The heavens exchange lottery system

Chapter 11 11. The Brave Military Doctor

Chapter 11 11. The Brave Military Doctor

Ye Cunxin couldn't help but sighed: "He is performing the duties of a soldier and a doctor."

Just in the female soldier's emotion.

"It's true." The chemical defense soldier took the instrument in his hand and measured it for a long time.

The wild dog said: "Well, believe it now, let's talk about the conditions. The condition is that I only need to send this message. This is easy for you, but it is related to the lives of all the hostages here. I think you should not Say no."

"Even if the bomb is real, I have no right to promise you. I have to go back and ask my superiors for instructions." Lei Zhan said copiously.

"Please go ahead,"

"In order to make up for my own negligence, I am going to take the wounded away." Lei Zhan looked at Cheng Xu and said.

Dingo holds a rose in hand. , smirking: "I'm sorry, I can't promise you, and everyone here has been severely radiated, this woman will die sooner or later."

Lei Zhan glared at the wild dog fiercely, turned around and left with the chemical defense soldiers.

At this time, Tian Guo and Ouyang Qian, who jumped into the sea and escaped from Lover's Island, received the order of Thor and led a commando, armed and swam to the back cliff of Lover's Island, and climbed from the cliff as a surprise attack.

And Ye Cunxin also received an important task, to snipe at the leader of the enemy to prevent the opponent from detonating the bomb.

At this time, Cheng Xu's voice sounded in the silent hall: "The wounded needs a blood transfusion immediately."

Cheng Xu's voice startled everyone, only the wild dog continued to close its eyes and meditate.

"I don't care what you think, he needs a blood transfusion immediately." He walked up to the wild dog.

"This woman is going to die anyway, is it worth your effort? Aren't you afraid of death?" The wild dog stared at Cheng Xu.

"I'm afraid, why not, but I am a soldier and even a doctor. I can't just watch the mother of an innocent little girl die in front of me."

When the female soldier on the roof heard these words, she instantly felt that Cheng Xu's figure had become tall and majestic.

"Doctor, I think you are a doctor and I admire your courage, so I didn't kill you. If you are like this, I don't recommend moving your fingers."

"If you send them out, even if you kill them, I will be willing." Cheng Xu's words stunned everyone.

Shen Lanni opened her mouth wide and almost screamed out. Ye Cunxin felt that the softest place deep in her heart was suddenly touched, and tears filled her eyes.

The wild dog was also a little unexpected: "It's a man, I appreciate your courage, and for this reason I agree to your request."

"And Her Daughter"

"No terms are allowed, only one person can be taken away."

Seeing the terrorists sent the girl's mother out, I felt relieved. When I watched the fire phoenix and saw the girl's mother die, I also burst into tears.

At this moment, another commando led by Tian Guo and Ouyang Qian successfully escaped to Lover's Island from the back cliff, and joined Tang Xiaoxiao and He Lu, who were in charge of the response, to eliminate the peripheral terrorists and occupy the commanding heights, and the armed police also parachuted On the roof, prepare for the general attack.

The countdown to the surprise operation was over, and Lei Zhan issued an order: "Skylark, act now, you must remember to keep an eye on the person holding the remote control, be sure to kill him with one blow, and don't give him a chance to detonate the bomb."

"Skylark received it, and promises to complete the task."

Because the police have not agreed to the terms of the terrorists for a long time.The wild dogs became more and more restless.

A small leader who had been watching from the outside came to report: "There seems to be something wrong with the wild dogs outside, and they seem to be attacking."

(End of this chapter)

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