Ship Girl: Start with an Aerospace Carrier

Chapter 140 Call it a day (2 in 1)

Chapter 140 Call it a day ([-] in [-])
"Oh, it will be wiped out like this. It's so boring. It's not as difficult as those white eagle girls said." The Datang looked at the deep-sea animals that had been blown up by its own high-energy laser cannon. murmured the behemoth.

Then, he turned his attention to the Y-50 deep-space transport plane above the sky, "Little blue bird, have you solved it over there? I have solved all three deep-sea monsters here."

In Datang's heart, he had already made a plan, if Qingniao hadn't discovered the deep-sea monster that could only dive, then he would have to laugh at her.

"They have been dealt with a long time ago. The skin of these deep-sea behemoths that can dive is not as thick as the ones you dealt with. I just used about 2 tons of depth charges to deal with them."

"Besides, I've been on top of your head watching you fight these deep-sea monsters for a long time, cut! Feel free to tell me!"

Jade Bird shrunk the transport plane to the size of a toy plane, and then kept chattering while circling beside and above the Datang.

It looked like a fly buzzing around. It was so angry that the Tang Dynasty almost used its own ship-based laser interception net to knock down the deep space transport plane.

However, she still held back, after all, her commander can watch this side through the satellite screen, if she does something like this, it will be difficult for the commander to explain.

Moreover, the current deep-sea fleet has also been driven away, and when the sisters return to the port area, they will have to rely on this deep-space transport plane.

And if I beat her down now, what would my commander think of me? It would definitely leave a bad impression in the commander's heart.

"I can bear it, I can bear it, I can bear it! I can bear it! I can bear it! When I return to the port area, I will clean you up again! You dead blue bird, you wait for my mother!" Datang looked at this nasty transport plane, I also thought fiercely in my heart.

At this moment, the blue bird, through the vision of the transport plane, also saw all the expressions on the Datang, and naturally chose to ignore it, continuing to control the transport plane, flying above her head and around her.

After she had flown enough, she hovered the transport plane over the Datang's head and said:
"Hey, the skin of this deep-sea monster that can dive seems to be much crisper than the ones you shot. I just dropped two tons of depth charges and it was gone. It's not fun."

"There are also those deep-sea submarine girls, why are there none left? They run faster than rabbits, so boring!"

In order to deal with these deep-sea submarines and these deep-sea flagships that can dive, Jiang Ran asked Jade Bird to load her transport with hundreds of tons of anti-submarine weapons.

As a result, he watched from space and killed a giant octopus?How can this make Jade Bird happy?
And those deep-sea submarine girls didn't seem to show up in this battle, and I didn't hunt any of them.

"Okay, okay, don't complain, the deep-sea fleet should not be far away now, let's hurry up and chase it."

The Datang ignored Jade Bird's complaints, thinking that the surface ship girls should have supplies by now, and began to make suggestions.

Now that you have come out to fight, then try to completely wipe out the opponent, that's the right thing to do.

"Well, I still have a lot of fuel for this transport plane, so it shouldn't be a problem. It would be best if I could spot a few deep-sea submarines, and then they would be sunk by me."

"By the way, you dead blue bird, when will you take your plane off my head? If you don't take it away, I'll shoot your plane down!"

Feeling the transport plane that has been parked on top of her head, Miss Datang is very angry now.

"Oh, it's true that our little baby is tired from flying, if you borrow your head to rest, you will die."

Jade Bird complained a bit, but still controlled her transport plane to leave the top of the Datang.

"Also, your hair hasn't been washed for a few days, it's so oily, it makes me want to stop on top of your head, hum, cheapskate!"


After hearing what Jade Bird said, Datang Hao almost turned her nose upside down, but how can she be a match for the eloquent Jade Bird who is not good at words?
"You two, stop making trouble. The fleeing fleet seems to have disappeared. This is a satellite image. You can take a look!"

Just when the Datang was about to take out its own laser to shoot down the Jade Bird's plane, the voice of Yuanwang [-] came from the communication channel.

"Could it be optical invisibility again?" Ning Ning and the others looked at the satellite image and frowned.

After all, the data links are interlinked, and naturally those ship girls who are still with the White Eagle Fleet can see it.

"No, just now I have scanned many times with the quantum radar on the satellite, but I didn't find any trace of them. I just saw that you were still fighting at that time, so I didn't tell you."

"Probably ran back to the big world opened up by the Siren. Let's stop here for today. You all worked hard. After you get the materials we consumed this time from the White Eagle, come back. "

Looking at the situation in front of him, Jiang Ran also hurriedly said.

After all, he still understands the reason why the poor should not chase after him. If he continues to chase like this and provokes the sirens behind the deep sea, it will be troublesome.

Moreover, anyway, this battle has basically eliminated most of the surface ships in the deep sea on the eastern side of the Blue Star. The results have already met expectations, and they can definitely let their girls go home.

I have been fighting for so long, and my girls are a little tired, so let them have a good rest.

"Okay, Commander, sisters, send me your location coordinates, and I will control the transport plane to pick you up!"

"Okay, I can finally go home, hey, Sister Qingniao, these are my coordinates."

"And mine, hooo, I miss the little bed in my room."

"Oh, I'm so useless, how long have you been out, and you're starting to miss home?"

"Get out, die for me!"


After listening to their commander's words, the ship girls all seemed very happy and quickly sent their coordinate information to Qingniao.

"Got it, I'll come pick you up right away, really, I'm almost becoming a full-time driver."

After Qingniao received the coordinates of these sisters, he didn't say anything more. Instead, he directly controlled his Y-50 deep space transport plane and began to head towards the place where these ship girls were.

