zhang Wuji's back, and put his palms on Zhang Wuji's back , Helping Zhang Wuji suppress the cold poison with profound internal force.

"Senior Brother Qingshu, didn't you say that there is some way to get rid of the cold poison on Senior Brother Wuji's body?" Zhou Zhiruo couldn't bear it when she saw Zhang Wuji's cold poison attack, and she couldn't bear it, and asked Cheng Xu who was beside her.

"There is indeed a way. The Xuanming God's palm is extremely cold, and the cold poison must be completely eliminated by the exercises of the most rigid and the most yang." Cheng Xu said.

"Cultivation method of Zhigang Zhiyang." Zhou Zhiruo asked in puzzlement.

"As far as I know, there is a skill in this world called Nine Suns Divine Art, which can cure the cold poison on Junior Brother Wuji.

After the Nine Suns Divine Art is practiced, the self-generated internal force is extremely fast and endless. Ordinary fists and feet can also exert great power, and the defensive power is even more unmatched.

It also has the function of automatic body protection, which can rebound external attacks and achieve the mortal version of the indestructible body of King Kong. Moreover, after watching the martial arts of any sect, you can learn it at a glance and use it at the same time.

Using the Nine Suns Divine Kungfu to run the lightness kung fu body method will surpass the higher level of this lightness kung fu body method, and it is more mysterious.

The Nine Suns Divine Art is even more invincible in the Healing Ceremony, which is designed to restrain all cold and negative internal forces. It can be said to be a magical art to restrain the Xuanming God's Palm, and it is also the world's top internal energy method. "

(End of this chapter)

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