After all, the ships are all lined up on the sea in battle formation. Under such circumstances, the distance between ships is very large, at least a distance of more than ten kilometers.

The most important thing is that because of the supply relationship, these ship girls are located one by one, and the formation is all disrupted. They no longer gather together and maintain formation as before.

Because of this, Jade Bird controls its own transport plane, after several laps over such a huge fleet.

Only then, under the envious eyes of those White Eagle girls, all boarded the plane, then took off, and flew towards the port area.

"Let's go. Remember, the resources consumed this time, including those Dongfeng 41 strategic nuclear missiles, total 400 million. Please bring them to us another day!"

After boarding the plane, Ning Ning also kept reminding these White Eagle girls on the public communication channel.

It is said to be a reminder, but it is actually more of a warning. After all, this group of people backtracked not once or twice.

Although the ship girls are unlikely to do this, but they can't stand the commander behind them.

"Don't worry, it won't happen. The supplies will definitely be safely delivered to the commander-in-chief's port area." How could Carl Wenpi not understand the meaning of Ning Ning's words?
At the same time, a wry smile appeared in her heart. Obviously, she was being ripped off by someone, but when she thought of the scene where the other party easily killed three deep-sea giant beasts, she could only swallow the bitter fruit silently up.

"Well, it's good that I don't forget, okay, let's go, see you later." Fu Wei and others waved at these White Eagle girls, and boarded the deep space transport plane.

"Slow down, don't send it off!" Carl Wenpi and the other White Eagle girls looked at the transport plane and waved their hands expressionlessly.

After all, my own port was bombed. Although the enemy has been repelled, I have to pay an additional 400 million yuan in supplies. Who can be happy with this?

Of course, in the hearts of these White Eagle girls, there were not many complaints about extorting their supplies.

After all, even with the strength of our own navy, we can still repel this large deep-sea fleet.

But the result is that it will be so easy, but will fight to the death with that deep-sea fleet. At that time, these ship girls and commanders don't know how much they will sacrifice.

You know, after getting the news of the attack on Zhuzhu Port, the White Eagle's ship wife and commanders have all made a desperate decision to fight the Deep Sea Fleet.

There are even some commanders who have relatives, wives and children, and they have already written their suicide notes.

But now, not only did I not spend a single soldier, but I just took out 400 million supplies to solve this matter. What else are they not satisfied with?

In the world of the ship girl, there is a default rule, that is, when hitting the deep sea.

If a port area accepts the help of another port area, then the port area being assisted will have to bear all the material consumption of the other party, and add [-]% as remuneration to the port area that helped itself.

It is precisely because of this that these girls who are usually very black-bellied and eccentric, how can they let this opportunity go?

Therefore, he hastily exaggerated his own losses and consumption a lot, and even made a financial statement to give to the White Eagle Fleet girls for reimbursement.

After talking to his commander, Jiang Ran just had an indifferent attitude towards this kind of thing, and just let them make up their own minds.

Of course, Jiang Ran is very clear about the virtues of these girls in his family, so he reminded them not to blackmail them too much.

As for the reminder from their own commander, these girls also patted their small breasts and agreed repeatedly.

"Oh, Commander, we're going to do something, so you just have to be 1 worried."

Jiang Ran rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and thought, "It's you who are doing things, so I don't worry about it!"

However, Jiang Ran didn't intend to take care of these small things. Anyway, now that he has Yongshu Island, he is not short of supplies or anything, so let these girls do whatever they want, as long as they are happy.

Moreover, although these girls look weird, if they are really asked to do something serious, they are still very reliable, and they will not really screw things up.

So, these girls opened their own communication channel in the port area, and after summarizing, they decided to ask the White Eagle Ship girls to come up with 400 million in supplies.

The 400 million supplies did not come out of these girls' brains and then slapped their heads.

It is the best figure obtained after repeated calculations by Uranus and Yuanwang [-], and the inventory of White Eagle before the attack and the materials needed to rebuild Piggy Island according to the data. .

This number, while making the White Eagle's commander and shipwives feel heartbroken, is also within their tolerance.

Moreover, it won't affect Baiying and the others' rebuilding work in Zhuzhugang.

"Hey, not only did we not waste any supplies, but we also made so much money. It's really good. I like helping other ship girls fight in the deep sea. After all, helping others is a traditional virtue of our flower growers. Woolen cloth."

Changchun and a group of girls now, as long as they think of Baiying's 400 million supplies, they will be very happy now.

At the same time, it seems that these girls have completely changed into the shape of small money in those big watery eyes.

"Okay, okay, what's the matter, let's talk about it later when you get to the port area, now my plane is about to speed up and enter the atmosphere, so sit still!"

Just when the girls were still happy, the melodious voice of the blue bird came from the communication channel.

After all, this sea area is close to [-] kilometers away from the port area. If it flies slowly like an ordinary airliner, I don't know how long it will take to fly.

It's better to enter the atmosphere directly and fly at a top speed of Mach 33. In this case, you will be able to return to the port area soon.

And after listening to Qingniao's words, these ship girls stopped chirping, but sat upright one by one.

After all, the acceleration brought about by the speed of Mach 33 is no joke, although it won't be a big problem on the ship's mother.

However, it would be better to sit upright, at least it can relieve a little pressure, right?
The Y-50 deep-space transport plane, under the control of Jade Bird, also landed in the port area soon.

"I'm finally back. I'm exhausted from the battle just now. Now I'm going to sleep happily."

After returning to the port area, the ship girls started chattering again.

(End of this chapter)

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